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Why are women with husbands so jealous and hurtful towards other single women?

527 replies

beigebrownblue · 26/09/2021 19:57

Ok. I'm divorced.

I have absolutely ZILCH desire to hook up with a man.

None. Nil. Nichts. Nada.

I have been taking myself out once a week to eat at a local restaurant. Not cheap, but it is the only break I get.

I have noticed that the woman who is mangeress of the restaurant is really off with me and does not seem to be able to accept my presence.

I dress down. For a long time I've not wanted to be noticed by anyone actually. Often I read a book.

Her other half cooks in the kitchen.

Why is it that she insists on being territorial with me, on this one?

Are women so threatened nowadays?

Yes, perhaps her other half has history, but why blame a customer?

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Gwenhwyfar · 26/09/2021 20:49


My guess if she's pissed off you take up a table whilst only paying for food for one person when the table could seat two and they could make double the money?

Cross-posted. Yes, some restaurants just aren't keen on solo diners.
DrSbaitso · 26/09/2021 20:49


I wouldn't go back to a restaurant where the staff were rude to me but if it's near you/the food is great/it's cheap, maybe kill her with kindness with a big smile and say ''I feel like you're mistaking me for somebody you don't like, but you and I have never met before I came here. I'm a happy customer!''

Then walk out and come back again when it suits you.

Oh God, don't do this. She'll think you're a total loon and she'd be right. Eat there or don't eat there and leave it at that.
LadyTiredWinterBottom2 · 26/09/2021 20:51
Bellyups · 26/09/2021 20:51

Do you have an inflated ego OP? Issues with other women? Paranoia?

londonrach · 26/09/2021 20:52

You overthinking eating dinner could have left your husband and ten kids T home to's not because you in your waitress thinking about something to totally you normally think this about people?

TonkinLenkicks · 26/09/2021 20:52

I don’t understand why you think it’s to do with her husband. Can’t she just be an arsehole? Why are you still dining there? So many questions so little time...

Gorl · 26/09/2021 20:52

I don’t think you can extrapolate from one stroppy cow who you don’t even know socially the conclusion that married women are jealous of single women.

SmellyOldOwls · 26/09/2021 20:53

Please don't take my man, Jolene Sad

BeenAsFarAsMercyAndGrand · 26/09/2021 20:57

Unless she's explicitly said something, you appear to have made a MASSIVE leap to assume that she's jealous of you and territorial about her partner.

She has no idea whether you're single or not, surely? You could be away from home for work, and eating out alone for that reason.

It's far more likely that she's just bad at customer service than that she has (a) deduced you are single and (b) decided you are after her bloke.

Bounce55 · 26/09/2021 20:57


I wouldn't go back to a restaurant where the staff were rude to me but if it's near you/the food is great/it's cheap, maybe kill her with kindness with a big smile and say ''I feel like you're mistaking me for somebody you don't like, but you and I have never met before I came here. I'm a happy customer!''

Then walk out and come back again when it suits you.

And then watch her mouth 'wtf?' at you............
LukeEvansWife · 26/09/2021 20:58

How do you know she thinks you want to shag her husband?

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:58

I wouldn't go back to a restaurant where the staff were rude to me but if it's near you/the food is great/it's cheap, maybe kill her with kindness with a big smile and say ''I feel like you're mistaking me for somebody you don't like, but you and I have never met before I came here. I'm a happy customer!''

I’d really advise you don’t do this, but if you do could you video it and post it please? 😃

Figgyboa · 26/09/2021 20:58

Nothing in your post suggests this is the case in this particular situation. How much contact do you have with her partner if he's cooking in the kitchen?

GatoradeMeBitch · 26/09/2021 20:59

So if you still had a husband you would be like this too, or is it just all other married women and you're different?

VladmirsPoutine · 26/09/2021 20:59


Make a sandwich and stay home.
Why continue going to a place where the hostess is threatened by your book learning and hotness

Shoxfordian · 26/09/2021 20:59

And this is all married women? Not just one you’ve met that you think doesn’t like you- stop going there for dinner then.

Bimblybomeyelash · 26/09/2021 21:01

Huh? The woman is rude and doesn’t appear to be good at her job. Why do you assume
That she is being ‘territorial’? Does she leap
In front of you as approach the kitchen to thank the chef?

user1473878824 · 26/09/2021 21:01

Oooh do they have grips on the menu?

RahRahRa · 26/09/2021 21:01

Twice in the last week I’ve had funny looks from women for daring to talk to their husbands. For context, I had my toddler with me both times and absentmindedly chatted to them about kids stuff as I would do the same with another mum. I wasn’t dressed up or anything and am not an oil painting either. I really don’t understand how some women could be so insecure!

user1473878824 · 26/09/2021 21:02


I wouldn't go back to a restaurant where the staff were rude to me but if it's near you/the food is great/it's cheap, maybe kill her with kindness with a big smile and say ''I feel like you're mistaking me for somebody you don't like, but you and I have never met before I came here. I'm a happy customer!''

I’d really advise you don’t do this, but if you do could you video it and post it please? 😃

Oh my god imagine. I second the video.
WeAllHaveWings · 26/09/2021 21:02

She's probably pissed off you are partially occupying a table which could make her more money if full.

Why would she know or give a shit about your relationship status? You are seeing things that are not there.

Porcupineintherough · 26/09/2021 21:02

That is....quite some projection. Unless you are spending your visits gazing longingly at the kitchen and panting.


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Spindrifting · 26/09/2021 21:02

The food must be really good if you keep going back somewhere that has a member of staff being this hostile to you…?

CattingT · 26/09/2021 21:03


user1473878824 · 26/09/2021 21:04

I also eat out alone quite often and have never, ever had this.

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