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What things irritate you irrationally?

393 replies

OracleInaCoracle · 28/06/2008 16:03

for me it is people who dont say thank you when you step of the pavement into the road so that they can get past.
people who step on the back of your shoe and dont apologise.
and people who dont use caps correctly

and im sure i will be back with more!

OP posts:
maidamess · 28/06/2008 18:59

Angelina Jolie

MsBombastic · 28/06/2008 19:02

The length of time my dh takes to brush his teeth. Totally unreasonable bless him...he has very clean teeth.

The fact that my dh can go to sleep in about 4 and a half seconds from head hitting pillow, whereas it can take me 4 and a half hours! Not his fault, but I feel he is just rubbing it in.

maidamess · 28/06/2008 19:04

The way every time dh has to collect the boys from school I get asked "What time do they finsh again?"

Yet he can recite Portsmouth Fc's score history from 1915-2008.

Nappyzoneneedsanewname · 28/06/2008 19:09

People who park next to me at school then have there dance music on so loud my car shakes. I wanted to get out and shout at someone the other day for this but was to scared as she looked a toot scarey in her posh car.

dustyteddy · 28/06/2008 19:10

Dirty toys at toddler groups and dirty highchairs in restaurants.

Rude children, who don't say please or thank you ever.

children's toys that play music that is out of tune (gah...I really hate that!)

stillovefoxes · 28/06/2008 19:11

Maidamess sounds exactly like my dp, everytime I ask him to do something he asks a thousand questions that he should know the answer to ..why?!

I swear he does it on purpose so I don't ask him to do things

goingslowlymad · 28/06/2008 19:14

My husband, who tidies as soon as he walks through the door, even if there is nothing worth tidying.

My husband, when he serves up the dinner then spends 20 minutes tidying the kitchen before he sits down and teh rest of us are finished.

My husband, who gets annoyed when the children start making a noise and mess after dinner while he is still trying to eat.

falcon · 28/06/2008 19:16

I can't believe I forgot this one.

People singing out of context, that's anyone signing who isn't busking, on the radio or someone that I'm not paying to listen to.

I detest people singing, and particuarly when singing along to the radio.

StealthPolarBear · 28/06/2008 19:34

"People who knock instead of ringing the doorbell. "
oooh yes, and it's never a polite knock, they're always battering the door as if your house is burning down.
I'm going to have to hide this thread, it's not good for my blood pressure

lazarou · 28/06/2008 19:54

The neighbours neglecting their garden and allowing their fence post, which is joined to ours, to flap about in the wind.

The other neighbours having a big party in their garden. Where was my invite?

A friend of mine has a particular hatred for people who say 'Ere! Ow's yer babby?'

People on facebook updating their status every five seconds 'so and so is having a cup of tea, so and so is going shopping, so and so is having a poo, etc'

CrazyMofo · 28/06/2008 19:57

yes snotty children is a no no.

Loud eaters


Children who stare

Snobby children

CrazyMofo · 28/06/2008 19:59

oh yeah and people who swear in front of my child!!!

MindingMum · 28/06/2008 20:12

People who allow their children to interrupt them when they are talking without pointing out that it's really rude - this one sends my blood pressure through the roof

Performing children

Spending an hour preparing dinner only to serve it at the table and be greeted by "Mum, you know I don't like this" or "oh no, not this again!"

Elderly folks repeating themselves - not the ones with dementia, the ones who feel the need to sat everything twice!!

Neeerly3 · 28/06/2008 20:15

other people eating
other people eating

I think I actually have issues as i get properly angry with DH or the DC's when they get hiccups. When I am feeling rational I leave the room until they have got rid of them, if I am irrational (like now since I am pregs), I scream and shout for them to stop and THEN stomp off out of the room.

I used to punch my sister when we were kids until she stopped because she was crying....

bearmama · 28/06/2008 21:13

Noisy eating, esp crisps.

2 for 1 offers in supermarkets always being for crap like coke and crisps and never anything I want or need.

People walking overhead.

Hearing tinny beats spilling out of earphones

People walking really slowly on narrow pavements.

The noise of lawnmowers.

People in call sentres calling me by my first name.

Oh and the thing that REALLY winds me up is all the adverts for mobile phones based services - ringtones for £3 per week??? Find your perfect match by texting someone's name.Have a famous person "answer" your phone. All that crap.

bearmama · 28/06/2008 21:15

Call centres


Jingling change in pockets

Cryptoprocta · 28/06/2008 21:17

Smokers. Smoking makes you selfish. Hate it.

quickdrawmcgraw · 28/06/2008 21:18

goingslowlymad - I think your dh and mine were seperated at birth. When dh is tidying while we're eating I'm amazed I don't bite through my fork I get so annoyed.

pattymc · 28/06/2008 21:20

sorry I might be repeating someone else but what really winds me up is when people insist on packing all their shopping away into bags before slowly getting their wallet out and slowly searching for a card to pay for their shopping. I'm thinking GET A MOVE ON! sorry, irrational but I am impatient. I always get my card out at the beginning so I can pay quickly and keep the queue moving quickly. Im getting annoyed just writing about it!!!

wulfricsmummy · 28/06/2008 21:31

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wulfricsmummy · 28/06/2008 21:31

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wulfricsmummy · 28/06/2008 21:32

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ilovemydog · 28/06/2008 21:33

elbows on tables

wulfricsmummy · 28/06/2008 21:33

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ilovemydog · 28/06/2008 21:34

and my dog isn't smelly

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