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Pair of knickers that aren’t mine?

152 replies

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 15:26

Hi this is my first ever post so please don’t be too harsh on me!

I was doing a clear out of mine and DP wardrobes the other day and found a pair of knickers pushed to the back of the draws that aren’t mine (wrong size and from somewhere I don’t buy my underwear from)

Obviously I was very confused as to where they had come from, so when DP got home I asked him if he’d ever seen them before and he said no and said they must be mine or someone else’s, maybe from the previous owners of the house??

Context we’ve lived in our house several years, I clear and tidy the wardrobes frequently. We are in a happy relationship with DD so I really can’t understand where they have come from.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

152 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
TingTastic · 29/10/2020 15:51

Have you done any washing at laundrette or someone else’s house? Or anyone used your machine? Or borrowed/ lent any suitcases?

Hailtomyteeth · 29/10/2020 15:51

I mean, I’ve got a Labrador that we’ve trained to take people’s socks off on command but that’s next level, that is


MikeUniformMike · 29/10/2020 15:51

They are called drawers for a reason, and they don't come from Chester.

MikeUniformMike · 29/10/2020 15:53

I believe that Windsor chairs were made in High Wycombe but I might be wrong.

grassisjeweled · 29/10/2020 15:53

Op? Still awake? Whaddya think?

GrandTheftWalrus · 29/10/2020 15:54

I found a pair of knickers several sizes smaller than mine and of course exh said they were mine. I was a 24 at the time and they were a 12.

I also found a used condom that he had no knowledge of.

And there was the time his workmate put condoms in his bag for a laugh.

All perfectly plausible explanations he thought. He wasn't amused when I announced I had had enough and was leaving him.

Pebbledashery · 29/10/2020 15:54

@MoistMolly comment of the day!

listsandbudgets · 29/10/2020 15:55

We have various things in the house that have mysteriously appeared - a mug from Hampshire Scientific Service just appeared in the cupboard one day and no one has ever known how it came to be there - we don't live anywhere near Hampshire!

A long pair of stripy socks which no one has ever explained turned up in the spare room.

And yes we have some knickers which appeared in the washing machine - weren't mine, definitely nothing to do with DP (not least because I'm not certain he knows where the washing machine is and anyway he was away for a couple of nights when they appeared). Certainly not DD's who was only 8 at the time.

We have various other things and quite mysteriously I found a saucepan on the patio the other day which was nothing to do with us.

I'm starting to subscribe to a worm hole theory

RedRiverShore · 29/10/2020 15:56

Would they fit him, if they were from another woman who left them surely he would return or bin them not put at back of drawer, that would be mad.

bungaloid · 29/10/2020 15:58

This is why I always carry random knickers on me to plant in other people's houses just to cause mischief.

BlueThistles · 29/10/2020 15:59

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.


Gumbo · 29/10/2020 16:00

I had a cat that used to steal (clean) underwear from people's washing baskets and bring them to me. I literally had bags of socks and knickers that I occasionally wondered around the neighbourhood with to see if anyone claimed them (they seldom did Grin)

Do you have a thieving cat?

nicerbeing · 29/10/2020 16:01


You are being unreasonable for saying you found them in draws.


What on earth is a draw? Why do people say this? It's such a common fuck up Confused
LindaEllen · 29/10/2020 16:03


This is why I always carry random knickers on me to plant in other people's houses just to cause mischief.

Laughed out loud at this (but hope you don't really!)
Crunchymum · 29/10/2020 16:03


A neighbour who may have mislaid them and a pet bought them in?
What, and put them in the back of the correct drawer in OPs bedroom?
I mean, I’ve got a Labrador that we’ve trained to take people’s socks off on command but that’s next level, that is.

As in pet brought them into house in the first place and they've ended up mixed up with the OP's washing.

But I'm guessing you knew what I meant !
LivingDeadGirlUK · 29/10/2020 16:04

Were they clean?

We acquired some knickers from MIL's after doing laundry at her house. Could something like that have happened?

AuntyPonsonby · 29/10/2020 16:04

Oh, rapists like trophies, but we're not suspecting him of that yet

It's only a matter of time ...

ivfbeenbusy · 29/10/2020 16:07

As much as I would love this to be the dogs fault (canine variety not the DH) doing i have a feeling this will end badly sorry OP

TallFriendlyGinger · 29/10/2020 16:09

Unless there's other signs he's cheating I wouldn't be too bothered, underwear like socks has a magic habit of disappearing and reappearing in weird places. I've had knicker go missing in the wash at my boyfriends parents house which I can only presume have gone into his mum or sisters drawers (mortifying!).

nevermorelenore · 29/10/2020 16:15

I once managed to pick up some random knickers in a laundrette. Threw a load in the dryer, then shoved it in a bag (cos I was a slovenly student). When I got round to putting it away, there was a random pair of cotton pants stuck to one of my hoodies! Someone must have left them in a dryer, then the static stuck them to my clothes.

Unless there were signs of cheating, I wouldn't worry. I doubt anyone would hide their knickers away if they left them behind.

CounsellorTroi · 29/10/2020 16:15


Were they clean?

We acquired some knickers from MIL's after doing laundry at her house. Could something like that have happened?

Something similar happened to me. Found an unfamiliar pair of knickers* amongst mine after staying at DM's house. They were my SIL's, she and DB had been staying at DM's house before us.

*I originally typed knockers
Fairyliz · 29/10/2020 16:16

Someone I know got married to a big butch rugby playing type man and six months later found some silky knickers in his drawers.
She immediately thought the worst and assumed he was having an affair.
Turns out they were his and he found it very relaxing to dress up in women’s clothing. He apparently had a whole load of clothes and makeup and used to dress up when his wife was out.
So that’s my theory.


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CleverCatty · 29/10/2020 16:17


Two possibilities...

a) He's shagging someone and bringing her knickers home (unlikely, who would bring knickers home? Oh, rapists like trophies, but we're not suspecting him of that yet).

b) They are his. He secretly wears ladies' underwear.

There might be a

c) He steals from washing lines...

Actually, I think you'd better ask someone else. I seem to be making things worse.

all these.

This reminds me a few years ago - a work colleague/friend lived near where I'd moved to at the time, she bought a house with her DP and I'd go round and me and we'd go to aerobics classes and I'd go to get changed - she told me to change in their/spare bedroom.

Once because I was rushing I left my nude bra there - unbeknownst to me she then found it a few days later and assumed her DP was having an affair until she mentioned it to me or I told her my bra was missing - I had no idea it would cause bother!

a friend of mine who's a lesbian and had a new girlfriend, the girlfriend found some knickers somewhere - assumed the worst but the knickers belonged to the friend's 14 year old DD who lived in the house.
Cattermole · 29/10/2020 16:18

My cat - who is an arsehole - brings me pants off next door's washing line. I would have been sceptical about this did I not see the little bugger hop through the kitchen window with a size 10 turquoise thong hanging out of his gob.
Likewise when my mum moved into her flat, stuffed down the end of the bed behind the mattress were a dainty pair of saucy pants, with receipt, still in their bag. Mum's 80 and widowed. She has no need for pulling pants....

CleverCatty · 29/10/2020 16:18

If SIL stays with me sometimes we swap clean (obvs!) knickers - despite being different sizes.

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