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What things irritate you irrationally?

393 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 16:03

for me it is people who dont say thank you when you step of the pavement into the road so that they can get past.
people who step on the back of your shoe and dont apologise.
and people who dont use caps correctly

and im sure i will be back with more!

OP posts:
tori32 · 28/06/2008 21:42

People who don't thank you when you let them past when they are on the traffic side that doesn't have the right of way.
Parents who when their child does something like running riot in a pub/restaurant say 'don't do that please darling' in a softly voice.
People with short arms and long pockets on a night out!
Parents who give parties for their 2 yo and expect a present but don't get one for my dd just because she hasn't had a party- its like you have to pay to attend iyswim.

StressTeddy · 28/06/2008 21:43

Sian Lloyd the weather girl. I really don't know why - just seems to madden me

tori32 · 28/06/2008 21:44

people who park in P and T spots with no/ children over primary school age.

Bink · 28/06/2008 21:44

I always come on these threads just to see if anyone else hates sniffing/crisp-masticating/gum-chewing as much as I do

In fact I think I knew dh was the one when once, early on, he was describing something viscerally infuriating and he said it was like "hearing an apple being eaten by someone whom you do not love"

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 21:44

dh grabbing the laptopwhen im mning working on it and am midpostassignment

OP posts:
bluefox · 28/06/2008 21:51

When someone says "can I get" when asking for something in a shop instead of "may I have".

Anyone who says they have "brought"
something when they mean "bought".

Anyone driving well below the speed limit and holding up a queue of traffic behind them.

Political Correctness.

Benefit scroungers.

deanychip · 28/06/2008 21:55

you know when you are walking along, then some one stops dead in front of you, for no apparent reason.

get out of the fucking way you dozzy twat.

dog shit.

people who are walking together in a row, dead slow, so that you cannot get past them, blocking the whole corridoor or path.

get out of the fucking way, you selfish twats.

when i answer the phone and the fuckwit on the other end doesnt say hello, kiss my arse but says "is xxx there?" no please or thnkyou.

learn some manners you thick fucking twat.

old people who look at you like you have had a shit in thier front gardens when i walk past their houses.

deanychip · 28/06/2008 21:57

people driving at 20mph in a 30, jeez

erm, think af is out to get me some time soonish.
slopes off in a red misty haze

deanychip · 28/06/2008 21:57


scrappydappydoo · 28/06/2008 21:59

Other drivers on the road - don't they realise I own the road??
Competitive parenting.... no your dc are not as fantastic as mine..
dh doing things that are a priority to him like washing the car and not things that are a priority to me like decorating dds bedroom.

Although i have to say - my dd constantly has a snotty nose despite me chasing her around with a tissue - so apologies but I cannot spend all day doing it so sometimes it does just run

stillovefoxes · 28/06/2008 22:01

People that purposely repeat previous posts .. shows a distinct lack of originality

bluefox · 28/06/2008 22:02

This 'gifted and talented' business - complete and utter twaddle.

ranting · 28/06/2008 22:06

Women who don't wear a properly fitting bra and jiggle all over the place, makes me want to shake them and shout 'Buy yourself a proper bra'

And those people that have always got to best you, you know the sort;

You; Oh baby mushroom did a back flip today.
Them; Oh that's nothing my little arsewipe, came out of the womb doing back flaps.

Steady on love, you don't get a prize.

chocbutton · 28/06/2008 22:07

repeating some of these but here goes......
dawdlers on pavements, especially at lunch time - I get path rage with people only internal path rage BTW, don't actually shove people out of the way
people leaving chewing gum in ashtrays - feel physically sick writing this on never mind seeing it
DH leaving his shoes right where he took them off, just inside the front door so I can't get in - I take pleasure in kicking them sometimes
shop assistants who put your change on the counter when you have your hand held out
stupid work speak like 'blue sky thinking', 'vanilla', loads more but can't think of them just now
DH leaving the teeniest drop of milk in the carton in the fridge because he is too lazy to rinse it for recycling, so says "it isn't empty yet"

I could go on and on, I am always saying to myself that I just need to calm down...

goingslowlymad · 28/06/2008 22:09

Ilovemydog. Your dog does stink. All dogs stink. It's a smell that is unmistakable when you walk into the home of a dog owner. I can smell dog at a hundred paces.

Elasticwoman · 28/06/2008 22:12

Nothing. All my irritations are perfectly rational.

LuckyStrike · 28/06/2008 22:15

Staghorn coral

ilovemydog · 28/06/2008 22:18

goingslowlymad - you're right. I'm in denial. My dogs smell and my house smells.

Anything else?

bearmama · 28/06/2008 22:18
bearmama · 28/06/2008 22:18
stillovefoxes · 28/06/2008 22:23

People that are obsessive about the smell of dogs

MERLYPUSS · 28/06/2008 22:30

Dried flowers and pot pouri (sp). A load of old dead shite in a jar.


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Quattrocento · 28/06/2008 22:34

There are so many!

  1. People who split infinitives. They deserve shooting. Especially Sainsburys.

  1. Abusers of apostrophes. They deserve shooting as well.

  1. People who talk to their children too loudly as though the children are dimwitted (which of course they may be) or as though they are acting a part. I'm not sure they deserve shooting but probably they do deserve having their vocal chords removed.

  1. Pecople called Tiffany. They definitely deserve shooting.

  1. People who eat before everyone at the table is served. They probably deserve to be choked to death.
Quattrocento · 28/06/2008 22:39

I forgot to mention people who don't scoop the poop. They deserve being force-fed the poop until they die. Fitting, no?

MERLYPUSS · 28/06/2008 22:39

People who say 'somethink' and 'anythink'.
People who say 'I turned round and said....' 'and he turned round and said....' Bunch of spinning fools.
ARRRGGGG Also 'At the end of the day ....' It gets bloody dark FFS

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