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Pair of knickers that aren’t mine?

152 replies

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 15:26

Hi this is my first ever post so please don’t be too harsh on me!

I was doing a clear out of mine and DP wardrobes the other day and found a pair of knickers pushed to the back of the draws that aren’t mine (wrong size and from somewhere I don’t buy my underwear from)

Obviously I was very confused as to where they had come from, so when DP got home I asked him if he’d ever seen them before and he said no and said they must be mine or someone else’s, maybe from the previous owners of the house??

Context we’ve lived in our house several years, I clear and tidy the wardrobes frequently. We are in a happy relationship with DD so I really can’t understand where they have come from.

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gamerchick · 29/10/2020 16:19

Must admit my first thought would be that they may be his. Some dudes like wearing women's knickers, they're comfortable apparently.

Meepmeeep · 29/10/2020 16:19

Do they belong to Chester? Are they Chester’s draws?

Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 16:21

Sorry about the spelling of drawers 😂
DD is 1so defo not hers. Defo too small for DP as they are a size 6, we’ve not had anyone to stay and I really don’t see how DP would have time to bring a woman home as I’m there most of the time!!
No pets either.
We have recently been on a self catering holiday so that is an idea.
Thanks for all the suggestions, it has completely baffled my head hence why I decided to post here!

OP posts:
Lorgillelm · 29/10/2020 16:22

Oh and they do appear to be clean

OP posts:
OffspringSeason8 · 29/10/2020 16:22


Someone I know got married to a big butch rugby playing type man and six months later found some silky knickers in his drawers.
She immediately thought the worst and assumed he was having an affair.
Turns out they were his and he found it very relaxing to dress up in women’s clothing. He apparently had a whole load of clothes and makeup and used to dress up when his wife was out.
So that’s my theory.

"found it very relaxing" Hmm Autogynephilia is not about relaxing, it's about being sexually aroused by the idea of being or becoming a woman.
jessstan1 · 29/10/2020 16:23

All the luck of the draw really ;).

The op knows if she has left her husband alone in the house long enough for him to get up to hanky panky, she would also have been able to read his body language when she asked him about the knickers. We don't know where they came from.

AryaStarkWolf · 29/10/2020 16:24


Sorry about the spelling of drawers 😂
DD is 1so defo not hers. Defo too small for DP as they are a size 6, we’ve not had anyone to stay and I really don’t see how DP would have time to bring a woman home as I’m there most of the time!!
No pets either.
We have recently been on a self catering holiday so that is an idea.
Thanks for all the suggestions, it has completely baffled my head hence why I decided to post here!

If you have no other worries about him having an affair then it probably was just gathered up from the self catering place
EmmaGrundyForPM · 29/10/2020 16:25

I brought home a pair of knickers once after we had been on a self catering holiday - the cottages had a shared laundry room and they must have been in the drier.

I was really puzzled by a pair of jeans that turned up in my wardrobe. Really nice Jeans but a size 8 which I'm certainly not. I assumed they belonged to ds' girlfriend but no. Went through every possibility of friends accidentally leaving them etc but nothing made sense. It was only when I examined more detail that it dawned on me that they were mine - I'd bought them.on holiday in the US months earlier so the size 8 was actually a size 12.

I really don't think they are likely to belong to an AP if you found them in your wardrobe. Under the bed would be a different matter......

Thisismylife1 · 29/10/2020 16:27

Who leaves their pants behind, even if they’re having an affair! I’m baffled...!

I’m sure there’s an innocent reason

Crunchymum · 29/10/2020 16:28

You bought them home with you from your self catering place. That would be my guess.

DrizzleandDamp · 29/10/2020 16:33

I’ve found a vest top and a skirt both in sizes far too small for me in my washing.

Which was really bloody odd as I’m single! Also no trips away, gym, laundry out of the house or friends visiting. The mystery will be unsolved forever.

madcatladyforever · 29/10/2020 16:33

Men are really shit at hiding things, I found a soaking wet fetish outfit in a plastic bag in the cupboard under the stairs and said WTF is this and why is it wet, turns out he's been sneaking out in it and swimming in the pond down the road at night - my mind was well and truly boggled - why? why? He's an ex now, I can't be doing with him hiding the weird shit he did.
If I found a strangers pants in my drawer I'd think the worst.

ScribblingPixie · 29/10/2020 16:34

I own a self-catering place and stuff goes everywhere - some left behind that gets laundered and ends up in a duvet cover; some people contact me to say they've found clothes that's not theirs. All sorts that you wouldn't expect. That sounds like a very feasible explanation.

TakeUsHome · 29/10/2020 16:39

Someone earlier posted: Oh, rapists like trophies, but we're not suspecting him of that yet

Sadly that is very true about rapists and trophies. Were the knickers clean/fresh? If yes, then you could likely eliminate this possibility.

islockdownoveryet · 29/10/2020 16:41


Women leaving pants accidentally don't file them in the drawer. They leave them under the bed, the sofa or draped over the chaise.

This was my first thought and even if dh found them why would he hide them in your drawer. ?
My thought is someone has stayed and mixed up in the wash .
satnighttakeaway · 29/10/2020 16:45

My Dsis once found a pair of knickers in her enclosed back garden,she had motion activated CCTV and could see that the knickers had appeared within a certain timeframe but no one had been in the garden during that time.

The only possible explanations were that a bird had dropped them while flying over or that a freak gust of wind had blown them into her garden.

Strange stuff like this happens regualrly, there are lots of threads about similar situations, there' most likely an innocent explanation although you may never find out what it is Grin

islockdownoveryet · 29/10/2020 16:45


Who leaves their pants behind, even if they’re having an affair! I’m baffled...!

I’m sure there’s an innocent reason

I must be really naive because if I was having a affair with a married man I'd make sure i definitely left with my knickers. Grin
spiderlight · 29/10/2020 16:45

We've had various things appear from behind radiators over the years. Maybe a previous occupant of the house left things drying on a radiator and they fell down the back, and then at some point they dropped out of the bottom and got put away with your laundry?

FangsForTheMemory · 29/10/2020 16:50

There’s the scene in So Long And Thanks For All The Fish where Arthur Dent and Fenchurch are flying and cast off their underwear and it revolutionises things in two different London suburbs.

CherryValanc · 29/10/2020 16:51

I once found a plate that wasn't ours in the dishwasher. It was just in there when I was unloading it. No one in the house had brought anything in (foodwise) and still haven't discovered who's it was.

Maybe it's the universe exchanging things for all the single socks it hides.

Thisisnotnormal69 · 29/10/2020 16:51

Where did you get the chest of drawers from, and was the house unfurnished when you moved in? (Not sure if you rent or own)

OwlOne · 29/10/2020 16:51

I did used to find underwear that wasn't ours in the out sourced laundry but that was when I was taking it out of the bag. I didn't find it later. Iykwim


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sadie9 · 29/10/2020 16:53

If the wardrobe was there already when you moved in, then that is the explanation. Also things can be left in air cupboards that get mixed with other people's stuff. If it's at the back of the drawer could it have been stuck in an upper drawer/part and fallen down into your stuff?
I had this in another house we were in, from time to time a kid's sock or something would randomly appear.

SBTLove · 29/10/2020 16:54

If SIL stays with me sometimes we swap clean (obvs!) knickers - despite being different sizes
Why? if you both have clean ones why swap? just odd.

CherryValanc · 29/10/2020 16:54


Must admit my first thought would be that they may be his. Some dudes like wearing women's knickers, they're comfortable apparently.

I'd say that's just an excuse. The thread on gussets would suggest that men's pants are the comfortable ones!!
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