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Why are women with husbands so jealous and hurtful towards other single women?

527 replies

beigebrownblue · 26/09/2021 19:57

Ok. I'm divorced.

I have absolutely ZILCH desire to hook up with a man.

None. Nil. Nichts. Nada.

I have been taking myself out once a week to eat at a local restaurant. Not cheap, but it is the only break I get.

I have noticed that the woman who is mangeress of the restaurant is really off with me and does not seem to be able to accept my presence.

I dress down. For a long time I've not wanted to be noticed by anyone actually. Often I read a book.

Her other half cooks in the kitchen.

Why is it that she insists on being territorial with me, on this one?

Are women so threatened nowadays?

Yes, perhaps her other half has history, but why blame a customer?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1028 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
liddlelambsydivey · 26/09/2021 21:05

I don't see how you know why she's off with you, if she is. Unless she's said something or is giving very obvious, readable glances between you and her husband in the back, her animosity could be due to anything.

Some married women don't like some single women because they see them as being flirtatious with their husbands. Other than that, I don't think many married women really care whether another woman is married or not. I certainly don't care.

Changemaname1 · 26/09/2021 21:07

I’m always single 😂 can’t say iv ever had this

Branleuse · 26/09/2021 21:07

if the manager of the restaurant is shitty with you, why do you keep going there. That would ruin my meal. Are you sure shes jealous of you and not just a bitch?

furbabymama87 · 26/09/2021 21:07

I think her problem with you may be personal to you, not to all single women.

AWiseWomanOnceSaidFuckThisShit · 26/09/2021 21:07

Are you Samantha Brick? 😃

BreatheAndFocus · 26/09/2021 21:07

There’s an old comedy sketch about people eating alone. If I could remember who it was by, I’d link to it. Some people are just a bit off with solo diners. I don’t think it’s anything to do with her being jealous at all. Perhaps she’s thinking she’ll get half the money she would if there were two of you?

Getawaywithit · 26/09/2021 21:08

Maybe it’s just because you’re regularly taking up a table which could be used by 2 people (could be couple, friends, siblings, whatever) so she’s making less money from the table than she would if there were 2 x meals and drinks to charge for?

Yeah, single people should never eat out. Leave those tables for couples. Single people’s money has no value.

I have had women (plural) literally pull their husbands away from me when we’ve had a chat at achool pick up. Wouldn’t care but I am a very fat 40-something with zero cash. No threat.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 26/09/2021 21:08

I've been single for 7 years and never experienced this from married women.

Twolostsoulsswimminginafishbow · 26/09/2021 21:10

Single, irresistible and psychic?

gailplattshairbrush · 26/09/2021 21:13

What was that woman caused who wrote that article years ago. Something along the lines of 'all women hate me because I'm so pretty'

She was blonde and very normal looking.

Well anyway, this thread reminds me of her.

Newkitchen123 · 26/09/2021 21:13


toocold54 · 26/09/2021 21:14

I’ve had this several times, even with my own friends who are worried about their partners being in the same room as me for too long even though I’ve never and would never make a pass at someone’s partner.

Not all women are like this though and I find the ones with the strongest relationships wouldn’t behave like that and it’s the ones whose relationships are set to fail that do. I don’t know whether that’s because the women is too jealous and paranoid which pushes the man away or if she’s like that because he can’t be trusted.

Embroidery · 26/09/2021 21:15

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MyPatronusIsACat · 26/09/2021 21:16


This happens when the woman has no confidence I think. She might have wondered if she'd be strong enough to leave her husband, or strong enough to run a household on her own. She hasn't had to try but it's her fear and she looks at you (and me, it's happened to me) and projects pity but really it's because you make her uncomfortably aware that you're stronger, and strong enough to deal with her worst fear.

That's my theory.

WTF?! Grin Are you taking the piss?

MyPatronusIsACat · 26/09/2021 21:17


Women are completely like this.

After a few years of being a single mum I dont actually have many female friends now. Neither me nor them can stand it tbh.
Its complicated.

They kept me when I was dating. They liked the gossip. But since I stopped theyve run a mile. Different groups of female friends from different backgrounds, all gone.

Mostly they dont like my perceived poverty, lack of mutual worries, lack of man whinging. It can get awkward and it pisses them right off when they feel uncomfortable about their bragging.

I just don't like their relentless need for me to get a man. The bragging/ awkwardness I could have coped with. I also dont like their pity. Over the years Ive had...She cant keep a man. She cant get a man. Shes not getting any younger. And they think dating is sex work. And not said that politely!

Their husbands look like ugly trolls and are pompous. In my opinion, my life is far better.

That chip on your shoulder must be weighing you down. Sad
MsTSwift · 26/09/2021 21:18

Some restaurant owners are just mean! There was one in Spain who always yelled at us (family of 4) and rolled her eyes and made us sit on the worst tables. We couldn’t even boycott it as it was a lovely restaurant and the only one on the beach. It became a standing joke how mean she was to us!

MyPatronusIsACat · 26/09/2021 21:19


The OP @beigebrownblue has not been back since her first post.

Enjoying your work OP? Wink

ShrikeAttack · 26/09/2021 21:19

I think there's a lot of disingenuous bollox here.

My single friends report this kind of nonsense all the time.

Coupled up men do often behave in poor ways to single women.

And often, coupled up women who are with such men, behave poorly to single women to deflect from the shitty behaviour their blokes exhibit.

ShrikeAttack · 26/09/2021 21:20

If happens.

Depressingly often.

BrightYellowDaffodil · 26/09/2021 21:20

It’s quite a leap to assume this woman doesn’t like you because a) you’re single and b) her husband is there

However. It’s absolutely the case that single women don’t get invited to stuff - I very much noticed the drop-off in invitations once I became single again. Not from my true friends, granted, but there are some people who seek to be genuinely uncomfortable to have a single woman around their partner. On top of that, there seems to be the idea that single people will make things awkward Hmm

For those saying “stay at home instead” or “maybe she’s pissed off that you’re taking up a table”, why the fuck should OP feel she shouldn’t be there? If the restaurant have accepted a booking they know what they’re letting themselves in for. I don’t see anyone saying a group of three shouldn’t go out in case they get given a table for four and leave an unused space! But hey, single women should be at home…

Aquamarine1029 · 26/09/2021 21:23

Why do you keep patronising a restaurant where the staff are rude to you? How bizarre.

BlakeDreary · 26/09/2021 21:23

I know exactly what you mean OP. I went to a restaurant once, I purposely didn't go wearing my heels and make-up as my beauty would have intimidated everyone. I was served by the manageress and I could tell she was threatened by me stealing her husband because she didn't ask me how my meal was.

It's really hard being seen as a man-eater constantly by married women.


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Hopeisnotastrategy · 26/09/2021 21:24

OP I'm going to give you that in certain social situations, some single people are going to encounter the Trades Unionism of the married - notably with dinner invitations.

However, on the slim evidence you've provided - as a paying customer - methinks thou does project too much.

And you don't have a low opinion of yourself either, do you? 🤔

JesusIsAnyNameFree · 26/09/2021 21:24


Maybe she just thinks you're a dick

Sounds quite likely.
Durbeyfield · 26/09/2021 21:25

You’re basing this view on the fact that one woman appears not to like you?

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