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weird text from lady on facebook marketplace. Now I don't know if I was U?

262 replies

Sneezecakesmama · 28/10/2021 18:34

I couldn't find my umbrella so decided on buying one off FB marketplace.
Found a nice Joules one for £15 and asked to buy it.
At 09.12 am had the conversation via messenger and agreed to buy. She said it would be on the doorstep and put the money through the letterbox. Fine by me.
I asked what time was convenient and she replied no later than 12.15 as she was going out and gave me the address. I said I would be there at 12.
At 11am I found my umbrella (DH had it) so messaged her at 11.12 am to apologise and say I didn't need it after all, but thank you very much.
She replied
Is this a joke I have changed my plans plus taken item off eBay!!!?
I am fuming Angry reported and informed police as you have our address plus our plans!! Very odd

It was literally 2 hours so why take it off eBay? She hadn't changed her plans and why that level of aggression?

Was I really being as unreasonable as she says? Genuinely confused!

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1427 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
clockledd · 28/10/2021 19:12

That's you off to prison then OP. Crimes against umbrellas. See you on the other side.

Bluskyenonstop · 28/10/2021 19:14

I’m a FB and eBay/ Vinted Depop seller and I would be very fuming and angry if my buyer did the same.
When I give someone my address and they don’t turn up I’m so angry- complete time waster.
I had one of them last week-:woman texted me and absolutely wanted the item-she literally begged me- I took it off eBay and Vinted and arranged my morning so she can pick up.
She never came. I reported her on FB.
Also if someone shows serious interest I always take it off EBay etc so item won’t sell meanwhile.
You were ridiculous.
Imagine if this happen on EBay, would you cancel the transaction before the poor seller has the chance to post it or after they posted it?

Yogawankonobi · 28/10/2021 19:14

Grin oh dear op, you seem to have upset Facebook and mumsnet all in one day !

She will get over it.

stingofthebutterfly · 28/10/2021 19:14

You were unreasonable and she was rightfully pissed off.

If you were that eco conscious you'd have looked for your original umbrella for longer before going to buy another. Can't have been that lost if you found it within an hour or so.

tickledtiger · 28/10/2021 19:15

Op can’t reply any more because she’s in prison.

Seriously though you should have just bought it

Wannakisstheteacher · 28/10/2021 19:17

God I hate Facebook time wasters.

Bagamoyo1 · 28/10/2021 19:18

You’re so worried about your carbon footprint that you bought a new umbrella when you’d barely looked for your lost one!
YABU, you messed her around and I’d be really pissed off too.

Roselilly36 · 28/10/2021 19:18

Storm in a cup, honestly who could get themselves worked up about this.

Cuntness · 28/10/2021 19:20

At least OP let her know she wasn't going anymore. The real time wasters are the no-shows. OP is entitled to change her mind!

Memyselfandfood · 28/10/2021 19:25

I get the eBay thing now, but its simple to relist and costs nothing

It does cost money to list items on ebay Confused

KateTheEighth · 28/10/2021 19:26


It was a lovely umbrella actually and I wish I had collected it, but I am trying to reduce my carbon footprint and not buy unecessary stuff.

Confused It's a second hand umbrella. You were fine with buying it until 45 minutes before collection time. By all means change your mind, but making this into an environmental decision is a bit of a stretch.

Yep - this

Lol at carbon footprint and a second hand brolly
LettertoHermoine · 28/10/2021 19:26

You were very rude.

Firstruleofsoupover · 28/10/2021 19:27

I think she got a scare and reacted because first you seemed willing to buy, then she divulged some information about her plans for the day which showed she was going to be out - and then she got very concerned that perhaps you were a scamster had no intention of buying, simply of burgling her house.

I had a couple of funny ones when I used to sell on Ebay, and my item would sometimes go for a higher price than expected where I'd only mentioned second class postage and no tracking. I felt I ought to put some of the purchase price towards tracking, after they'd bought, as goodwill and surety - and funnily enough these two items (of jewellery) were the only ones where I never got any feedback out of over 100 items. I reckon both were where I could have been told "item never arrived, refund please". Sorry this is only tangentially relevant but I hoped it might help some other Ebayer listing jewellery and in truth some wine has been taken. Over and out.

GaolBhoAlba · 28/10/2021 19:29

I dont think her message is aggressive, she just sounds (justifiably) pissed off. I'd've honoured the sale and then gifted it, or kept it as a spare.

Weirdwonders · 28/10/2021 19:29

OMG the overreactions. You’re NBU OP, I wouldn’t have made an unnecessary journey to buy a brolly I didn’t need either if I found mine. That’s the risk you take selling on marketplace, there’s no obligation to buy so you can’t really rely on it. You didn’t know she’d changed her plans over a brolly so if she did then more fool her.

mayblossominapril · 28/10/2021 19:30

It goes with the territory on market place. I sell loads of stuff and I think I have about 20% of no shows.
I don’t worry about giving out my address because there’s nothing worth taking.
If you’ve only got one umbrella though it would have been a good idea to buy another.

SinisterBumFacedCat · 28/10/2021 19:31

Ask her for the crime number

itsgettingwierd · 28/10/2021 19:32

She was willing to leave it on the doorstep and trust you to post the money?

Yet calls the police because you changed your mind?

I don't blame her for her concern or annoyance but the 2 things don't add up!

TheAverageUser · 28/10/2021 19:32

You should have just bought it, you cancelled on her so late it was rude and annoying.

She totally overreacted though obviously...I think you're safe from the police Smile

WonderfulYou · 28/10/2021 19:33

This is why I don’t sell stuff on FB.
so many people say they’ll have it to get in there first, then decide whether they actually want it or not and let you down.

You were a time waster in this instance.
You said you’d have it as you couldn’t be bothered to have a proper look for your own umbrella and wanted to make sure no one else brought it first. Then when you found it you let her down.

hotmeatymilk · 28/10/2021 19:36

She’s overreacting but you’re the reason FB selling is such a waste of fucking time and why people often think “Fuck it, I’ll just bin it”. Put that in your carbon footprint.

Blackberrybunnet · 28/10/2021 19:39

she I was very unreasonable. you did the right thing by contacting her to cancel sale, I have had several no shows when sales have been agreed, with no contact at all.she was premature in taking it off eBay, but so what? she can put it back on again. think no more about it.


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LaurieSchafferIsAllBitterNow · 28/10/2021 19:40

I hope your umbrella blows inside out and it no good ever again.

Bloody fb timewaster.

Lizlou85 · 28/10/2021 19:42

I get both sides to this. I don't sell on eBay but doesn't it have a "pending" option like FAcebook market place?
If I'm selling to someone on Facebook I give out the next road so they know where to head and then when they message to say on way, I give the correct details.
I've been message around by both sellers and buyers. Brought something turned up to collect it and woman said she had no recollection of agreeing the sale, but her face matched her profile picture.

DoormatBob · 28/10/2021 19:43

You did the same as saying "please reserve it for me and don't sell it to anyone else, I will buy it in 2 hours unless I find mine first". You didn't say that though as you know that would be ridiculously unreasonable!

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