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Boy just peed at traffic lights

186 replies

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 16:46

Waiting to cross the road in city centre and a very jiggly child suddenly pulled down his trousers and pants and peed. Mum had a few more kids so didn't notice and did seemed mortified but surely she should have grabbed him and moved his away? She tried pouring more water over it but it just made it more obvious tbh and it was too late by then!
Aibu to think she should have raised him with better manners than to pee outside? Is this really what the world's come to?

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CuriousaboutSamphire · 19/05/2021 11:14


I remember standing on the Kop at Anfield on derby day and men around me apologising for having to pee right next to me as you couldn't move from where you stood due to crowd. I survived.

Oh god! Those were the days!

If you were there in about 1969 and saw a curly red headed toddler in the tunnel, getting her curls rubbed for good luck, that was me Grin
PigsEnigma · 19/05/2021 14:55

@WhatDidISee84 4yr old DS mortified me once. He declared he needed a wee on a long walk just as we were approached by a couple who asked us for directions. I asked him to hold on. I gave directions to the couple. Turned to DS to say 'let's find a bush' to find him stood there pants down having had a wee. These thing happen. Absolutely not ideal but what do you do. I guess he was that desperate that he otherwise would have wet his pants and we'd have faced an hours walk home in wet pants. I dread to think what the direction-asking-couple would have thought of me as a parent. I can almost imagine the thread now!

Odagled · 19/05/2021 15:02

All this is caused by an abject lack of public toilets, or public toilets that people actually want to use. Unless you’re near a private business who doesn’t mind randoms using their facilities or have the opportunity to take a “McPiss”, you’re left with little option.

stressbandit · 19/05/2021 15:03

Still remember when my son whipped his out and had a giant wee in the middle of the high street in front of some people eating outside. Still to this day have no idea why he did it!

NoIDontWatchLoveIsland · 19/05/2021 15:09

I've had to pull over the car for DS (4) to wee but I can usually get him behind a tree. He'll hold for a few mins but sometimes you just can't find a sodding toilet or its locked or occupied etc. Men piss bloody anywhere on a night out.

SunnySpills · 19/05/2021 15:15

Off on a tangent my friend was on a first date when they got back to
car the lock had frozen solid and wouldn't open. So said new date
pissed on the car door keyhole.
< As you were >

Toty · 19/05/2021 15:24

Boys have peed outside since time began, and always will. My ds plays football, 22 boys plus subs plus coaches miles from home and often no toilets , where do you think they pee? It's a stream of kids running off behind trees every weekend. Besides dogs pee all over the pavements, it's no different really and I wouldn't have batted an eye, though would have maybe done a big side step Grin.

freakyfridays · 19/05/2021 15:40

I do a fair bit of trail running. Girls pee too you know Grin.

TheyCallMeMellowYellow1 · 19/05/2021 23:28

Well it wasn't like he did a poo...wouldn't bother me really if I saw a little child weeing.

I don't like seeing drunk adults who should know better doing it though. That 's disgusting!

TheyCallMeMellowYellow1 · 19/05/2021 23:28


Off on a tangent my friend was on a first date when they got back to
car the lock had frozen solid and wouldn't open. So said new date
pissed on the car door keyhole.
< As you were >

Did it work?
WhatDidISee84 · 20/05/2021 12:49

The reckon car man would be a keeper if it did work

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