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Is this not a large portion?

259 replies

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 11:49

I got deleted from a Facebook group about stupid things men say for commenting that this was an overly large portion, is it not?

Is this not a large portion?
OP posts:
randomer · 22/11/2020 17:27

rewind for tired brain....A man posts a portion of spag bol on a site for other people of all or no sex and asks for validation. Wishes to know if this would impress a person ( female?) and said impressed person would therefore be inclined to have sex.

OP says something along the lines of 'its too big" ( the food) and is booted off the fb page.
OP then garners opinion from Mumsnet and enters a parallel universe where people either eat their own body weight X 2 in pasta or half a radish.

Sexnotgender · 22/11/2020 17:27


Ooh it's been a few days since I've seen a competitive under eating thread on here...

Lol, if you don’t want to eat a plate of pasta the size of your head you’re a competitive under eater😂
Feministicon · 22/11/2020 17:30


rewind for tired brain....A man posts a portion of spag bol on a site for other people of all or no sex and asks for validation. Wishes to know if this would impress a person ( female?) and said impressed person would therefore be inclined to have sex.

OP says something along the lines of 'its too big" ( the food) and is booted off the fb page.
OP then garners opinion from Mumsnet and enters a parallel universe where people either eat their own body weight X 2 in pasta or half a radish.

You missed the part where I’m simultaneously a man hating sexist and a men’s rights activist.
OP posts:
LoveMyKidsAndCats · 22/11/2020 18:06

Thats standard portion size in my house.

fleurbelle · 22/11/2020 18:09

Omg... I'd smash that.
And have seconds.
I'm not overweight.

randomer · 22/11/2020 18:30

Wow@Feministicon,you are busy.

midnightstar66 · 22/11/2020 18:39

Love the exaggeration of the under eaters. It's always the way. Using words like glutton and troughing etc to get across their disgust and sound more believable. Now it's pasta the size of your head for a perfectly acceptable portion on a clearly smaller than normal plate and twice your body weight or a whole pack. No it's just a plate of pasta - if it fits on one plate it's fine, a whole pack would cover much more than one small plate. Grin

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 18:40

[quote randomer]Wow@Feministicon,you are busy.[/quote]
So it would seem Grin

OP posts:
borntohula · 22/11/2020 18:42

I must say though, I always enjoyed 'leftbook' groups on Facebook. I think some people have got the wrong idea about them, some of the content is not dissimilar to that of Mumsnet's feminism board.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 18:47


I must say though, I always enjoyed 'leftbook' groups on Facebook. I think some people have got the wrong idea about them, some of the content is not dissimilar to that of Mumsnet's feminism board.

I agree, I think people should definitely check them out before thinking I’m a man basher 😊
OP posts:
SignOnTheWindow · 22/11/2020 18:49


This being Mumsnet I opened the thread expecting to see something like this Grin

Oysterbabe · 22/11/2020 18:51

I'd probably serve about that much bolognaise but that's at least twice the amount of spaghetti.

Kakiweewee · 22/11/2020 18:53

Minus the bread, make it wholemeal spaghetti, make the bolognese with a load of veggies (I do onions, celery, carrot, peppers, mushrooms, courgette and tomatoes) and a low-fat minced beef and that's about the portion size I eat with steamed vegetables on the side.

I eat meals that size twice a day, no snacking other than fruit, and I lose weight doing it. (71lbs so far)

Hystericaluterus · 22/11/2020 19:27

This is an odd thread.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 19:41


This is an odd thread.

Yes that’s been said too, a few times.
OP posts:
IHeartHounds · 22/11/2020 19:55

It's about the size of portion we eat.

myneighboursarerude · 22/11/2020 19:59

Looks fucking delicious but yes, that’s a mountain to overcome! I’d give it a solid go though.

Alternista · 22/11/2020 20:05

Is it too big? Yeah
Could I eat it? Yeah

Elfieishere · 22/11/2020 20:44

Looks like a normal size dinner plate and that portion is massive!

But my partner moans that I don’t always dish enough up for him and he’s still hungry after although I think it’s a normal size portion and I just tell him to stop being bloody greedy Grin

I think my dad could polish that size meal though.

PigletJohn · 22/11/2020 21:37


so how long do you think that fork is?

HoppingPavlova · 22/11/2020 21:47

Looks fucking delicious but yes, that’s a mountain to overcome! I’d give it a solid go though.

Which picture are you looking at?

kowari · 23/11/2020 19:05

so how long do you think that fork is?
My fork is 21cm, my dinner plate a standard 27cm. I'd say the plate in the picture would be at least 25cm, so a dinner plate, not a lunch or side plate.


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Nottherealslimshady · 23/11/2020 19:07

Far too much pasta and not enough sauce.

TMIincoming · 23/11/2020 19:18

Needs cheese

Nunoftheother · 25/11/2020 22:40


Minus the bread, make it wholemeal spaghetti, make the bolognese with a load of veggies (I do onions, celery, carrot, peppers, mushrooms, courgette and tomatoes) and a low-fat minced beef and that's about the portion size I eat with steamed vegetables on the side.

I eat meals that size twice a day, no snacking other than fruit, and I lose weight doing it. (71lbs so far)

So basically a completely different meal, then. Hmm
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