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Boy just peed at traffic lights

186 replies

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 16:46

Waiting to cross the road in city centre and a very jiggly child suddenly pulled down his trousers and pants and peed. Mum had a few more kids so didn't notice and did seemed mortified but surely she should have grabbed him and moved his away? She tried pouring more water over it but it just made it more obvious tbh and it was too late by then!
Aibu to think she should have raised him with better manners than to pee outside? Is this really what the world's come to?

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Am I being unreasonable?

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Temp023 · 18/05/2021 17:22

I think the OP is enjoying this too much, maybe stop now?

Cotswoldmama · 18/05/2021 17:23

It's fine I wouldn't judge I'd try to give a Reassuring smile. My son's haven't done it but one did once lick the whole length of a hairdressers window!

LST · 18/05/2021 17:23


I think the OP is enjoying this too much, maybe stop now?

How about just hide the thread?
WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:23


Has he some development delay? Six is quite late for being toilet trained. I guess the answer might be to take him to a toilet if there is one around, even if he's not sure he needs it, to help him last all the way home.

Undiagnosed constipation and some other physical stuff that wouldn't be obvious. We'd caught the bus from school, going via the loo to the shops, this was the traffic lights before the bus station where the loo was.
OP posts:
Tylila · 18/05/2021 17:24

I wouldn’t have worried about pouring water and would have merrily smiled at everyone passing with a ‘kids eh!’ expression on my face until he was done.

Mine have done far worse than a whizz at the traffic lights!

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:24


I think the OP is enjoying this too much, maybe stop now?

Enjoying the validation that in not an awful Mum? Enjoying hearing that other people's kids have done similar? Enjoying....??
OP posts:
The4ks · 18/05/2021 17:24

It's not ideal obviously but I wouldn't worry about it or judge anyone else.

My son is 5 and autistic and has been known to this. Better than dealing with wet pants in public.

JinglingHellsBells · 18/05/2021 17:25

Hmmm....just seen he is not special needs but at 6 he has only just been toilet trained. So was he in nappies 4 months ago OP? Have you seen a HP about this or are you concerned?

woodfort · 18/05/2021 17:25

I don’t think this is remotely bad in a primary aged child.

My reception age child often needs to go in public. He can wait 5 or 10 mins but often that’s not enough to get us home. I try to get him to do it behind a bush or tree or whatever but I always assumed people would understand that young children can’t hold it the way adults can.

Amz6219 · 18/05/2021 17:25

When it was objective yes YABU

Don't worry at all!! Oh my goodness he's a little boy, no one will care at all, and if they do it's on them!

Like a PP said, dog's wee EVERYWHERE (and poo for that matter)

My son is potty training at the moment and I would much rather he drop his pants and wee somewhere than wet himself

Don't be so hard on yourself! x

JinglingHellsBells · 18/05/2021 17:26

Ah, so he does have some kind of medical issues.

I'd not worry . little boys can do this kind of thing and no one cares.

(And even grown men are known to have a pee almost everywhere but not at traffic lights.)

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:27


Hmmm....just seen he is not special needs but at 6 he has only just been toilet trained. So was he in nappies 4 months ago OP? Have you seen a HP about this or are you concerned?

Yes in nappies until just after Xmas. Yes I know its v late. That's why I worry about being judged for the accidents more because people will assume he should have been dry for years. No chance overnight.
Appropriate level of concern and intervention and support I guarantee you. There's medical stuff, we've made tremendous progress
OP posts:
Branleuse · 18/05/2021 17:27

if anyone says anything judgy OP, just say yeah, not my proudest moment, but hopefully he wont still be doing it at 15.

its no big deal, honestly

Littlepaws18 · 18/05/2021 17:27

If it happens it happens! My daughter is 6 and had an accident at school- they can't help it, they aren't fully in tune with their bodies yet.

SirGawain · 18/05/2021 17:28

Not worth giving headspace to OP. Young kids have accidents and we’ve all been there.

bertieb7 · 18/05/2021 17:30

I once saw a child pee in a plant pot inside a cafe. Pretty gross but he was only little - these things happen, no one would have judged you and it doesn't make you a bad parent!

KaleSlayer · 18/05/2021 17:31

Hmm Strange one I think.

melodypondisasuperhero · 18/05/2021 17:31

Don’t worry, there are certainly some very well fertilised bushes on the route back from DS5’s school. Grin

Cowshed7 · 18/05/2021 17:31

For goodness sake it is urine from a small child! I have pushed a buggy through dog poo which is far far worse. Get a grip OP.

hparkins · 18/05/2021 17:31

OP I wouldn't worry about this at all.

you wanna see some of the things I see after a night out and the things people are doing in public....

wouldnt bat an eyelid at a little kid desperately needing to relieve themselves.

AutoIncorrect · 18/05/2021 17:33

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Lotusmonster · 18/05/2021 17:33

We don’t know if there’s any backstory here...lad could’ve been begging mum for ages or he could just be lazy and anti-social...he might have learning difficulties? In any event, I think it’s not a major deal and not reasonable to judge


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Sceptre86 · 18/05/2021 17:33

I'd rather he did that than wet himself. Not a big deal in my opinion.

SirGawain · 18/05/2021 17:34

A few years ago at our local outdoor shopping centre I saw a just out of nappies child being held over a drain to wee. The Security guard came over and rebuked the mother. I thought o myself what a complete jobs worth he was.

spiderlight · 18/05/2021 17:34

Honestly, don't give it another thought! These things happen - no lives lost and everbyody on the bus will have forgotten about it by now.

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