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Do I pay my hairdresser double?

276 replies

Belowwreck · 13/07/2020 20:00

My mum and I have been discussing our first post lockdown haircut. I won't get mine done for a while (shielding) but should we pay double first time back? If not, how much would/do you plan to tip?

For reference a cut costs roughly £20 for mum and £30 for me and this wouldn't break the bank for either of us but equally don't want to seem OTT.

YABU - double?! What you thinking?!
YANBU - of course you should pay double, they haven't been able to work for the last 3 months.

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hopeso · 14/07/2020 20:55

There is no way I would be able to pay double. As a freelancer, I have literally had no wage for most of this year, and do not qualify for any government help. I've heard of hairdressers who are charging £15 extra to their clients, dentists who are charging people for masks and refusing to do NHS work. It seems fleecing people at a time of crisis is still going strong. Just pay the normal and add a bit of a tip.

AdoreTheBeach · 15/07/2020 05:14

I see where you’re coming from. Months ago there were posts in mumsnet about continuing to pay nursery, childminders, cleaners - so if people continued to pay the cleaner, why not hairdresser? However, hopefully they all should’ve been able to take advantage of the various schemes the government provided.

Feel free to pay double but I personally don’t think it’s needed. I went recently, there was an extra charge for PPE

Longpinknails · 15/07/2020 07:48

For the poster who said her hairdresser earns £2,000 a month....that is exceptional. My DS left this profession as it was so poorly paid. Those that earn the most are usually the owners of salons.

JosieJasper · 15/07/2020 08:31

salons tend to be cash only round here

This implies they’re saving by not paying as much tax?? So maybe you don’t need to worry about a tip at all Hmm

Northernsoulgirl45 · 15/07/2020 08:58

This implies they’re saving by not paying as much tax?? So maybe you don’t need to worry about a tip at all

It also means that they won't get a good grant if they aren't declaring their full income. So perhaps it wasn't their best idea.

Although my grant was crap I am glad I bothered to do Tax Returns as my job is of a cash in hand type but I have always completed srlf assesment even though I don't earn enough yet to pay tax.

Northernsoulgirl45 · 15/07/2020 09:01

It was crap because I work far more now and in 2019 to 2020 than I did in previous years.

It grates that some people doing same job as an employee got 80% of current wage yet I received about 50% of a months current wage for the whole three months

Pr1mr0se · 15/07/2020 09:06

Yes they have been closed for 4 months BUT they will have been PAID by the government as they've been furloughed surely? Why do they need to be paid more than normal in those circumstances? They haven't been taking any unusual risks (up until now maybe but they'll have PPE for that). You may find their prices have gone up anyway to cover the additional costs of PPE. Where do you live to get a hairdresser so cheap? :-)

Northernsoulgirl45 · 15/07/2020 09:11

The seiss was fraught with issues and not everyone qualified so if self employed you don't know for sure whether they was propped up by the Govt unlike waged staff who will have been propped up by the Govt and often had their salary topped up by their employers roo.

bemusedmoose · 15/07/2020 09:31

why double? You dont even get half the work down now. No wash, no blow dry, no drink.... double seems a bit crazy. I know they have been closed are short of income but to just paid double for half the service does sound insane.

Commonwasher · 15/07/2020 09:56

That’s a very nice idea.

It’s also a very reasonably haircut. Mine was £90 so I don’t think I’ll pay double, but I will tip.

AramintaLee · 15/07/2020 11:35

If you want to give an increased tip (say 20% rather than 10%) then go for it... but I think paying double is a bit OTT. If I were the hairdresser, I would probably feel a bit embarrassed - even though it would be done with the best of intentions.

Iknewyouwerewaitingforme · 15/07/2020 13:00

I tipped my colourist £30, would usually tip £10- £20 but given they can now only see 1 client at a time wen usually he would do my colour/leave to set while doing another client etc...but now just has me there for 3 hours, he's earning less while still risking catching Covid by coming to work, and working in mask/visor so very uncomfortable so feel £30 is more than reasonable to show him my thanks for doing this all. If you really value your hairdresser they won't forget it.

Candyflosscookie · 15/07/2020 13:52

If any salon owners want to help out @Freakstar has a thread in money matters topic asking how much small salon owners earn - her friend that she's arguing with thinks you're all loaded and got money from the govt too. She's looking for help to rebut this.

LaureBerthaud · 15/07/2020 14:05

There is something Lady of the Manorish about this pay double, huge tip, pay the cleaner for doing nothing attitude.

NobbyButtons · 15/07/2020 14:20

When I made my haircut appointment the hairdresser said they are adding a £5 surcharge to all appointments.

I wouldn't pay double! It costs me £45 to get my hair cut as it is and I don't have anything complicated done.

thesunisup · 15/07/2020 14:24

I went today, salon excellently run, all measures in place and one in one out per stylist. No price increase but I gave my hairdresser £10 rather than £5.

Shoeshiner68 · 15/07/2020 14:33

I find tipping a bit strange for certain professions and Hairdressing is one of them. Taxi Drivers is another. Surely getting someone from A to B is their job. I don’t get tipped for what I choose to do for a living and I’m not sure why others do. Does it date back to low wages before minimum wage came in?

Mnhealth202020 · 15/07/2020 14:41

I have never tipped at a hair salon.

I’m in my early 20’s, so until I graduated I probably earned the same as whoever was doing my hair. I have always visited larger salons groups like Toni & guy rather than small independent salons, where tips aren’t expected. I have never seen another customer tip at my salon. The prices I pay aren’t as cheap as some of the posters here (£5??) so I feel like their costs are accurately covered in the price I pay - £60 for cut/blow dry, £150 highlights, £50 for colour between foils, £30 olaplex etc.

thesunisup · 15/07/2020 14:44

The prices I pay aren’t as cheap as some of the posters here (£5??)

I meant the tip - I normally tip £5 but tipped £10 today. I paid £57 for tint, cut, blow dry. Independent local town salon in NW.

paap1975 · 15/07/2020 14:48

A lovely kind thing to do. I don't believe people are being so critical of your generosity!

Barney60 · 15/07/2020 16:46

My hairdresser came this week. Said at end of cut its now £35 instead of usual £30, she said because its a total restyle rather than trimming. i was fine with that.

KaptainKaveman · 15/07/2020 17:54

I always tip my hairdresser, I've been seeing him for years and he's great. I'm going next week ( yay!) And will tip extra.


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Ilovegreentomatoes · 15/07/2020 18:12

Well as I was furloughed on 80% pay I'm not in a position to pay extra than what I normally do.And quite disappointed I'm not getting my blow dry so essentially will be walking out with wet hair! Surprised anyone on here is still able to get a blow dry thought it wasn't allowed?.

thesunisup · 15/07/2020 19:45

I was surprised too re blow dry but they've halved their number of clients at anyone time, stylists wearing visors and masks and clients in masks so I guess it's quite safe.

Frazzled2207 · 15/07/2020 20:31

No problem with blow dries at mine. I asked about this and there was nothing in the guidance about it I’m told. Apparently they are banned in Germany though.

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