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What things irritate you irrationally?

393 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 16:03

for me it is people who dont say thank you when you step of the pavement into the road so that they can get past.
people who step on the back of your shoe and dont apologise.
and people who dont use caps correctly

and im sure i will be back with more!

OP posts:
goingslowlymad · 28/06/2008 17:21

people who have an unhealthy passion for cleaning their car. Have they got nothing better to do with their time?

moshie · 28/06/2008 17:25

people that don't update their threads after asking for advice-what happened, what did you do? Please.

moshie · 28/06/2008 17:25

people that don't update their threads after asking for advice-what happened, what did you do? Please.

Hassled · 28/06/2008 17:30

Loads and loads of things including:

  • parents who let their kids run around with noses caked in snot,
  • queueing,

-pavement cyclists,
  • dog poo, whether on the pavement or swinging from a bag,
  • people who let their toddlers practice walking on busy narrow pavements.
falcon · 28/06/2008 17:33

People who don't like animals, especially cats.

Baby on Board stickers.

People coming into the kitchen while I'm baking or even making a cup of tea.

When people stop the microwave before the timer goes off and leave it like that so it says 00:10

Parents who sit there saying don't do that, come here, stop it for 10 minutes with little result, get off your backside please!

People playing music on the bus without headphones, almost invariably it's that god awful happy hardcore 'music'.

People who try to convince me to try a drink, I won't even taste the alcohol, yes I bloody will!

And friends who insist on going to the loo with you when you're out. I don't need or appreciate the company at that time.

quickdrawmcgraw · 28/06/2008 17:40

people who parent loudly. 'now darling I know you're an excellent climber, in fact you got a badge at the local climbing wall and your picture in the paper but pleeeese get down off the cereal shelf.'

people who talk but don't ask questions.

people who change t's of d's in the middle of words. Sadurday, keddle, etc. sort of faux American accent.

StealthPolarBear · 28/06/2008 17:41

the word "buggy"

TheProvincialLady · 28/06/2008 17:43

Speaking too loudly
People who leave half a cm of tea or coffee at the bottom of their cup
A lot of other things, I'm a right miserable cuss

StealthPolarBear · 28/06/2008 17:44

people who talk in a poncey way about proper coffee and proper chocolate. Call me a pleb but I'll have a cup of instant and a Dairy Milk.
(inspired by Fruit n Nut post, obviously)

StealthPolarBear · 28/06/2008 17:45

Provincial - me too!! I never do it, neither does DH so I end up slopping their dregs across my floor as it never even occurred to me there would be some left

WideWebWitch · 28/06/2008 17:48

I am irrationally irritated by people using the button on the top of a computer mouse to whizz up and down a page they're looking at. Dunno why, drives me mad

Poor service also makes me irritated, it's not that bloody hard

StealthPolarBear · 28/06/2008 17:48

people who start threads like this when I'm trying to tidy the kitchen and mop the floor

MsBombastic · 28/06/2008 17:48

Many of these had before but here goes:

  • Sniffing. And tots with runny noses. And tots with food round their mouths sometime after they have finished eating.

  • Guests who hover in kitchen while you are serving up. And try and clear the table for you when you know that the dishwasher is already full and there is nowhere in the damned kitchen for them to put the stuff....

  • Newsreaders (or their scriptwriters) who don't seem to have a basic grasp of grammar.

  • Shop assistants who look pissed off that you are daring to interrupt their chat by actually trying to buy something.

  • People with no spacial (sp?) awareness.

  • People who spell things wrong when, like the rest of us they have access to spellcheck .

  • Many who are smartly dressed in work suits but have really crap/unclean/unheeled shoes on.

  • Adults and kids who eat everything with just right hand and a fork. Just seems like a shovel to me.

Pause for breath.....
MsBombastic · 28/06/2008 17:50

Sorry, that penultimate one should be 'Men who are smartly dresssed.....'

falcon · 28/06/2008 17:55

I forgot one, this is work related.

People who say ''will he be long?'' when told that a colleague is on the phone.

How the hell would I know, he's hardly going to say 'Falcon, I'm going to make a call now, it'll last approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Ambi · 28/06/2008 17:57

Getting cut up by White van men

beeping my horn 5 times only to realise it sounds like a clown horn and the pissed off effect is replaced by a comedy noise.

toilet seat being left up.

spotty kids who serve me in shops with a glazed look in their eyes.

Being called love by someone I don't know.
People who stop in front of you in the streets for no reason, though now having the buggy makes it all worthwhile.

telephone marketing calls

jehovahs witnesses knocking on

people who force flyers on you when walking through a door
All adverts.

Ambi · 28/06/2008 18:06

oh falcon, yes answering the phone at work,
Me: Good Morning, Workplacex
caller: Hi can I speak to Tim?
me: we don't have a Tim here, is it workplacex you're looking for?
caller: No, I wanted diffco ltd.
Me: you have the wrong number, this is workplacex ltd.
Caller: well this is the number I've been given.
me: its bloody wrong
caller: do you have the number?
me: FFS, this isn't feckin directory enquiries numbnuts!

I don't think its irrational to be pissed off at stupid people.

Shoshe · 28/06/2008 18:13

Parents who stand in the classroom doorway, tryingto put things intheir kids bookbags at pick up time,


Drives me batty, even worse when they have a pushchair with them too.

squeaver · 28/06/2008 18:16

People who walk slowly.

People who stop at the bottom of the escalator on the tube.

The expression "sit down" used to mean "talk about" e.g. "are we going to sit down about x?" "yes we're sitting down later". WTF???

But more than all of that: chewing gum. I hate seeing it in people's mouths. I hate seeing it on the pavement. I hate, hate, hate being offered something out a warm packet removed from a jeans pocket. And most of all, I hate it when people rip off a small piece of paper and take a disgusting bit of white excrement out of their mouths and then wrap it up.

In short, I hate chewing gum.

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 18:28

lol squeaver

OP posts:
evenhope · 28/06/2008 18:32

People (women) in public toilets who, having washed their hands, start flapping them about. I do not want to be splattered thank you. Either shake them gently in the basin, or not at all.

People who stand right behind you in a queue so you can feel their breath on your neck.

The next customer at the supermarket who moves up to stand by the PIN machine before you've paid.

Drivers who deliberately get in the wrong lane so they can jump the queue.

Groups of schoolkids on ferries and at public attractions, with no teacher in sight.

DH picking his ears in the car and jabbing me in the head with his elbow.

BouncingTurtle · 28/06/2008 18:44

Feckless benefit scroungers.
Not, not really just teasing

Things that irritate me include... my husband dumping his clothes on the floor next to the chair I've put next to his side of the bed for putting his clothes on.
People who don't say excuse me and then just shove past you obviously failing to notice that people don't generally have eyes in the backs of their heads.
People who knock instead of ringing the doorbell.


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Ambi · 28/06/2008 18:55

LOL bt, that could have been a bit heated!

2point4kids · 28/06/2008 18:56

Windscreen wipers on parked cars that are half way across the screen!

Clingy children

Drivers that do not thank you when you let them out

kiddiz · 28/06/2008 18:58

When my dh says "have we paid the credit card/gasbill/car tax etc.". I always do it, we never do.

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