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Do I pay my hairdresser double?

276 replies

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:00

My mum and I have been discussing our first post lockdown haircut. I won't get mine done for a while (shielding) but should we pay double first time back? If not, how much would/do you plan to tip?

For reference a cut costs roughly £20 for mum and £30 for me and this wouldn't break the bank for either of us but equally don't want to seem OTT.

YABU - double?! What you thinking?!
YANBU - of course you should pay double, they haven't been able to work for the last 3 months.

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Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:35


Hair salons are businesses. They've been able to furlough employees, get government support if they've been paying their taxes.

Just pay what you would normally pay

I've never been to a salon which operates with employees - the stylists tend to be self employed.
OP posts:
PurpleSproutingSomething · 13/07/2020 20:35

Mine will be c.£300 this week. No chance I'm paying double.

JinglingHellsBells · 13/07/2020 20:36

Is that because they earned over the limit for self employed grant?

@lifesalongsong There is no limit- you get 80% of your average earnings over a 3-month period, based on your tax return over the last 3 years.

MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 20:36

Ahh @Belowwreck you sound like a dream client, i’m glad it was helpful.

This thread has been an eye opener, i never knew i was minted, i wish someone would tell my bank balance that Grin

In all seriousness, incomes vary massively in the industry, assistants and juniors take home minimum wageish type money. Salon owners can make more but equally they can struggle depending on what stage they’re at building their business. I would hope that my clients make their decision about whether my prices are fair and/or whether i deserve a tip based on how pleased they are with my work rather than any assumptions they may make about my personal circumstances, which are none of their business really. Eg my colleague has a dh who is a high rate tax payer and a lovely big house whereas i am a single parent on in work benefits. I don’t think i deserve more of a tip than she does, what bizarre thinking.

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:37

JinglingHellsBells thanks that's helpful to know, salons tend to be cash only round here but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot change to card only.

OP posts:
bluebeck · 13/07/2020 20:37

I paid a lot more to my hairdresser who has been coping with my hair for over 20 years.

I have a full head of highlights and hadn't been since February, so obviously she had a lot more hair to cover than usual, using more product and taking more time, so I paid her 50% more and then £10 tip.

I think if you have highlights then you should probably pay more if your roots are twice as long....

JinglingHellsBells · 13/07/2020 20:38

I've never been to a salon which operates with employees - the stylists tend to be self employed.

well that's rather odd. At mine there is the Director, the manager, the asst manager, junior stylists, senior stylists, etc. I have had stylists who rented a chair, as they say, but it's not always like that.

JADS · 13/07/2020 20:38

The biggest cost to hairdressers will be fallow time. Ie the fact they can't book back to back like they did previously. If people are booking appointments and not turning up, that adds to the problem.

I thought you were bonkers at first, but if you want to tip double and you can afford it, please do. I bet they won't be earning at full capacity despite being back at work and seemingly fully booked.

namechangetheworld · 13/07/2020 20:38

YABU. I can't believe so many people tip their hairdresser!

MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 20:38

Absolutely. I know exactly zero stylists who work on an employee basis.

MarshaBradyo · 13/07/2020 20:38

Jingling there is a limit. You can earn up to £50k. Over that and you don’t get the grant.

The SE is good usually only not when over this threshold or trading for too short a period.

MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 20:39


Absolutely. I know exactly zero stylists who work on an employee basis.

This was meant to be a reply to op’s post about most hairdressers being self employed rather than employees but my phone decided it hates me 🤪
Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:39

I can't believe people pay £300 quid a visit!

OP posts:
JinglingHellsBells · 13/07/2020 20:40

Tips may not be allowed- it's card only in most shops and places now. Handling cash is risk of transmitting infection.

Heyhih3 · 13/07/2020 20:40

I would tip them if you would really want to do it. Kind gesture.

LuluJakey1 · 13/07/2020 20:40

I paid the usual and gave a much bigger tip as a one-off.

JinglingHellsBells · 13/07/2020 20:41

@Belowwreck it depends on location. Where I am, a T section of 20 highlights is £80, cut and finish £70 -ish, so both together it's £150. Certainly won't be doubling up!

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:43

Wow, it costs me about 90 quid for a full head of highlights including the cut!

That was why I included what I pay though, I know it's not a huge amount so doubling 20 quid is buttons in comparison to doubling £300! If I can tip i'll double what I'd usually give though, that seems like a happy medium.

OP posts:
Disfordarkchocolate · 13/07/2020 20:43

Pay what they ask and leave a tip. I'd expect their prices to have gone up.

ScrapThatThen · 13/07/2020 20:44

Thanks for reminding me I need to pay more because I missed and cancelled an appointment at the start of this.

MayDayFightsBack · 13/07/2020 20:44

I tipped my hairdresser £10 and was glad to do it as she had made sure to book me in on the first day she got back to work. She hadn't hiked her prices either. I really appreciate my hairdressers and go every few weeks to have my roots done so I had no problem with tipping extra.

rosesandcashmere · 13/07/2020 20:44

Mine normally costs around £240 they get a 20% tip. I won't be changing thatv


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MarshaBradyo · 13/07/2020 20:45

Below haircut £70 plus and half head highlights £250. May have gone up, senior but not top stylist

Nicknacky · 13/07/2020 20:46

My hairdressers are only taking cash, no card payments!

MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 20:46

We have gone card only but are happy to add a tip on if people ask when we’re entering the total. We keep a note of tips and we pool them all and we use them for things like a nice coffee/smoothie from the cafe next door when we’re too busy to take a proper break, or to buy lunch when we’re doing training days, or for our work nights out. We greatly appreciate them but do not expect them.

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