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Why are women with husbands so jealous and hurtful towards other single women?

527 replies

beigebrownblue · 26/09/2021 19:57

Ok. I'm divorced.

I have absolutely ZILCH desire to hook up with a man.

None. Nil. Nichts. Nada.

I have been taking myself out once a week to eat at a local restaurant. Not cheap, but it is the only break I get.

I have noticed that the woman who is mangeress of the restaurant is really off with me and does not seem to be able to accept my presence.

I dress down. For a long time I've not wanted to be noticed by anyone actually. Often I read a book.

Her other half cooks in the kitchen.

Why is it that she insists on being territorial with me, on this one?

Are women so threatened nowadays?

Yes, perhaps her other half has history, but why blame a customer?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1028 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
gobbynorthernbird · 26/09/2021 20:08

Also, if I were to be treated with distain by the staff of a restaurant or bar, I wouldn't be returning.

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:09

It’s illogical though, thinking the bloke in the kitchen fancies you has cheated on her and she’s jealous of you.

That’s a leap that’s mind boggling.

PhillMcCann · 26/09/2021 20:09

We just know we can't compete with you and we're scared our husbands are going to run off and leave us for you 😭😭

Stormyequine · 26/09/2021 20:09

Does she even know you are single? As far as I am aware married women are allowed to eat out on their own too.

Footprintsonthemoon1 · 26/09/2021 20:09

Honestly I bet she doesnt give a shit about you. You need a better book cos your imagination is running wild

YouMeandtheSpew · 26/09/2021 20:09

So we’re talking about one woman, and you appear to be able to read her mind. She’s a ‘bit off’ with you which must mean she’s threatened by you.

slashlover · 26/09/2021 20:10

How would she even know you're single?

Merryoldgoat · 26/09/2021 20:10

What on earth makes you think it’s that?

LagunaBubbles · 26/09/2021 20:10

You don't have a clue what this woman is thinking, bit of a leap to say she's jealous of you, thats a bit full of yourself.

Smartiepants79 · 26/09/2021 20:10

I am jealous of no single women and certainly not of someone who has gone through the stress of a divorce.
I trust my DH he works and even socialises with single women. It is not an issue.

IveGotASongThatllGetOnYNerves · 26/09/2021 20:10

How does she know you are single? What makes you think that she knows you are single and sees you as a threat? What makes you think she is insecure? What makes you think he isn't in the kitchen because that's his job?
Maybe she's just rude or brisk.

Imissmoominmama · 26/09/2021 20:11

You tell us; you’ve been married, so you must know…

MrsR87 · 26/09/2021 20:12

I don’t understand this thread. I’m a married woman and I don’t know why I would be specifically jealous of a single woman. What freedoms do you have that I don’t? I’m so confused!

I might envy you if you are drop dead gorgeous or if you possess a talent I don’t…but for being single….???

IveGotASongThatllGetOnYNerves · 26/09/2021 20:13

And no. You can't say anything about married women as a group because one woman doesn't seem very friendly to you and her husband works in the kitchen of their restaurant.

I'm interested what she is actually saying that makes you believe she resents your presence.

Maybe you should start leaving a good tip. 🤷‍♀️

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:13

Honestly I’m all for self confidence but assuming her bloke fancies you, she’s threatened and jealous of you and making the assumption he’s cheated on her before, and thus clearly wants to cheat with you, is a whole other level.

Is that what you sit there thinking? How hot you are and how much the chef must fancy you?

DontWiltMySpinachPlease · 26/09/2021 20:13

"I'm not like the other girls"

NeverDropYourMooncup · 26/09/2021 20:14

Could you look a bit scruffy in her 'not cheap' restaurant, sitting there for hours with a book and not spending much money?

If somebody's on a table for two, spending the minimum amount, not drinking alcohol and taking their sweet time about it, they could be making far more money with two people having a treat meal for a special occasion - and then another couple afterwards.

IveGotASongThatllGetOnYNerves · 26/09/2021 20:15


Could you look a bit scruffy in her 'not cheap' restaurant, sitting there for hours with a book and not spending much money?

If somebody's on a table for two, spending the minimum amount, not drinking alcohol and taking their sweet time about it, they could be making far more money with two people having a treat meal for a special occasion - and then another couple afterwards.

I'd put money on this being it.
KingdomScrolls · 26/09/2021 20:15

Maybe she just thinks you're a dick

playinginashadow · 26/09/2021 20:16

I'm married. But I often go out on my own for lunch or a coffee when DH is at work and the children are at school.

No one gives me a second glance. Do I give off an 'I'm married' vibe?

It's not because I wear a ring either, I don't. It's too small since having babies and we've not got around to having it resized!

Bluntness100 · 26/09/2021 20:16


Maybe she just thinks you're a dick

There’s alway this,,
BiscuitLover09876 · 26/09/2021 20:17

It sounds like you're pretty angry. Maybe giving off some pretty angry body language?

Or this woman may just have her own issues. Or be a bitch!


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Comedycook · 26/09/2021 20:17

My guess if she's pissed off you take up a table whilst only paying for food for one person when the table could seat two and they could make double the money?

LividLaVidaLoca · 26/09/2021 20:18

You need to be more specific about what she’s done or said.

Regardless, why are you giving your custom to a place where you don’t feel welcome? I was single 11 years and solo dined all over the world. If the vibe wasn’t right, I’d do one and find somewhere better.

ShrikeAttack · 26/09/2021 20:18

Most of my female friends are single women/mothers.

It's a thing that couples don't invite them.

I could not tell you why that is, but I can tell you that is most definitely something my friends observe.

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