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Boy just peed at traffic lights

186 replies

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 16:46

Waiting to cross the road in city centre and a very jiggly child suddenly pulled down his trousers and pants and peed. Mum had a few more kids so didn't notice and did seemed mortified but surely she should have grabbed him and moved his away? She tried pouring more water over it but it just made it more obvious tbh and it was too late by then!
Aibu to think she should have raised him with better manners than to pee outside? Is this really what the world's come to?

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Am I being unreasonable?

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LST · 18/05/2021 17:53


Ah give over. Boys have the plumbing for a stand up wee. Let 'em enjoy it whilst they are learning the etiquette!

Yeah because it stops once they become grown men doesn’t it? Oh wait....

People can be mad at me for not wanting human male urine everywhere, but I hardly think it’s something that unreasonable to object to! Each to their own 🤷‍♀️

I've been known to pee outside too. Either that or wet myself, you have obviously never been in that situation or indeed don't mind wetting yourself? Or is it just males that you don't like doing it.
GlassBoxSpectacular · 18/05/2021 17:55

Of course they did.

And the OP was so discombobulated they had to join MN immediately in order to post about this horrific assault upon their eyes.

Thoughts and prayers, OP

Oh. A fucking reverse. Hmm

Oh well, that’ll teach me not to RTFT.

CuriousaboutSamphire · 18/05/2021 17:59


Ah give over. Boys have the plumbing for a stand up wee. Let 'em enjoy it whilst they are learning the etiquette!

Yeah because it stops once they become grown men doesn’t it? Oh wait....

People can be mad at me for not wanting human male urine everywhere, but I hardly think it’s something that unreasonable to object to! Each to their own 🤷‍♀️

Oh! Nope! I defintiely put the "whilst tehey are learning" comments in there. Twice, I think!

No mention of adult males, which this was not!

So what you are saying is that a kid can't have a toilet accident because adults are disgusting.

Nah! You are being weird!
Waiting423 · 18/05/2021 17:59

I’d try and move on from it - any parent of boys would have understood and been grateful it wasn’t them ….. I once was walking home from school when my child’s play date just pulled his shorts down and started weeing …. Slightly older …. Maybe 7… we were literally a minute from our house and there’s a loo just inside the front door

SnappyMcSnapface · 18/05/2021 18:00

Would you rather he pissed himself you weirdo?

Whythesadface · 18/05/2021 18:01

My eldest would only use her potty.
At 3, I used to lug it round under the pram and use it in Mothercare toilets.
One day I turned around in Marks and Spencers to see Madam under the clothing rack doing a poo,,,,, I did have tissues,
The staff were wetting themselves laughing at the sight, but not in a bad way. Comment was kids are kids and sometimes they just need the loo, Better in the potty than down their legs,,,,
Same with your son , he now knows not to do that. I don't think there is anyone who's child has not wet thmeselves, your just took matters into his own hands and watered the Traffic light,

TheMNChicken · 18/05/2021 18:02

Sure he did.

itsgettingwierd · 18/05/2021 18:02

Like most kids - I'm sure he does things he's been told not to in the heat of the moment.

Well like all humans actually!

Not great but hardly crime if the century for a busting jiggling kid who's mum is so busy with other kids she didn't notice him at first - maybe he couldn't get her attention to tell her of his need?

I was walking earlier whilst my ds swim trained and came around a hedge at the edge of a car park to a grown man peeing into a tree.

He felt more uncomfortable than I did - I just raised an eyebrow and asked if he should have that out in public BlushGrin

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 18:03


Of course they did.

And the OP was so discombobulated they had to join MN immediately in order to post about this horrific assault upon their eyes.

Thoughts and prayers, OP

Oh. A fucking reverse. Hmm

Oh well, that’ll teach me not to RTFT.

Well it'll teach me to not do a reverse 🙂
OP posts:
itsgettingwierd · 18/05/2021 18:04

Ah sorry I managed to skip a page and missed the bit where it's your son!

Still stand by my post that kids do this and parenting is rarely an indicator in why.

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 18:04


Would you rather he pissed himself you weirdo?

As I have to do the washing and sit next to him on the bus, not really
OP posts:
WaspRelatedEmergency · 18/05/2021 18:05

Definitely don't worry about it. Small child wee is pretty inoffensive anyway. My granny called it angel water.

TedHastingsweeDonkey · 18/05/2021 18:12

I am so glad this is a reverse because I was getting unreasonably mad at OP. It's a small child. Things happen, hardly the end of the world. Maybe just have a chat with him and reiterate how important it is that he tells you that he needs to go before he actually goes so you can sort something more appropriate out for him (tree, bush?!)

But don't fret it OP. Many people have done similar on a drunken night out (obviously not me....😆🙄)

HandforthParishCouncilClerk · 18/05/2021 18:12

What an interesting “first post”. Hello, piss troll. Hmm

MagicSummer · 18/05/2021 18:14

I agree OP, bloody disgusting. Surely that counts as indecent exposure?

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 18:16


I agree OP, bloody disgusting. Surely that counts as indecent exposure?

He was crouched down, like to sit wee so not sure you'd have seen much
OP posts:
footprintsintheslow · 18/05/2021 18:18

I wouldn't have bothered diluting it. Dogs wee everywhere. Well done the boy for not weeing himself.

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 18:18

@TedHastingsweeDonkey it's all concrete and buildings, we were aiming for the toilets 3 minutes away.

OP posts:
footprintsintheslow · 18/05/2021 18:19

Just read this is a reverse. Haha my first one on MN. Good for you on all counts!!!

PhilCornwall1 · 18/05/2021 18:20


Call 101 and report it. The little rapscallion needs to be taught a lesson!!

nimbuscloud · 18/05/2021 18:20

It’s amazing how many people are happy to post about their children weeing...

PhilCornwall1 · 18/05/2021 18:21

[quote WhatDidISee84]@TedHastingsweeDonkey it's all concrete and buildings, we were aiming for the toilets 3 minutes away.[/quote]
He'd need a bloody good aim!


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Dontforgetyourbrolly · 18/05/2021 18:22

Maybe he was younger than you thought and could not hold it ?
My ds at 5 was able to let me know when he needed to go but if no loos were close by I would have to find a quiet place and I'd whip out an empty water bottle lol always carried one !

vickylou78 · 18/05/2021 18:23

Op please don't worry. These things happen. He is little and if only just toilet trained it's to be expected. If you were talking about a 2.5yr old just toilet trained no one would blink an eye. He's just going through this awkward half trained phase a bit later. Just smile and carry on. Nothing you could have done is there. Only thing can do is have a chat with him later maybe and explain what he should've done but honestly it sounds like he couldn't have held it in much longer bless him.

joystir59 · 18/05/2021 18:23

'horrified' at walking over a bit of urine? What kind of doily frilled world do you live in OP?

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