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Do I pay my hairdresser double?

276 replies

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:00

My mum and I have been discussing our first post lockdown haircut. I won't get mine done for a while (shielding) but should we pay double first time back? If not, how much would/do you plan to tip?

For reference a cut costs roughly £20 for mum and £30 for me and this wouldn't break the bank for either of us but equally don't want to seem OTT.

YABU - double?! What you thinking?!
YANBU - of course you should pay double, they haven't been able to work for the last 3 months.

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MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 21:09


Madame My occupation is riskier than yours but I have just carried on as normal. You don’t need to stay home, go out for that meal or take the kids to the park.

I’ll get there eventually i think - i just have a bit of anxiety about it. I’ve missed work way more than I miss the pub, which is a sentence i never thought i would say 😂 fair dos to anyone doing anything else, I didn’t mean any judgment, we’re all just doing what we can ❤️

Apart from anything else i’m too bloody knackered to do any socialising! Talk about a shock to the system.
HisNibs · 13/07/2020 21:10

Do it if makes you feel better but assuming they've been doing it for a while i.e. 2+ years you do realise they will have been claiming the 80% of profit grant (SEISS) and be fantastically busy for the next few months. Probably find the price has increased anyway.

saraclara · 13/07/2020 21:10

I have a relative who's a hairdresser. She's been absolutely fine during lockdown. The govt help has been fine for her. But then she's always been honest about her earnings when it comes to tax. Some weren't, and then of course didn't get the full grant.

MrsKoala · 13/07/2020 21:10

I had my hair done last week and it was £185. I don’t tip and I won’t be doubling it!

Nicknacky · 13/07/2020 21:11

Madame Oh you will be knackered! I only commented because I think it must be easy to think it is that scary COVID world out there. It isn’t. Like I say, I’ve been working throughout with little social distancing or masks and I haven’t stopped my life out of work. I would have went made if I had.

Nicknacky · 13/07/2020 21:11


Judystilldreamsofhorses · 13/07/2020 21:16

I’m going next week and the price has gone up 15%. I plan to bring my hairdresser a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers, but paying double would be £140 for just a cut.

BakewellGin1 · 13/07/2020 21:17

200/300 for a hair appointment - wow

I know people only pay for what they can afford but I could get my hair done six times for that

AmICrazyorWhat2 · 13/07/2020 21:18

I wouldn't pay double but I did give my hairdresser a good tip last week. She can only see 50% of her usual clients every day due to the extensive cleaning between each visit. It's mandated here (US) that they only see 50% so they're not making what they usually would.

I was so grateful to get my hair cut!

Redwinestillfine · 13/07/2020 21:18

I haven't been yet but my DH paid quadruple for his first pint!

JRUIN · 13/07/2020 21:19

Pay as much as you like. As long as hairdressers don't expect extra from the rest of us- many of whom have been struggling too- who cares?

WorraLiberty · 13/07/2020 21:20

I got my hair done last week. I paid my usual £30 for a cut and blow dry.

It wouldn't have occurred to me to pay double and I expect my hairdresser would've thought I'd been sniffing the hand sanitizer if I did Confused

BobFleming · 13/07/2020 21:22

My hairdresser charges an alarming £130 per cut. So no, I won't be paying her double.

user1487194234 · 13/07/2020 21:23

I have an appointment this week and will be paying double

LostTrust · 13/07/2020 21:24

Gosh - I can't believe how much some of you pay for a hair appointment! I take a big bar of chocolate for my hairdresser! No tip.

My annual hairdressers bill is £16!

I.have 2 dry cuts a year @£8 a snip!

TomBradysLeftKneecap · 13/07/2020 21:26

When I went, my cut and highlights had gone up $50 anyway. I was a bit Shock about it tbh, especially as it’s customary to tip 20% here too.

user1487194234 · 13/07/2020 21:29

I pay £125 cut and colour every 4weeks Tip £20
Will pay £250 for next 2 appointments

Ownerofmultiplechimps · 13/07/2020 21:31

My hairdresser has increased the prices significantly, my usual cut is now £30 more on paper although I get mates rate so it’s £10 more than previous. Her supplier costs have gone up so I was expecting it & am happy to pay.

CrappilyMarriedNoMore · 13/07/2020 21:34

I'm planning on giving a bigger tip than usual, but only because my hair's such a state my poor hairdresser will have her work cut out this time 😂

backseatcookers · 13/07/2020 21:40


There is no limit- you get 80% of your average earnings over a 3-month period, based on your tax return over the last 3 years.

There is a limit:

Do I pay my hairdresser double?
Do I pay my hairdresser double?
babbi · 13/07/2020 21:41

Ill be paying double for sure ... personal choice though and I think she charges too little ..

Northernsoulgirl45 · 13/07/2020 21:41

*@lifesalongsongThere is no limit- you get 80% of your average earnings over a 3-month period, based on your tax return over the last 3 years. *
This is wrong. There definitely is a limit. I can't remember what is was exactly as I earn very little and even less previous tax years. Self employed had to survive on no money for almost 3 months and the further grant is even lower. Plus they will be taxed on the grant in their tax returns.


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user1471507295 · 13/07/2020 21:42

Ridiculous to be paying double. Rather patronising imo.

PyongyangKipperbang · 13/07/2020 21:42

If you can afford it and it makes you feel that you have helped them then do it. You will certainly be remembered as "that lovely woman who paid double as a tip because we couldnt work" and you will get the best magazines next time :o

Viviennemary · 13/07/2020 21:44

No you absolutely should not pay double. It would be too embarrassing. I might give a bit more tip than usual but not pay double.

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