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To be pissed with messages after nightshift

201 replies

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:00

I have just finished night 4 of 6 nightshifts,
I am an absolute mess, im getting max 3hrs sleep a day, im SE London, its been absolutely scorching since Thursday last week 30s+, hard enough to sleep in at night, let alone during the day, with the added noise of daily life and people enjoying the weather.

This morning, I had been asleep for maybe an hour, 4hrs after my shift had finished (and I stayed late) and my phone starts going off.

Its my manager, informing me, and my team about a meeting on Thursday just after noon, wanting responses from everyone, so of course, new group, no notifications set up, everyone replying, I'm awake, my phone rarely goes off, my family know when im at work, and I woke in a panic that something had happened and now, im sat here, my rooms absolutely baking, 2 ceiling fans going, windows open wide, curtains open for the light breeze, door open, sleep is not happening, I could fry an egg in here!!

Im furious, the more I sit here not sleeping, the more annoyed I get.

Not only because my manager has woken me up (gr?) but also that I now have to try and be present for a meeting after day 6 of nightshift 7hrs after my shift finishes.

I want to message her back (privately away from the group) to make a point of this, it isn't the first time, and frankly, I've had enough, im sleep deprived, hot and bothered, and feeling stupidly fragile, but all my messages are sounding PA or rude.

Any magic sleeping in heatwave recipes? 😭

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

991 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
gutentag1 · 11/08/2020 14:17

You are being unreasonable. You can't expect the world to stop because you're on a nightshift, it's your responsibility to turn your phone to do not disturb if you don't want to be disturbed.

ClamDango · 11/08/2020 14:17

the notifications only come through to you because the phone is on and set to inform you of notifications with a beep or ping or whatever it's set at. just turn it off, turn the phone off, the notifications will come up when you turn it back on.

PawPawNoodle · 11/08/2020 14:17

Tell them that you'd be happy to engage in a meeting after you've had your legally entitled 11 consecutive hours of rest.

Set group to mute, turn phone to wholly silent, ignore it until get up for work.

Buggedandconfused · 11/08/2020 14:18

I’ve discovered earplugs & a good eye mask make it great to sleep with windows open to get a breeze.

Shemeanswell · 11/08/2020 14:18

I dunno what phone you have, but on an iPhone you can make people VIPs, like your mum or whoever, then when you switch your phone to do not disturb, the VIPs still get through.

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:19

@Blobby10 Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to try them all, I'm seriously falling apart right now, its not a good look.

OP posts:
Shemeanswell · 11/08/2020 14:19

But YANBU to be pissed off. They sound a bit thick, tbh.

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:20

Who said I wanted the world to stop 😂 I just want to sleep?!?

OP posts:
GennyCrabby · 11/08/2020 14:20

@GennyCrabbyit was a new group set up at the time of the message, hence notifications waking me up, its really not that hard to understand is it!?

Again - between your phone and WhatsApp you have a variety of options that you can use to make sure that neither new groups being set up nor anything else disturbs you when you're trying to sleep. It's really not that hard to understand, is it!?

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:21

@Shemeanswell thats basically how I have mine set up, it isn't an IPhone, but i can set notifications like that, only problem being ot was a new group, so it was on 'normal' so vibrated.

OP posts:
Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:22

@GennyCrabby your names perfect, and your just as crabby as I am!

OP posts:
vanillandhoney · 11/08/2020 14:23

Put your phone on Do Not Disturb and only allow calls from certain contacts.

You can't complain that you were woken up when your phone was turned on and on vibrate!

GennyCrabby · 11/08/2020 14:23

I am also sleep deprived because of the heat (not because of my phone settings) Wink

Seracursoren · 11/08/2020 14:24

My phone automatically goes onto silent mode every night at 10pm and turns back on at 7am.

I have certain people set to priority which will over-ride the silent mode, but only for a phone call but everyone set to priority knows this.

There are apps for this. My phone is an android.

In all bedrooms in this house we have ceiling fans. They may not be pretty but my goodness they help a lot. They are also almost silent unlike a pedestal fan.

We also have a portable air conditioning unit that we use to cool a room down too.

I know it is shit when it is hot and you have to sleep in the day. My Mum was a night shift worker too.

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:24

Do people really cut all contact from the world when they sleep?

Im quite shocked how many completely switch off to sleep.

OP posts:
Savingshoes · 11/08/2020 14:25

Your manager is contacting you in your own time. You have a right to a work/life balance.

Send a message in the group chat stating that you need your sleep in order to focus on work tonight then delete the group.

When it comes to the meeting, wait until you're at work (2am?) and phone your manager to discuss what you want on the agenda and at the end of the conversation say "oh, and I am giving my apologies, I have other commitments at that time/day" and end the call.

NurseP · 11/08/2020 14:26

Yep, just use do not disturb, thos gives you the option to let only certain calls through.

Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:26

I still maintain its my managers fault.. she didn't even ask me if I wanted to be part of this work group on my personal phone 🙄

Yes I'm being picky now, I'm so tired

OP posts:
Runbitchrun · 11/08/2020 14:26

YABU, although I empathise with the sleep deprivation.

As several people have pointed out, you can use DND or similar on your phone and have it set that only certain things come through. WhatsApp is never likely to be used in an emergency, so you have no need for those notifications to be enabled - the fact it was a new group is irrelevant.

Trashtara · 11/08/2020 14:27


I have each group set up to vibrate or muted, maybe I am being unreasonable then, because I wouldn't shut of my only way of being contacted in an emergency just incase my boss wakes me.

But on most phones you can set do not disturb but set certain numbers to be able to contact you (e.g. family).
Wankpuffin · 11/08/2020 14:28

I feel your pain.

I worked nightshifts the past two summers and it was hell. Nightshift is horrible anyway as people don’t consider it ‘real’ working as it’s not in the daytime Hmm - or at least the people I know didn’t.

I used to hate meetings after shits. My shift would end at 8am and then there would be a team meeting at 10. I lived a 45 min drive from work so no point going home! I just used to sit there knackered.

The one time I put my phone on silent, my Ds broke his leg!

AriettyHomily · 11/08/2020 14:29


Do people really cut all contact from the world when they sleep?

Im quite shocked how many completely switch off to sleep.

My phone has DND from 10-7, if selected numbers call me twice or more it will sound. How are you supposed to sleep otherwise?!

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Alwaysoutofreach · 11/08/2020 14:31

@Seracursoren every room has a ceiling fan too, my room has 2, they help somewhat, but its just moving hot air.

I have quite a large air conditioning unit, whilst being stored, the pipe got damaged, only noticed when I got it out on Friday, I tried to repair it and use a plain tumble dryer pipe, but the heat just makes it peel off, so im also sat staring at the beautiful block of air conditioning heaven that I also cannot use.. 2020 🙄😂

OP posts:
slipperywhensparticus · 11/08/2020 14:33


Do people really cut all contact from the world when they sleep?

Im quite shocked how many completely switch off to sleep.

I dont my phone is set if the same number rings twice they get through the second time

Wet flannel yourself and don't dry yourself it should cool you off
vanillandhoney · 11/08/2020 14:34


Do people really cut all contact from the world when they sleep?

Im quite shocked how many completely switch off to sleep.

Of course. Why would you set yourself up to have a sleepless night?
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