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Pair of knickers that aren’t mine?

152 replies

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 15:26

Hi this is my first ever post so please don’t be too harsh on me!

I was doing a clear out of mine and DP wardrobes the other day and found a pair of knickers pushed to the back of the draws that aren’t mine (wrong size and from somewhere I don’t buy my underwear from)

Obviously I was very confused as to where they had come from, so when DP got home I asked him if he’d ever seen them before and he said no and said they must be mine or someone else’s, maybe from the previous owners of the house??

Context we’ve lived in our house several years, I clear and tidy the wardrobes frequently. We are in a happy relationship with DD so I really can’t understand where they have come from.

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Am I being unreasonable?

152 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
OffspringSeason8 · 30/10/2020 11:29

[quote Pebbledashery]@OffspringSeason8 Oh my god I just spat my tea out!! what did he have to say for himself!![/quote]
He was very angry, started shouting at me and punched a hole in the wall. He is obviously now an ex (who I feel like vomiting thinking of)!

It's a long story, but this was a man who is a scout leader, hard core skiier and climber. Aspergers so I always thought I knew exactly what I was getting, because the tendency to not lie easily made me think he was trustworthy. I struggled to get him to wear clothes which weren't navy blue, let alone red lacy corsets!

Moral of this story is: always keep your guard up!

lingle · 30/10/2020 12:11

Good thinking detective EmmaGrundy, good thinking....

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