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Boy just peed at traffic lights

186 replies

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 16:46

Waiting to cross the road in city centre and a very jiggly child suddenly pulled down his trousers and pants and peed. Mum had a few more kids so didn't notice and did seemed mortified but surely she should have grabbed him and moved his away? She tried pouring more water over it but it just made it more obvious tbh and it was too late by then!
Aibu to think she should have raised him with better manners than to pee outside? Is this really what the world's come to?

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Am I being unreasonable?

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WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:35


Oh piss off.

I mean it was, literally...
OP posts:
ShirleyPhallus · 18/05/2021 17:35


Houseofvelour · 18/05/2021 17:35

My 3 year old is recently potty trained so I have a carry potty and a little kid's pop up tent in the bottom of the double buggy for if she ever needs to go.
That way she has some privacy (she won't go if people can see her) and we're never caught short.
Maybe try this?

Houseofvelour · 18/05/2021 17:36

The only thing I take issue with is you referring to your son as 'jiggly'. I really hope you weren't referring to his weight.

shouldistop · 18/05/2021 17:37

@Houseofvelour jiggly means fidgety

WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:37


The only thing I take issue with is you referring to your son as 'jiggly'. I really hope you weren't referring to his weight.

No he was doing the pre wee dance, when they jiggle about urgently trying not to pee
OP posts:
WhatDidISee84 · 18/05/2021 17:38


My 3 year old is recently potty trained so I have a carry potty and a little kid's pop up tent in the bottom of the double buggy for if she ever needs to go.
That way she has some privacy (she won't go if people can see her) and we're never caught short.
Maybe try this?

Honestly don't think I can manange that and twins in a buggy. Yes I know it's always twins 😂 but mine are real I promise.
OP posts:
midnightstar66 · 18/05/2021 17:38

Dogs and grown adults per on pavements all the time, I couldn't get upset about a small child. I think we all accept pavements are pretty unsanitary places. She even went to the effort to pour water on, I'd not have cared if she hadn't!

KaleSlayer · 18/05/2021 17:39

And twins. Wink

Eskarina1 · 18/05/2021 17:40

It happened to me a couple of times on the walk home from nursery. 10 minutes walk, no toilets, 4 year old suddenly desperate half way home. The alternative being for him to wet himself, which is no cleaner and way more traumatising.

Lorw · 18/05/2021 17:40

Don’t see an issue with a young child peeing? Rather that then wet himself Hmm

midnightstar66 · 18/05/2021 17:40

Sorry missed the reverse update - annoying. Why didn't you just ask? Responses would have then the same

iGetPipAndWork · 18/05/2021 17:41

Dogs piss all over and owners don't dilute that. Intact males pee stinks!

The kid needed a wee, not the best choice of location but oh well.

legalseagull · 18/05/2021 17:42

You'd hate me OP. I'm potty training my 2 year old and he got caught short today so had a wee in a bin as I held him up. I was mortified but being inside a building with no toilets there wasn't much choice! I couldn't even get him outside in time

legalseagull · 18/05/2021 17:43

Just RTFT sorry! Don't worry about it!

Houseofvelour · 18/05/2021 17:45

The potty is on a buggy hook (£1.99 from Aldi) and the tent is in the basket underneath. Honestly so lightweight and folds up into a little circle

Snowpatrolling · 18/05/2021 17:46

I wouldn’t worry about it!
Went to a pink concert a couple of years ago, back to the car and took 3 hours to get out the car park! After the hour point I was busting!
Sod it, opened 2 doors for semi privacy and peed!
I’m a 36 year old woman btw!!!
No way was I peeing my self on the 2 hour drive home!!!!

momtoboys · 18/05/2021 17:47


It was actually my child, I thought I get might get a more objective perspective on how awful a parent I was than if I posted saying it was us. I had hold of a double buggy so couldn't grab him and he peed before I could stop him. We were running to the loo but got thwarted by traffic lights. I'm mortified. I did tip the kids bottles of water over it but that just meant we were there longer and it was more obvious. Feel like everyone was staring and judging. He's not been toilet trained v long at all (4 months) and he's just turned 6 so part of me is just proud he didn't happily do it in his pants. Part of me is worried if he ever does it at school!

Thank goodness. Wee happens. He's a little boy. No harm, no foul.
grumpygiraffe · 18/05/2021 17:49

Appalling behaviour. Aren’t children taught anything these days? He should have used a mini roundabout.

midnightstar66 · 18/05/2021 17:50

Part of me is worried if he ever does it at school

I work in a class with 5 year olds. We have had 4 or 5 peeing on the playground incidents this year. I'd not worry too much. 😆

LST · 18/05/2021 17:51

Ahh the amount of people who don't rtfh or at least the OPs posts

Naunet · 18/05/2021 17:51

Ah give over. Boys have the plumbing for a stand up wee. Let 'em enjoy it whilst they are learning the etiquette!

Yeah because it stops once they become grown men doesn’t it? Oh wait....

People can be mad at me for not wanting human male urine everywhere, but I hardly think it’s something that unreasonable to object to! Each to their own 🤷‍♀️


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hallouminatus · 18/05/2021 17:51

"nobody would have given a shit"

GlassBoxSpectacular · 18/05/2021 17:53


Oh aye, did ya now.

Of course they did.

And the OP was so discombobulated they had to join MN immediately in order to post about this horrific assault upon their eyes.

Thoughts and prayers, OP Flowers
1Hazel1 · 18/05/2021 17:53


I thought people might be more horrified at having to walk through it

Ok it's not that nice but how much pee could a small boy produce that people wouldn't be able to step over/round it. The kid was caught short, what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️
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