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To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?

306 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:06

Dh is snoring away, on top of the sheet we are using on the bed on this roasting night.

It's discombobulating. Clearly the man is a psychopath.

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snowybean · 25/06/2020 00:13

Sleeping without a covering should be AGAINST THE LAW 12 YEARS DUNGEON NO TRIAL

Divebar · 25/06/2020 00:15

I sleep naked but have to have my bum covered. Boobs out no problem... bum, nope.

squeekums · 25/06/2020 00:15

I've never had a hot flush and am rarely too hot. Long live hot weather!

Here here!
My favorite time of year is a Aussie heatwave.

Feet must be covered to sleep, no ifs or buts

PastMyBestBeforeDate · 25/06/2020 00:19

I'm not alone in needing my neck covered! I tuck a corner under my shoulder to stop DH stealing it all. I need it across my neck and the other shoulder too but that's it.

Jeremyironsnothing · 25/06/2020 00:21

I have the top corner of the duvet stretched over my middle in a sort of triangle. I'm not worried about my legs being attacked i can do without those at a push but my chest and head feel a bit exposed to the mercies of the unknown.

Defender90 · 25/06/2020 00:21

Same. DH can sleep with nothing. As long as I have a sheet of duvet cover covering hips to shin I'll sleep. Sleeping with zero coverings. Gad no! Never. I say that as a Scottish person complaining I'm too Scottish for these temps!

QuestionableMouse · 25/06/2020 00:21

I need something over me or I'd spend all night detaching the cat from my feet. Monsters wouldn't stand a chance 😂😂

I keep a spray bottle near the bed and have a good spray to cool down. Lovely.

MistyGreenAndBlue · 25/06/2020 00:22

@snowybean. They'll never take me alive! Grin

MistyGreenAndBlue · 25/06/2020 00:24

[quote Straysocks]@MistyGreenAndBlue you are so Villanelle![/quote]
Trying to work out if this is a compliment. Who is Villanelle?

dogcatwolf · 25/06/2020 00:26

Only weird people sleep without a duvet. I can be in 40 degree heat and still need one.

snowybean · 25/06/2020 00:26

Villanelle is from Killing Eve! You should jump on that show, it's gooooood.

squeekums · 25/06/2020 00:27

I'm not alone in needing my neck covered!

I sleep under my pillow. I cant fall asleep on it like normal people, i have to be under, even if just my forehead covered, Butsually only my mouth and nose are out, they say breathing essential lol

ChanklyBore · 25/06/2020 00:27

It’s no more than 20 degrees across most of the UK right now, surely. Where I am it is 18 degrees but I’m rolling around on the weather app and I can’t see anything more than “feels like 20”.

That’s “maybe take a cardigan just in case” weather. I can’t understand the angst. That day last year it topped 38 degrees and I was in a youth hostel dorm in central London, on the other hand..... How many would change their mind about the duvet in a dorm room?

Iverunoutofnames · 25/06/2020 00:27

I sleep naked with pants (no pants is too naked).
I just have a sheet at the moment and this prevents Dracula, specifically nosferatu, coming and getting me.

B1rdbra1n · 25/06/2020 00:29

It is weird isn't it 🤔
you need a barrier against the dark!

BarbedBloom · 25/06/2020 00:30

I intend to sleep naked with no covers tonight. My bedroom is like the inside of an oven. If the monsters cart me away it will be a relief at this point.

FlamedToACrisp · 25/06/2020 00:34

Brrr! it's freezing tonight - I need a hot water bottle, once I've put on my fluffy bedsocks.

Notenoughchocolateomg · 25/06/2020 00:42

I'm a weirdo. No duvet only thing on me is wrung out cold small towel to try to help keep myself cool. I have the window wide open and 3 fans. The duvet can fuck off tonight. I just have to hope that the demons dont arrive.

MistyGreenAndBlue · 25/06/2020 00:42


Brrr! it's freezing tonight - I need a hot water bottle, once I've put on my fluffy bedsocks.

FedUpOfChangingName · 25/06/2020 00:50

Duvet will be half on, half off but fan directly on me... Got shorts and t-shirt on

The duvet comforts me aaaannnnnddddd i dont want anything crawling in a hole Shock

MulticolourMophead · 25/06/2020 00:52

I could start off under the covers, but frequently find I have chucked all the covers off in my sleep.

CholesterolLolz · 25/06/2020 00:57

My DH is the same. Right now he's asleep with no cover. He's one of those irritating 'asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow' types too. I'll be laid awake under my duvet with an industrial sized fan pointed directly at my face all night and I'll fall asleep roughly 4 minutes before my alarm goes off.


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MrsAvocet · 25/06/2020 01:03

Very weird. It is definitely not normal to sleep uncovered.
I read something recently that said that sleeping naked makes you hotter anyway as clothing wicks away sweat and cools you. Sheets obviously do the same as well as protecting from vampires, and more importantly, moths.
Though I am feeling a bit left out as it isn't even that warm here. I've got full length PJs on, a winter weight duvet, the windows aren't even open and I'm not too hot. Sad

lightandshade · 25/06/2020 01:04

Currently have my monster protecter on to though I have braved sticking a knee out ! Wish me luck

Shosha1 · 25/06/2020 01:05

I have a duvet AND a weighted blanket. Do have Lupus and Fibromyalgia so the blanket is to help with it. But couldn't not have the Duvet too.

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