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What things irritate you irrationally?

393 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 16:03

for me it is people who dont say thank you when you step of the pavement into the road so that they can get past.
people who step on the back of your shoe and dont apologise.
and people who dont use caps correctly

and im sure i will be back with more!

OP posts:
scottishmum007 · 18/07/2008 19:59

people that don't indicate their intentions on the road

bran · 18/07/2008 20:03

The title song for 'Live and let die' annoys me beyond all reason because it contains the phrase "this ever-changing world in which we live in". I get terribly agitated and want to turn it off before that bit of the song comes on.

ScottishMummy · 18/07/2008 20:04

posh kids with affected street accents dis and dat(is that mockney)

people who punctuate sentences d'ya know what i mean, when you don't know care what they mean

chewing gum

scottishmum007 · 18/07/2008 20:06

oh and all the eco friendly crap that is sprouted from the Cbeebies channel. it's just over powering.
and pet cats i find extremely annoying, they are so sleekit.

andlipsticktoo · 18/07/2008 20:12

When a skinny friend of mine says she can still fit into her clothes from Primary School... wtf!

Car drivers who try to knock me off my bike.

My entire family when they don't stand up their electric toothbrushes so they clutter up the sink and leave white toothpaste stains everywhere.... aaggh that really gets to me! ok so I may have OCD!

potatofactory · 18/07/2008 20:28

I used to have a friend who would deliberately suggest too-skimpy clothes for me if we went clothes-shopping, or bring things blatantly 2 sizes too small to the changing room, etc. I think it made her feel good about her own super-svelte frame. We aren't friends any more, after she paraded in front of my boyfriend in her knickers once too often (we lived together at the time!!!)

Silly cow. Sorry, off the subject a little, I know.

MERLYPUSS · 18/07/2008 21:27

Serving suggestions on cereal boxes etc.
Cornflakes in a stripy bowl, lasagne with a sprig of parsley. Ooh I'd never have thought of that.

StealthPolarBear · 18/07/2008 22:13

The milk always has to be in a china jug - never straight out of the carton. Does anyone do that?

jellybelly2007 · 18/07/2008 23:26

When you see someone coming and stand and hold the door open, and they just bleaze through without a thankyou, a backwards glance or a kiss my arse, as if it's their god given right that you should be there for their convenience! AARRRGGGGHH!!!!

When DH 'washes' the dishes, and leaves food on them - If you're not gonna do it properly, then dont bother.

DH 'helping' by tipping basket of clean clothes across our bed, that I only find as I'm going to bed, therefore having to sort them out when I'm knackered. (dont bother now, just shove them all on his side - he soon stopped that )

Seeing someone scratch their arse and sniff their fingers

When disabled people park in P&T space as no disabled space available. You wouldnt like it if we did it, would you?

Definatley agree with headbands on bald babies - ridiculous.

emj23 · 19/07/2008 00:34

These are really unreasonably irrational and pointless but anyway...

People who say 'marshMELLOW' instead of mallow.

A sign in a shop the other day that read 'Have you seen our upstair's'. Why would anyone think that needed an apostrophe?

People who put cream on desserts that already have cream in them, eg profiteroles.

hez011 · 19/07/2008 08:26

agree with lots already mentioned especially spitting - yuk and chewing gum - double yuk

people sounding their horns to attract attention instead of getting out of their cars and knocking on the door
people who sound their horns whilst tearing down our narrow road - JUST SLOW DOWN
Kids instead of children - am I a snob?
people who say i tried to call you on your mobile but you didn't answer - i am not a doctor on call perhaps i just don't want to be tied to the phone all the time
people without shirts on in offices and public buildings ie hospitals ( am in Cyprus )
happy loving expat couples doing supermarket shop together and just dithering
very grumpy and too hot old bag in cyprus

scootermum · 19/07/2008 08:47

DH leaving his water glass, empty from the night before on his bedside table.I once left it there to see what would happen.He bought a new one up for three nights and left every single one there, till there was no more room and he had to transfer one to the window ledge-and still he did not take them downstairs.

DH leaving his empty bottles (of shampoo, deoderant, whatever) in the bathroom and starting new ones.There is a bin in the bathroom.Put the empty ones in it.

Poor DH.I must be a very nagging wife

PheasantPlucker · 19/07/2008 10:07

Sitting here reading the paper..... Just remembered.... photos of Carol Midgley, doing that ridiculous smile. Makes me hate her. Which is totally irrationally, she might well be a lovely human being!

Oh, and people telling me

a) 'God only gives special needs children to special people'

b) 'I can really understand how it must be for you have dd1 with SN' (CP can't walk, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, still in nappies at 7, vis impairment,etc etc) because, know what, I don't think they do! (And this makes me a cow, I know, I know)

I feel better for that.......

PheasantPlucker · 19/07/2008 10:08

'IRRATIONAL' - obviously

wishfort · 19/07/2008 12:07

I've just experienced this one.

People who tell you you look tired when you haven't said you're tired, in fact you were feeling OK. It's not like they're going to do your ironing for you, or marking in my case.
Smug twats.

Pinions · 19/07/2008 13:26

Anything -- bull terrier.

ipanemagirl · 19/07/2008 13:58

People who talk with their mouths full.

DownyEmerald · 22/07/2008 13:52

People who mow the grass between their garden wall/fence and the road. (obviously if they own it that's ok, but I've never owned that bit on any house I've owned).

People who plant daffodils (it's always b daffodils on said bit of land, or around the name sign for their village - it's not a b garden, it's countryside, a tiny verge strip bit of countryside but still countryside!

People who dump their garden rubbish over their fence into the countryside. What do they think they are doing!

Bet no one else has these

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