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Do I pay my hairdresser double?

276 replies

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:00

My mum and I have been discussing our first post lockdown haircut. I won't get mine done for a while (shielding) but should we pay double first time back? If not, how much would/do you plan to tip?

For reference a cut costs roughly £20 for mum and £30 for me and this wouldn't break the bank for either of us but equally don't want to seem OTT.

YABU - double?! What you thinking?!
YANBU - of course you should pay double, they haven't been able to work for the last 3 months.

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Smashtastic · 13/07/2020 20:15

@cologne4711 that's terrible, I hate it when people do that!

Pixxie7 · 13/07/2020 20:16

On the whole they have been furloughed, they are booked for month. I would give my usual tip but would rather give any extra to people who are struggling.

Nicknacky · 13/07/2020 20:16

cologne All the hairdressers, beauticians and nail technicians I use have been self employed and have had no government help.

The propaganda wasn’t as great as it was made out to many.

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:17


If you want to tip more in recognition of the fact that they’ve had a hard time then go for it, it’s kind of you. But don’t imply that everyone should be doing it, plenty of people that need a haircut have also been hard hit by lockdown and shouldn’t feel obliged to tip at all if they don’t want to.

Aye, that's exactly what I'm doing Hmm
OP posts:
SunbathingDragon · 13/07/2020 20:18

I think that it would be a lovely gesture if you can afford it and if you have had the same hairdresser for a very long time.

StarUtopia · 13/07/2020 20:18

Jesus. Hairdressers are bloody minted. Well, the ones I know are!

I don't know why people get the impression they're skint.

They've had a grant whilst they've been off.

Just pay as normal.

DarkDarkNight · 13/07/2020 20:18

I wouldn’t pay double but may tip more generously.

Flymetothetoon · 13/07/2020 20:18

I find it quite bizarre that you want to pay double the cost of a haircut. Did you have the same attitude when you went to the pub the first time when they re-opened?

CourtneyLurve · 13/07/2020 20:19

I usually tip 10%, but tipped 20% this time. It was full foils and a cut. I was just so grateful she'd fit me in!

Timesdone · 13/07/2020 20:20

I pay my hairdresser what she charges, I never tip, it makes me squirm thinking about it. She runs her own business & charges accordingly, to me it just feels patronising to tip. I maybe out of line here in accepted practice but I just can't do it.

PainintheholeSIL · 13/07/2020 20:21

@StarUtopia hairdressers are minted? Seriously? What an utterly stupid comment.Hmm

MadameButterface · 13/07/2020 20:21

I am a hairdresser and our prices have gone up because our overheads have (we have had to buy in disposable gowns/towels/masks/visors for ourselves, we also are not booking in clients back to back because we can’t have as many bodies in the salon, eg in normal times, we would put one client’s colour on and then swap them out of the chair and do a cut while it was developing, we also need to deep clean between clients). Also, some services are costing more, obviously it costs more in product to cover three inches of roots than one inch, and lots of people are wanting more of a restyle than a trim etc. We are being upfront and honest about this from the get go rather than people being in the awkward position of us hoping they’ll somehow psychically guess that they need to pay more then getting the hump when they don’t!

Just ask when you book in if prices have changed. Obviously tips are massively appreciated as most stylists work on a self employed basis, but it makes no business sense to expect clients to cover our increased costs from discretionary gratuities, and it would also be weird and rude imo. That said most of our post lockdown clients have been incredibly generous (my first client back tipped me £25 god love her), but we also know that these are tricky times for a lot of people not just us. Just ask about the price when you book.

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:21


I find it quite bizarre that you want to pay double the cost of a haircut. Did you have the same attitude when you went to the pub the first time when they re-opened?

I don't have a regular pub. There's a few cafes I go to regularly I have tried to support by buying coffee bags from and will tip generously when I return.
OP posts:
ChangeOfName2020 · 13/07/2020 20:21

I visited my hairdressers at the weekend.

Price wise it had gone up 10%.

I was fully expecting an increase to account for them being shut the last few months, plus additional costs like ppe, sanitiser etc

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:23

Thanks MadameButterface that's really helpful. Prices have increased but not massively.

OP posts:
heartsonacake · 13/07/2020 20:26

YABU. I don’t even tip. I’m already paying for the haircut.

Clearyweary · 13/07/2020 20:27

My hairdresser charges me £130. I’m not tipping on top of that!

ComputersaysRAVE · 13/07/2020 20:28

The local bistro is going to love you when you pop in youre tipping all service staff

lifesalongsong · 13/07/2020 20:29


cologne All the hairdressers, beauticians and nail technicians I use have been self employed and have had no government help.

The propaganda wasn’t as great as it was made out to many.

Is that because they earned over the limit for self employed grant?
AKissAndASmile · 13/07/2020 20:29

I don't usually tip

TheTurnOfTheScrew · 13/07/2020 20:30

I've not booked an appointment yet, but plan to do so this week. I've been expecting a chunky price rise to cover the reduction in customer throughput, but if that doesn't happen I'll give an extra tip.

isabellerossignol · 13/07/2020 20:33


I pay my hairdresser what she charges, I never tip, it makes me squirm thinking about it. She runs her own business & charges accordingly, to me it just feels patronising to tip. I maybe out of line here in accepted practice but I just can't do it.

I don't think you are out of touch. I've never had a self employed hairdresser or beautician who has been happy to take a tip, they have always said that they set their own prices and know what their services are worth. If anything I've found that they've found it quite patronising and it has rubbed them up the wrong way.

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back2good · 13/07/2020 20:34

Hair salons are businesses. They've been able to furlough employees, get government support if they've been paying their taxes.

Just pay what you would normally pay

JinglingHellsBells · 13/07/2020 20:34

The tip thing- my hairdressers are accepting payment by card only.

It's not possible to tip because adding anything to the bill will go in the owner's account for the business.

They are not accepting cash for safety reasons.

Maybe it's not the same across the country but this is how it is where I live and the same in most pubs and cafes- card only.

I hadn't even thought of paying more- why would you?

If they are self employed they can claim a grant and if not they are furloughed.

thesunisup · 13/07/2020 20:34

I'd normally tip a fiver but planning on tipping a tenner when I go this week

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