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Why are women with husbands so jealous and hurtful towards other single women?

527 replies

beigebrownblue · 26/09/2021 19:57

Ok. I'm divorced.

I have absolutely ZILCH desire to hook up with a man.

None. Nil. Nichts. Nada.

I have been taking myself out once a week to eat at a local restaurant. Not cheap, but it is the only break I get.

I have noticed that the woman who is mangeress of the restaurant is really off with me and does not seem to be able to accept my presence.

I dress down. For a long time I've not wanted to be noticed by anyone actually. Often I read a book.

Her other half cooks in the kitchen.

Why is it that she insists on being territorial with me, on this one?

Are women so threatened nowadays?

Yes, perhaps her other half has history, but why blame a customer?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1028 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
KurtWilde · 26/09/2021 20:18

I think you're creating something that isn't there. Some people are just moody. In fact it's a really weird post if I'm honest!

thepeopleversuswork · 26/09/2021 20:18


Honestly I bet she doesnt give a shit about you. You need a better book cos your imagination is running wild


This is a spectacular leap OP. You know nothing about this woman or her marriage.

Even if you did, it would be just one individual.
OverTheRubicon · 26/09/2021 20:19

You're probably reading too much into this situation.

However all the people saying that no way, they're not funny around single women etc... Just ask any divorced woman of your acquaintance how many of her previously-close married female friends dropped her or distanced themselves after the divorce.

For many of us, it's easily half the female friends we know. I was personally shocked, but since have found it's totally common. It doesn't even matter whether or not we're attractive, and happens even if they barely knew the ex and regardless of reasons for the split.

It's a number of reasons, sometimes women want to do 'couple' things, some women feel awkward, others feel like you might be a threat, and there are some husbands who don't like their wives to socialise with divorced women in case we encourage them to do the same (to be fair, I might, as most of these guys are arses).

It's extremely real and very upsetting, and while I think op is probably mistaken, I can understand it, because you get so used to people's negative reactions to single mothers.

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:19

Or she just knows op there’s something off about you from how you interact and she has taken a dislike to you. I wonder what her and her partner say about you.

Susannahmoody · 26/09/2021 20:20

It's the same when I'm at the park with my kids on my own and there's a couple there with their kids. As if I'm scoping out the Dad as a potential mate. Death stare form the mother. Wtaf

Looubylou · 26/09/2021 20:20

It's because you are taking up a table for 2, and reading a book. Do you assume all married woman are jealous of you? Are you sizzling hot?

chutneypig · 26/09/2021 20:20

I regularly eat out on my own. Some places aren’t always thrilled when I ask for a table for one - I’m assuming that’s because I’m inevitably taking up a table for two and inevitably there’s less profit from me.

Susannahmoody · 26/09/2021 20:22

Howling at the blaming the op for having the audacity to eat out alone. Some of the responses on here are incredible

DaisyWaldron · 26/09/2021 20:24

I'm confused by how you could steal away her husband while he is working in the kitchen and you are reading a book and eating at your table. Do you emit some sort of special divorcee pheromones that lure men towards you even from different rooms?

Eeiliethya · 26/09/2021 20:25

🎶 you're so vaaaaaaiiinn
^You probably think this song is about youuuu
You're so vaaaaiiinnn 🎶^

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:26


Howling at the blaming the op for having the audacity to eat out alone. Some of the responses on here are incredible

Whose done that then? Confused

If you’re confused, which it seems you might be, well,you are, they are saying the manageress may not be happy as the op sits and hogs a table reading her book, that’s not blaming her for eating alone

And it’s a more reasonable explanation than her bloke must fancy be something rotten and he’s cheated on her before.
HideousKinky · 26/09/2021 20:26

But how would she know you were divorced?
I often eat out by myself (I did so at lunchtime today) because DH is away a lot but it has never occurred to me that people running the restaurant speculate about my marital status Confused

Vbree · 26/09/2021 20:26

Maybe she's just rude. It's highly unlikely to be anything to do with her husband.

Ragwort · 26/09/2021 20:28

You must know some very odd people if you don't think single women are included in social events; I am married and spend a lot of time with my single friends, we rarely 'entertain' but whenever we have a party we would always include single friends, it wouldn't even cross my mind that they would be interested in my husband or that he would be interested in them Grin.

Maybe some people aren't invited because they just aren't very pleasant to have around, I have acquaintances - both single and married - that I don't include in invitations because I just don't enjoy their company, nothing to do with their marital status. Personally I find single people much more interesting than dull married couples (and yes, I include myself & my DH in that !)

Anotherbrokenairer · 26/09/2021 20:28

Lol. There is either a humongous drip feed or this is a wind up?

What are you talking about??

WellLarDeDar · 26/09/2021 20:29

How can you be sure she thinks you're a threat. Maybe she just doesn't like you. Sure you're not giving off bad vibes? Also. One woman. [Hmm]

OhWhyNot · 26/09/2021 20:30

I have found with some couples you will be left out others thankfully don’t care

I’ve always been a single mum I’m fine with that

It gets tiresome hearing you will meet someone. Often said by a friend who I feel sorry for being with such a dick.

I’m fine on my own. This does threaten some women and probably men as they need to be with someone

It’s something thats often denied on here but so many are in miserable relationships because that are too scared to be alone

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:30

Do you go in like this op?

Cmon give us the drip feed..😃

Why are women with husbands so jealous and hurtful towards other single women?
anon12345678901 · 26/09/2021 20:31


Most of my female friends are single women/mothers.

It's a thing that couples don't invite them.

I could not tell you why that is, but I can tell you that is most definitely something my friends observe.

Yeah, it does happen.
Voice0fReason · 26/09/2021 20:31

Yes, I'm terrified of all single women.
Keep away from my poor defenceless husband.

Or maybe you could just go to a different restaurant.

shouldistop · 26/09/2021 20:31

My mum has a 'friend' who blames being single for her lack of social invitations etc. When really she's just a deeply unpleasant drama llama and that's why people avoid her.

Op, why would you think the manager is jealous or territorial of a diner in her restaurant? That's a strange assumption to make.

MiddleParking · 26/09/2021 20:32

Sorry but everyone dislikes people who go to restaurants and want to be mates with the staff, not just married women.


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MrsTerryPratchett · 26/09/2021 20:32

If you get terrible customer service, don't support her business.

Also, where is the OP?

CandyLeBonBon · 26/09/2021 20:33

Is your name jolene?

BillyBearSpam · 26/09/2021 20:33

The main question is why on earth are you returning regularly, WEEKLY, to an establishment where the main member of staff treats you so poorly?!

I personally wouldn't ever return, and I'd be leaving them a low star review on Google or wherever.

Who knows what's wrong with the woman, maybe that's her personality, maybe she's a miserable cow due to many issues, maybe she's been waiting tables for 100 years and has lost patience. I don't think it's personal, however if you do, then go somewhere else.

I honestly couldn't part with my hard earned money to someone who was rude to me on a weekly basis!!

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