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To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?

306 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:06

Dh is snoring away, on top of the sheet we are using on the bed on this roasting night.

It's discombobulating. Clearly the man is a psychopath.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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Wearywithteens · 24/06/2020 23:14

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vodkaredbullgirl · 24/06/2020 23:14

I'm thinking of sleeping outside, its that hot inside lol

blubberyboo · 24/06/2020 23:15

use 2 separate single bed sheets. He lies on his and you cover yourself with yours

My youngest ds climbs into bed when daddy is away working and he hates being too warm so I always tell him to stick his legs out but cover his waist for comfort. He always whispers in the dark asking if my legs are out too coz he won’t have his legs uncovered unless I do. Must be the under the bed monsters Grin

Holothane · 24/06/2020 23:15

My duvet covers my feet but that’s it.

NothingIsWrong · 24/06/2020 23:15

I am now all discombobulated. I never though there was anything wrong with sleeping open to the air. I now see the error of my ways...

Lovebug06 · 24/06/2020 23:16

This thread 😂😂 this is me. Too exposed without a cover and it has to cover at least some of me or I can't sleep. Protects me from spiders, robbers, ghosts or murderers for sure.

hammeringinmyhead · 24/06/2020 23:16

I have to at least sleep on my side, facing the middle of the bed, with the duvet between my knees so it's covering my right arm and leg. Nothing at all is madness. What about the poltergeists and daddy long legses?

Baaaahhhhh · 24/06/2020 23:19

I'm under my 12 tog duvet....... Use it all year round. I like to be snug, even when warm. I am one of those odd bods who always uses spare blankets on holiday. The hotter it is during the day, I still feel the difference at night.

Sailor2009 · 24/06/2020 23:20

Clearly it has never been explained to him that the monsters under the bed can drag you away if you aren't covered up. One foot uncovered is borderline safe, but no more than that, ever.

StrawberrySquash · 24/06/2020 23:21

He'll get darked on.

Fromage · 24/06/2020 23:21

No no no no no. The ghosties will.get you. Fact.

Redolent · 24/06/2020 23:23


I have one flat sheet (all others fitted) specifically for this purpose. DH is in the spare room, he is sleeping with nothing over him. Weirdo.

Great idea.
HemulenHouse · 24/06/2020 23:23

He’s going to get darked on in all his nooks and crannies!

chromeo · 24/06/2020 23:24

I'm under a sheet at the moment and am considering boiling under my duvet as it's too weird to sleep like this do YANBU

HemulenHouse · 24/06/2020 23:24

Cross post @StrawberrySquashGrin

HappyintheHills · 24/06/2020 23:24

Without covers he will be darked on Shock

HappyintheHills · 24/06/2020 23:25

Double cross post Grin

MagentaRocks · 24/06/2020 23:26

I have a flat sheet too specifically for this purpose. Well I have 2. One to wrap around my feet and bottom of my legs as I don’t like the feel of my feet touching each other and the other in place of a duvet. I am menopausal so really suffering with the heat. I take two frozen hot water bottles to bed with me to keep me cool and have a tower fan and desk fan to help too. Usually I am still too hot. I am like this in winter too. I miss the days of two normal hot water bottles and two duvets because I am cold.

Zaphodsotherhead · 24/06/2020 23:35

I am also menopausal age, and sleep in pyjamas and socks with a 13.5 tog duvet over me!

Sometimes wake up in the night a bit chilly and have to put the second duvet on, but that's not on nights like this.

I've never had a hot flush and am rarely too hot. Long live hot weather!

Nomorepies · 24/06/2020 23:35

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This has been withdrawn by MNHQ on the poster's request.

AngelicInnocent · 24/06/2020 23:36

I have to have duvet tucked around my neck. Rest of the covers pushed off, into the middle of the bed but an axe murder might chop my head off if my neck isn't protected properly!

ballsdeep · 24/06/2020 23:37

I usually sleep with a cover but I am lying here naked, legs akimbo with the fan at the bottom of my bed, blowing parts of me that haven't had this much attention in a long while!


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480Widdio · 24/06/2020 23:38

Nightie and pure cotton sheet,cannot sleep without anything on,wish I could.

Zeusthemoose · 24/06/2020 23:38

I'm still under my ghost proof duvet. Don't care how hot it is.

Cauterize · 24/06/2020 23:40

Yep definitely a comfort thing to have a duvet or sheet, even if it's only partially covering a leg, it makes me feel more secure. Definitely couldn't sleep naked on top of a sheet, that's madness.

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