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Is this not a large portion?

259 replies

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 11:49

I got deleted from a Facebook group about stupid things men say for commenting that this was an overly large portion, is it not?

Is this not a large portion?
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Feministicon · 22/11/2020 12:58


Depends on the size of the plate and the activity level of the person eating it. I knew a farmer who could easily eat 3 meals a day like that and he was as slim as they come. He needed those calories to get his job done. My adult daughter could easily eat that, but she's always been very slim and now runs and cycles and has an active job. She's burning off far more calories a day than your average person.

It's incredibly rude to comment on what people eat too.

The person who posted it originally is not on the page, I think they thought the comment could upset someone with an eating disorder.
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randomer · 22/11/2020 12:59

We are supposed to eat what we can hold in our hands......but are the hands spread out or not?

jennie0412 · 22/11/2020 13:00


Er... the pic is a well known meme that’s all over the internet - the aim is to change the laptop pic & then insert your own “virtual dinner date” caption.

Thank you for these!
Stealing them Grin
Haffiana · 22/11/2020 13:00

Lordy, the portion-size police on here. Food issues should be kept to yourselves - it is illness, not virtue.

Ihopeyourcakeisshit · 22/11/2020 13:01

It's a badly presented portion.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:01


Lordy, the portion-size police on here. Food issues should be kept to yourselves - it is illness, not virtue.

I don’t think simply thinking that it’s a large portion is an illness 😂
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KarmaNoMore · 22/11/2020 13:02

Was it an American site? Portions tend to be much bigger on the other side of the Atlantic (not a critique of Americans just pointing cultural difference).

In the first part of my life I would have thought that portion reasonable, after so many years in Europe I think it is too much. But then when I was living there wouldn’t make me fat... my body was used to so much food, it just didn’t absorbe so much into it... nowadays when my body is used to smaller European portions, 2 weeks over there and I come home with an extra 4-5 kilos.

Eckhart · 22/11/2020 13:02

it’s a Facebook group called ‘Do men ever shut the fuck up'

Why would you want to be in this group at all? Does it not strike you as sexist?

liveitwell · 22/11/2020 13:03

[quote Eckhart]@liveitwell

And it's highly unlikely this is an athlete's diet and for most other people this would be WAY too much. It's a fact

What's a fact? Why is it highly unlikely to be an athlete's diet? Why would it have to be an athlete for them to warrant a lot of calories? What about manual labour? What about a regular gym-goer? What about someone who cycles their commute?[/quote]
Athletes wouldn't eat so many carbs. That looks like almost a full pack of spaghetti. Plus bread.

Manual labourers rarely need that amount. I have numerous in the family and they eat normal portions sizes that aren't this large. Most manual workers don't burn enough energy to warrant this portion size.

This amount of carbs=calories is way more than just for the cycler or gym goer.

MrsDThomas · 22/11/2020 13:03

@borntohula so why be a bitch and say I deserve a medal?

Natsel84 · 22/11/2020 13:03

At least theres some salad , to balance it out a bit , 5 a day and all that.

knittingaddict · 22/11/2020 13:04

This is an odd thread.

KarmaNoMore · 22/11/2020 13:04

Oh I see, a meme then? Let see how long it takes to make it to the Daily Mail...

liveitwell · 22/11/2020 13:05


Lordy, the portion-size police on here. Food issues should be kept to yourselves - it is illness, not virtue.

Obesity is an illness, not knowing what a healthy portion size is.
midnightstar66 · 22/11/2020 13:05

@liveitwell I'd happily eat a meal that size if I was hungry - I'm no athlete, I don't run or go to the gym just have a generally fairly active life and job. I'm 5'8 and size 8-10 which I have been consistently for the last 35 years and I'm basing this on that being a large dinner plate which I actually don't think that is. As I said you have no idea what someone eating that has had the rest of the day or week etc. You don't have to follow perfect portion sizes for every meal it's what you eat over a longer period of time that's relevant so it's not a fact in the slightest.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:05


it’s a Facebook group called ‘Do men ever shut the fuck up'

Why would you want to be in this group at all? Does it not strike you as sexist?

I don’t, no. The title is tongue in cheek but it’s a page that calls out some of the more appalling ways men speak to women on social media.
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Lightsontbut · 22/11/2020 13:05

Are you asking whether it's large or overly large? The first (is it large), I'd say yes. The second (is it overly large), I'd say why the need to judge others?

jennie0412 · 22/11/2020 13:06

If the group was named 'do women ever shut the fuck up', and people posted whatever they didn't like women doing, there'd be an outrage.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:07


If the group was named 'do women ever shut the fuck up', and people posted whatever they didn't like women doing, there'd be an outrage.

You’re being very naive to think there isn’t! That and worse.
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AdobeWanKenobi · 22/11/2020 13:07

Oooh we've not had a competitive underrating thread for ages.

settles in with a sugary cup of tea and packet of hob nobs, chocolate obvs

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:08


Oh I see, a meme then? Let see how long it takes to make it to the Daily Mail...

I’ve never seen the meme.
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Lucidas · 22/11/2020 13:08


Athletes don’t eat that many carbs

Yes some of them absolutely do.

Phelps is competing in his fifth Olympic games, so he knows what it takes to recover from events. After getting back to the Athlete Village, he ate—a lot. According to the Associated Press, Phelps ate a pound of spaghetti that night. That's enough for four people.

"I think I had a pound of pasta and spaghetti. And I'm not a spaghetti fan but I forced myself to eat it," he said.


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PatriciaPerch · 22/11/2020 13:08

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:08


Oooh we've not had a competitive underrating thread for ages.

*settles in with a sugary cup of tea and packet of hob nobs, chocolate obvs*

Have you actually read my posts, all you have to do is click see all.
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Feministicon · 22/11/2020 13:09


there is alot worse. Join a local newspaper FB page, you'll see how much men hate women

There’s so much of it, it’s scary.
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