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To not allow DH into our house for 10 days?

270 replies

MrsJE · 26/01/2021 21:33

Opinions needed please.
DH is at work this evening and came across a man who was slumped on the floor and not responding when asked if he was OK.
DH phoned 999 and they asked him to do chest compressions on the person as his breathing was shallow, which DH did until the ambulance arrived.
DH recognises the man as one of the local homeless that sleep near his work and it appears he may have taken spice.
Now, my dilemma is I'm 50yrs old and have spent half my life in and out of hospital with asthma attacks. We still have two children living at home and we are also raising our grandson who has additional needs. DH himself is 52 and has a blood disorder that he is on long term medication for. We have tried to be careful during this pandemic, we're not shielding as DH works in an office (either alone or with one other person at a time) and grandson attends school of a morning as he is classed as vulnerable but, we keep to the rules and do as much as possible to minimise our risk.
I now feel DH should stay in our eldest sons spare room for 10 days but DH thinks I'm being ridiculous.
Am I being unreasonable?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1095 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
IdblowJonSnow · 27/01/2021 09:38

Your husband is a kind chap OP.
Could you contact the hospital to see if he tested positive? It's possible they'd tell your DH in the circumstances.

smoothchange · 27/01/2021 09:40

I'm slightly puzzled here. People are saying isolating is sensible, fair enough, I don't disagree. As far as I am aware though, even if you are told to isolate by track and trace or your employer or any other source, they do not tell you that you cannot go home.

OP is correct, her DH probably should isolate. It's unreasonable to suggest he isn't allowed to do it in his own house.

ChablisandCrisps · 27/01/2021 09:42

Your husband can contact the hospital to ask whether the gentleman he helped had covid or not. If he did, then I think taking precautions to distance from you in the home is sensible and for your DH to go for a test if he feels unwell, even if minor cold symptoms as a precaution.

Christinaismyperson · 27/01/2021 09:42


The issue here is that the OP is basically assuming that the homeless man is positive.
But somehow none of the children at nursery are. Or people who are working with her DH. All of which will have had close contact or prolonged contact with.

Why is that??

Yes, but chest compressions physically expel droplets from the lungs and directly into the face of the person who’s performing them. It’s equivalent to having a person at work stand 2 feet away from you coughing continuously in your face for up to about 10 minutes (if they were lucky with the ambulance!). It’s very different.
supersonicginandtonic · 27/01/2021 09:47

I'm confused by this thread. If you come across somebody who they have a suspicion may have taken spice, you would not give or be advised to give chest compressions.
Also I can assure you nobody will have come into contact with him, for 15 minutes at a distance of less than 2 metres.
I feel really sorry for him to be honest.

Doublefaced · 27/01/2021 09:47


The issue here is that the OP is basically assuming that the homeless man is positive.
But somehow none of the children at nursery are. Or people who are working with her DH. All of which will have had close contact or prolonged contact with.

Why is that??

If you can’t recognise the difference in risk between someone who has undertaken a high risk AGP with an already critically ill person and being in an office setting you go ahead and spin some random agenda to the OPs thinking.
MeowPurrGrr · 27/01/2021 09:48

The UK new Covid Resuscitation guidelines state when performing out of hospital CPR the face should be covered (ideally with a mask or a piece of clothing to cover the whole face) as it’s aerosol generating, I’m sure the 111 operator would of advised him this.
When a patient is brought into a&e/icu they are treated as Covid positive until proven negative.
Therefore for the safety of you and your family he should be isolating until he can get a Covid swab, it’s too dangerous to take risks.
He’s been something very traumatic and will need support, I’m sure you will be in constant contact via phone. Of course this isn’t the same as a big hug and home comforts, but sadly the virus doesn’t care about that. Flowers

Aprilx · 27/01/2021 09:49

Your husband is a nice decent man, you are vile and he deserves better. Hopefully he will kick you out as he has as much right to be in the home as you have.

countrygirl99 · 27/01/2021 09:51


YANBU. I am shocked at the replies on this thread and makes me think that this is possibly why we are in lockdown 3.
We are told to treat anyone outside our own household as if they and we have covid. So giving mouth to mouth to an unknown individual in any circumstance, nothing to do with being homeless, means he should be extremely cautious and separate from you all for 10 days.
Ask him how he will feel if you contract covid in the next week or so and suffer. You have hardly asked him to move out.

I'm shocked too. But I am horrified at how inhumane so many people have become that they begrudge someone trying to save a life. I would be welcoming g my DH home, pouring him a scotch and making him a special meal.
Doublefaced · 27/01/2021 09:52

‘I am horrified at how inhumane so many people have become that they begrudge someone trying to save a life.’

Where the fuck has the Op said anything of the sort?

Doublefaced · 27/01/2021 09:53


Your husband is a nice decent man, you are vile and he deserves better. Hopefully he will kick you out as he has as much right to be in the home as you have.

Awww you big brave keyboard warrior.
Tell us what you know about AGPs 😂
saraclara · 27/01/2021 09:55


Your husband is a nice decent man, you are vile and he deserves better. Hopefully he will kick you out as he has as much right to be in the home as you have.

I think you should be looking to yourself, if you're going to use the word vile, tbh.
MrsWindass · 27/01/2021 09:59


I would think a homeless person mainly living in outside or open places would be less at risk of catching covid than a person going to the office or school etc.

so that is why there are special vaccination programmes for these people who often sleep in close contact?

@MrsJE of course your H should isolate .
Reinventinganna · 27/01/2021 10:00

Your poor Dh! I would be desperate to get him home to hug him.
Well done to him for his actions.

BeautifulStar · 27/01/2021 10:01

Ridiculous. Even if I knew the man did had covid I wouldn’t want my dh to be away from me for 10 days. I’d rather take my chances. I don’t know anyone in RL who would do this, people on here are bonkers.

MrsWindass · 27/01/2021 10:02


Your poor Dh! I would be desperate to get him home to hug him.
Well done to him for his actions.

and some people wonder why this country is in its current Covid state ? Dear God....
smoothchange · 27/01/2021 10:03


The majority of people agree. It's not the isolating that's the issue here, it's the not allowing a grown man into his own home.

Nobody, at any point, has been told to isolate anywhere but their own home.

MrsWindass · 27/01/2021 10:03


Ridiculous. Even if I knew the man did had covid I wouldn’t want my dh to be away from me for 10 days. I’d rather take my chances. I don’t know anyone in RL who would do this, people on here are bonkers.

You would rather take your chances ? No words for this .....
20CMB21 · 27/01/2021 10:04

I don't agree with all this 'hero' stuff - your husband did what any decent person would have done.

That said, I wouldn't for a single minute consider telling him to stay away for 10 days. This Covid obsession is really too much.

I also had to Google "spice", as I thought it was to do with cinnamon and nutmeg and such like. Confused

AllMyPrettyOnes · 27/01/2021 10:04

Awww you big brave keyboard warrior.


MrsWindass · 27/01/2021 10:04

[quote smoothchange]@MrsWindass

The majority of people agree. It's not the isolating that's the issue here, it's the not allowing a grown man into his own home.

Nobody, at any point, has been told to isolate anywhere but their own home.[/quote]
I now feel DH should stay in our eldest sons spare room for 10 days but DH thinks I'm being ridiculous

Where is the not allowing him into his own home ?

smoothchange · 27/01/2021 10:05


Read the thread title


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MrsWindass · 27/01/2021 10:06

[quote smoothchange]@MrsWindass

The majority of people agree. It's not the isolating that's the issue here, it's the not allowing a grown man into his own home.

Nobody, at any point, has been told to isolate anywhere but their own home.[/quote]
Ah apologies - I thought it was at home . My bad ...

MintyMabel · 27/01/2021 10:07

When did we become so heartless as a human race

When we decided 100k deaths was an acceptable number because “I’m just so sick of being locked down”

countrygirl99 · 27/01/2021 10:09


‘I am horrified at how inhumane so many people have become that they begrudge someone trying to save a life.’

Where the fuck has the Op said anything of the sort?

She wants to kick him out of his home. If that isn't begrudgeing what is?
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