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To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?

306 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:06

Dh is snoring away, on top of the sheet we are using on the bed on this roasting night.

It's discombobulating. Clearly the man is a psychopath.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:41

It's been about 45 mins now.......

OP posts:
Wearywithteens · 24/06/2020 23:41

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LillianBland · 24/06/2020 23:43

The most worrying thing about this whole discussion, is the fact that there are approximately 25 psychopaths on this thread, going by the voting! pulls sheet over head

octobersky19 · 24/06/2020 23:44

I can't sleep without my cover, even if it's this hot I have to have it over me in some way, maybe with legs out

QuacksInTheDark · 24/06/2020 23:45

I have a duvet in the summer for the same reason I bolt upstairs like Usain when I turn off the downstairs light. Monster fuckers, always lurking, waiting for you to poke one foot out of the bed.

mrsBtheparker · 24/06/2020 23:47

I will dream I am naked in a public place

My favourite place to be naked! I find that even when it's really hot I can still sleep more or less under my feather duvet.

MistyGreenAndBlue · 24/06/2020 23:47

Am clearly a psycho. Fan on. Windows open. No covers.
I ain't scared. Yah!

NC4Now · 24/06/2020 23:49

MistyGreenandBlue 😦

NoProblem123 · 24/06/2020 23:49

Is this a one off event or has he got form for this sort of thing ?

dottycat123 · 24/06/2020 23:50

Just opened this thread thinking that everyone would naked on top of the duvet, we must be unusual in this household. Myself and DH naked on the bed with Windows wide open.

SiaPR · 24/06/2020 23:52

I need the weight of a duvet. I live in a hot climate and don’t like AC in my bedroom and I still have a duvet.

Rose789 · 24/06/2020 23:52

@MistyGreenAndBlue Am clearly a psycho. Fan on. Windows open. No covers.
I ain't scared. Yah!

Presumably you’ve already chosen the flowers you want for your funeral? Grin
I have a duvet over me, if I’m feeling incredibly brave and near melting I may poke one foot out the bottom. Can’t be dealing with monsters at this hour of the day

BobFleming · 24/06/2020 23:53

We sleep naked all year round. At this time of year, we each have one leg cocked over the (2.5 tog) duvet and the windows as wide as they'll go.

Don't think I could be completely uncovered all night long.

22Giraffes · 24/06/2020 23:53

No no no he is a wrong'un! I have to have something covering me no matter how hot it is, otherwise they'll* get me Shock

*no idea who They are but I'm not taking any chances

ChanklyBore · 24/06/2020 23:54

I’ve got my pjs on. I can sleep without a covering if I’ve got my PJs on.

Cherrysoup · 24/06/2020 23:56

Weirdo! Ltb! My dh and I both need to be covered.

Chienloup · 24/06/2020 23:57

What? Are you not all too hot? I've no covering or nightwear on.

Elledouble · 24/06/2020 23:57

I bought flat sheets specifically for this purpose! I’ve put one over my 5yo but he kicked it straight off. Going to miss that little guy Wink

ChanklyBore · 24/06/2020 23:58

I don’t have air conditioning. I don’t have a fan. I don’t sleep with the windows open - too loud. Pjs on. Full legs but short sleeves. I’m comfy.

LillianBland · 25/06/2020 00:00

I put my electric blanket on the hottest setting, while I’m getting ready for bed, then switch it off as soon as I get in. The blast of heat, helps me relax. It doesn’t matter how hot the weather is. 🥵

toomanypillows · 25/06/2020 00:01

I am naked on a bed with no covers AND I still have three items on the washing line because the waist bands were still slightly damp.
Come at me, dark monsters.

ThePollutedShadesOfPemberley · 25/06/2020 00:04

I cover myself when I go to sleep no matter how hot it is.

I don't want to be darked on!



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MistyGreenAndBlue · 25/06/2020 00:09

@Rose789. I thought lilies Grin.
If the monsters come, though, I guarantee they'll be more scared than I am.

MistyGreenAndBlue · 25/06/2020 00:10

I have washing out on the line too. I'm a proper rebel I am. Grin

Straysocks · 25/06/2020 00:11

@MistyGreenAndBlue you are so Villanelle!

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