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Pair of knickers that aren’t mine?

152 replies

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 15:26

Hi this is my first ever post so please don’t be too harsh on me!

I was doing a clear out of mine and DP wardrobes the other day and found a pair of knickers pushed to the back of the draws that aren’t mine (wrong size and from somewhere I don’t buy my underwear from)

Obviously I was very confused as to where they had come from, so when DP got home I asked him if he’d ever seen them before and he said no and said they must be mine or someone else’s, maybe from the previous owners of the house??

Context we’ve lived in our house several years, I clear and tidy the wardrobes frequently. We are in a happy relationship with DD so I really can’t understand where they have come from.

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lingle · 30/10/2020 12:11

Good thinking detective EmmaGrundy, good thinking....

OffspringSeason8 · 30/10/2020 11:29

[quote Pebbledashery]@OffspringSeason8 Oh my god I just spat my tea out!! what did he have to say for himself!![/quote]
He was very angry, started shouting at me and punched a hole in the wall. He is obviously now an ex (who I feel like vomiting thinking of)!

It's a long story, but this was a man who is a scout leader, hard core skiier and climber. Aspergers so I always thought I knew exactly what I was getting, because the tendency to not lie easily made me think he was trustworthy. I struggled to get him to wear clothes which weren't navy blue, let alone red lacy corsets!

Moral of this story is: always keep your guard up!

EmmaGrundyForPM · 30/10/2020 09:44


Maybe the OW carries bad pants specifically to leave there -in order to put wives off the scent?

or as an Up Yours "look, he wants to shag me - even in granny pants I'm more attractive than you"
lingle · 30/10/2020 09:28

Maybe the OW carries bad pants specifically to leave there -in order to put wives off the scent?

TasslesandFringes · 30/10/2020 08:38

Notthisagain - how did that conversation go?!?!

Nonotthisagain · 30/10/2020 08:33

I found stockings and knickers in a smaller size than me in an ex's bedroom.

They're weren't from another woman though. They were his.

AintOverUntilTheCatLadySings · 30/10/2020 08:30

If they are clean but shabby Primark pants they're unlikely to be the OW's. An earring or lacey bra or thong would be a more obvious calling card. If she'd left them then she'd want you to know about her - and no one would advertise that they wore period pants to a love rival

AintOverUntilTheCatLadySings · 30/10/2020 08:22


Who leaves their pants behind, even if they’re having an affair! I’m baffled...!

I’m sure there’s an innocent reason

When I was young, single and fancy free I was still sleeping with an ex but was on all accounts single.

Threw a Halloween house party and pulled my friend's brother who was dressed as a monk. Turned out, he quite liked me, so hid his underwear in my bed for my ex (or anyone else) to find, so that I'd get dumped 😂

I found them the next day because I'm not a minger and changed my sheets. It was quite a funny case of drunk logic and he was quite embarrassed after.
caringcarer · 29/10/2020 21:47

How can a pet put them away in back of cupboard? My can can open some doors but that is crazy.

More likely he had woman in when you were out. Are they used or clean?

EmmaGrundyForPM · 29/10/2020 21:44

Not quite the same, but several years ago I used to collect the odd socks left over in the washing machine ad put them in a bag in my underwear drawer on the grounds that eventually its twin would turn up.
Every so often I'd turn out the bag to match up the pairs, but I'd only get a few matches, the remaining socks would remain unmated. I just put it down to one of those mysteries of the universe.

Then dh told me he had been doing exactly the same..... We merged our bags and miraculously almost every sock found its partner

Mrsdoubtfireswig · 29/10/2020 21:42

A while after I moved in I found a few pairs of knickers in fitted wardrobes from previous occupants - which must have got stuck behind or down the side of drawers. I lived alone at the time so definitely weren’t mine or had been brought in by anybody

Arthersleep · 29/10/2020 21:39

Have you been to the gym and accidentally picked up a pair with your clothes/towel and chucked in the machine? We had a mysterious pair of boxer shorts appear in our house. We never did get to the (scuse the pun), bottom of it! One of life's unexplained mysteries!

SleepyRoo · 29/10/2020 21:30

Oh come on. It's so obvious. And you'd be amazed how cheaters "find time" from seemingly nowhere. I hope I'm wrong but

zigaziga · 29/10/2020 21:22

I found a bra once. Since it was about 2 days after we moved in I know it was the old owner’s. It’s plausible I wouldn’t have found it for years if I hadn’t been removing the cupboards to replace though.

Chouetted · 29/10/2020 21:21

I found a size 12 pair of knickers in with mine once. I buy mine in packs of 5, live alone, and haven't worn a size 12 in 20 years.

I'm in with the worm-hole theorists.

NetflixWatcher · 29/10/2020 21:21

This happened to me but with mens branded socks. Partner was adamant they weren't his. Turned out they were my brothers. Was so confused at the time how they'd made it to my washing basket to be washed and put in my partners drawer.

NoParticularPattern · 29/10/2020 21:18

You’d be amazed at the stuff that appears in this house. Last week a passport for a long since deceased cow dropped out of the radiator (for context it was on the old OLD herd number which hasn’t been used for at least 14 years. The cow was about 25 years old 😂). So I then hoovered and dusted that radiator. Two days ago a pair of boys underpants fell out. How?! How?! I literally poked a radiator brush down every hole and crevice 🙈 I suspect something similar in this situation!

thosetalesofunexpected · 29/10/2020 21:16

Hi Op I really like the witty carry on style humour with these thread such as @MoistMollys
And comment in reply to a poster saying it might be neighbour might have mislaid them underwear and the cat brought them in and another poster saying we've trained out Laborador to bring socks on command,but that's next level that is !😀 L.o.l. thanks for the laughs...x

Wowzel · 29/10/2020 21:13

I found knickers that weren't mine on the floor in our bedroom, in amongst all the other random dirty clothes on the floor (we were young and messy in those days)

They were too small, and too lacy.

Belonged to a friend of mine that he'd been shagging in our bed!!

(we are not still together)

ozymandiusking · 29/10/2020 20:57

I think these have been left by the previous owner, Assuming the drawers were in the house before you moved in, and I think they have been stuck right down the back, and have somehow made their way out.

NeonGenesis · 29/10/2020 20:42

The affair thing is highly unlikely. Why would they be clean and in a drawer?

That would suggest that the woman had misplaced them somewhere in the house, and then DH had found them and thought "oh THERE they are! I'll pop them in the washing basket with my wife's clothes. She'll never know"

Makes zero sense.

ILoveYoga · 29/10/2020 20:42

We had similar - but with tiny men’s pants under a pillow on our bed. Turned out our au pair was bringing random guys back to our house in the day time and using our bed!


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Staffy1 · 29/10/2020 20:41

My cat - who is an arsehole

Grin aren't they all?

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 20:37


This happened to me once I found a tiny sexy pair of pants in my drawer but my investigation didn't come to anything, but what baffles me most is 3 pairs of big horrible knickers have gone missing unless I have been sleep walking and disposed of them there is no way they could have walked. I would forget about it if I was you or it will drive you mad and its not worth it.

These are pretty ugly, washed, not sexy primark (no offence to primark) knickers hence why I feel so confused as to where they have come from 😂
OP posts:
mam0918 · 29/10/2020 20:21


A neighbour who may have mislaid them and a pet bought them in?
What, and put them in the back of the correct drawer in OPs bedroom?
I mean, I’ve got a Labrador that we’ve trained to take people’s socks off on command but that’s next level, that is.

our dog use to eat underwear if she got a hold of them lol
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