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weird text from lady on facebook marketplace. Now I don't know if I was U?

262 replies

Sneezecakesmama · 28/10/2021 18:34

I couldn't find my umbrella so decided on buying one off FB marketplace.
Found a nice Joules one for £15 and asked to buy it.
At 09.12 am had the conversation via messenger and agreed to buy. She said it would be on the doorstep and put the money through the letterbox. Fine by me.
I asked what time was convenient and she replied no later than 12.15 as she was going out and gave me the address. I said I would be there at 12.
At 11am I found my umbrella (DH had it) so messaged her at 11.12 am to apologise and say I didn't need it after all, but thank you very much.
She replied
Is this a joke I have changed my plans plus taken item off eBay!!!?
I am fuming Angry reported and informed police as you have our address plus our plans!! Very odd

It was literally 2 hours so why take it off eBay? She hadn't changed her plans and why that level of aggression?

Was I really being as unreasonable as she says? Genuinely confused!

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Am I being unreasonable?

1427 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Duchess379 · 28/10/2021 19:47

Massive over reaction! I buy & sell all the time on marketplace. People do change their minds. You gave her notice so I don't see the problem.. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lizlou85 · 28/10/2021 19:47


I get both sides to this. I don't sell on eBay but doesn't it have a "pending" option like FAcebook market place?
If I'm selling to someone on Facebook I give out the next road so they know where to head and then when they message to say on way, I give the correct details.
I've been message around by both sellers and buyers. Brought something turned up to collect it and woman said she had no recollection of agreeing the sale, but her face matched her profile picture.

That's messed around.
Gwenhwyfar · 28/10/2021 19:48


I'd be mildly irritated if I was her no more than that.

I think for me it would depend whether I wanted to be somewhere else at that time. If I'd not done something else to stay home to wait for OP I'd be fuming.
Sneezecakesmama · 28/10/2021 19:49


I get the eBay thing now, but its simple to relist and costs nothing

It does cost money to list items on ebay Confused

No it doesn't!
OP posts:
katnyps · 28/10/2021 19:50

People keep talking about FB and eBay - am I the only person who uses gumtree?!

Sneezecakesmama · 28/10/2021 19:51


Grin oh dear op, you seem to have upset Facebook and mumsnet all in one day !

She will get over it.

I think I'm about as bothered as upsetting the strange woman Grin
OP posts:
TableFlowerss · 28/10/2021 19:52

All this over a £15 umbrella ☂ that’s why I just give stuff to charity. Couldn’t be bothered with the haste’s for such minimal amounts….

TableFlowerss · 28/10/2021 19:53


Calendulaaaaa · 28/10/2021 19:54


People keep talking about FB and eBay - am I the only person who uses gumtree?!

Calendulaaaaa · 28/10/2021 19:54

What's her address OP I'll burgle her

LittleDandelionClock · 28/10/2021 19:59


A bit of an OTT reaction from her, but YABU, and are a timewaster. As a pp said, why didn't you just buy the umbrella anyway? Everyone needs more than one!

SusieBob · 28/10/2021 20:01

Perhaps an overreaction but you were a bit of a dick to mess her around.

Jamallama · 28/10/2021 20:02

No, not obvious except to yourself op.
You say you're not bothered about what she thinks, yet here you are asking for validation.

spongedog · 28/10/2021 20:02

You are being a timewaster. Facebook is the worst for this. At least EBAY is notionally a contract to purchase.

You havent acknowledged at all the mental load. I sell bits through ebay and facebook. Even if you are going out and leaving the item for cash through the door - which I do plenty - you still have to remember to bag the item, label with name (so it is clear to all), leave out. I dont have a covered porch so if the weather is bad I have to pack for poor weather conditions so the item isnt damaged. The communication also takes time.

With 45 mins to go - I have done all of the above. Then you message to say you are not collecting. Just so rude. So I report you to admin for non-collection - in the vain hope that you will be thrown off the site - and then I block you. I loathe facebook marketplace. Even worse when you are offering free items!

AlmostAJillSandwich · 28/10/2021 20:03

Serves her right, it's against ebays t&c to list an item for sale elsewhere as well as on ebay.

Bluntness100 · 28/10/2021 20:03

You’re not buying her brolly because you’re trying to reduce your carbon foot print? 😂

satci · 28/10/2021 20:04


Is it FB or eBay? You can't seem to make your mind up

Quite clear to me!
DrGoogleSaysSo · 28/10/2021 20:05

It's because of people like you that I prefer to give items (even new ones) to charity instead of selling them. I got fed up with time wasters.

BunnytheFriendlyDragon · 28/10/2021 20:06




spongedog · 28/10/2021 20:06


All this over a £15 umbrella ☂ that’s why I just give stuff to charity. Couldn’t be bothered with the haste’s for such minimal amounts….

I havent received maintenance for quite a long time for my DC - the few £s I gained from small sales paid for icecream after school, treats from the bakery, local treats. But yes being messed around is a hassle.
PheasantsNest · 28/10/2021 20:06

You are an annoying time waster.

Sneezecakesmama · 28/10/2021 20:09

[quote LittleDandelionClock]@Sneezecakesmama

A bit of an OTT reaction from her, but YABU, and are a timewaster. As a pp said, why didn't you just buy the umbrella anyway? Everyone needs more than one![/quote]
It meant an hours driving and my bloody carbon footprint excuse again Grin

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Geriatric1234 · 28/10/2021 20:09

The woman totally overreacted. You were verrrry mildly annoying but no big deal. You said sorry.

But fwiw it can cost money to end an auction early on eBay. And can cost money to list items so maybe she was just going cray cray on her sub-headings or something. 😜

MyDcAreMarvel · 28/10/2021 20:09

You are a time waster and gave the lady anxiety.

Wife2b · 28/10/2021 20:13

Of course you were being unreasonable. You messed her around, you committed to buying it and should of followed that agreement. She removed it from eBay in case someone else bought it and she couldn’t fulfil their order. Don’t order on these places if you aren’t prepared to follow through.

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