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To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?

306 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:06

Dh is snoring away, on top of the sheet we are using on the bed on this roasting night.

It's discombobulating. Clearly the man is a psychopath.

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DamnYankee · 26/06/2020 22:46

No sheet = no protection from ghosts. Confused

DamnYankee · 26/06/2020 22:51

Your DH is asking for trouble. He's essentially ringing a dinner bell for All Things Malignant.

masterchef98 · 26/06/2020 23:03

I wear pyjamas (skimpy in summer) year round and always have a cover handy ranging from flat sheet to full duvet + blankets. I don't question my husband choosing to sleep without these things although I dont understand it but he questions me and it makes me feel like shit.

Mermaid67 · 26/06/2020 23:07

I can't understand anyone sleeping under any covers when it''s really hot, we even have the bedroom door open and I've warned my 21 year old son that if he comes into our room, he will have an unwelcome image imprinted on his mind😂I also cannot sleep in any nightwear, even in Winter

LikeDuhWhatever · 26/06/2020 23:26

Exactly like this..

To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?
Caplin · 26/06/2020 23:33

So my friend picked up a tip during a trip to one of the African nations. Get a sheet and dampen it with water, damp but not dripping. Overnight it will evaporate in the heat and keep you cool.

Caplin · 26/06/2020 23:34

And, yes, your H is a psycho

MrsKoala · 26/06/2020 23:39

As long as H sleeps nearest the door so he gets murdered first while I jump out the window, I’m not bothered about sleep coverings. (I may or may not be a person who sleeps uncovered legz akimbo with the fan on)

AlCalavicci · 26/06/2020 23:54

At least it is cooler tonight .

I will just use a duvet cover or a sheet and nothing else but I never ware anything in bed no matter how cold it is .
Sodding cat thought it would be fun to play with my toes at about 3am this morning so i might actually get inside the duvet cover .

Toomuchtrouble4me · 27/06/2020 00:27

It’s just weird. We all need a blankie

Titsywoo · 27/06/2020 00:31


He is unprotected from both monsters, and spiders. And you know what the spiders will do.....

Yep, they'll rub their little spider dicks on him Sad
IHaveBrilloHair · 27/06/2020 00:52

I'm not worried about spiders, its the monsters that worry me.
Everyone knows about the monsters.
They can't get under blankets or duvets so they keep you safe.

IHaveBrilloHair · 27/06/2020 00:56

I usually have at least two cats on my bed too and if any creepy crawlie arrives they chase it and eat it.
My bed is a riot, and Im the only person in it!

Celestine70 · 27/06/2020 02:12

I sleep naked with no coverings and a fan blowing directly on me.

Vedaisawesome · 27/06/2020 03:44

Separate bedrooms here. His body heat is just easy too much to cope with. I have a light cover woven around my midriff as can't bear bell and lower back uncovered but otherwise cover free.

user1478939671 · 27/06/2020 05:01

Please consider divorce... it's what's best for the children.

Hopeisnotastrategy · 27/06/2020 06:29

Save the NHS.

Don't Shed The Sheet.

BMaman · 27/06/2020 06:36

Sorry. I like to be naked, no sheet, windows open.

Andwoooshtheyweregone · 27/06/2020 07:21

Maybe I’m a weirdo but I love sleeping on top of the covers and did it all through my pregnancies when I was too hot even in winter!

TheUnquestionedAnswer · 27/06/2020 07:26

I sleep with the same duvet all year round. The only thing that it comes off for is a hot flush! YANBU

Localocal · 27/06/2020 12:12

I love this thread. I too keep a flat sheet for hot nights. It's not "going to bed" if you don't get under something. Also, protection from intruders, of course.

SleepingStandingUp · 27/06/2020 14:07


I'm not worried about spiders, its the monsters that worry me.
Everyone knows about the monsters.
They can't get under blankets or duvets so they keep you safe.

But surely you sleep with your head out, so the aiders just rub their Willie's on your face whilst farting up your nose and the monsters will just chew off your ears and nose

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mornington444 · 27/06/2020 14:13

Thank you for not being serious with most of your comments!

Barney60 · 27/06/2020 15:13

sheet underneath sheet on top, thats it for me.

Elledouble · 27/06/2020 16:27

I tried sleeping on a towel last night - so hot, plus heat-induced migraine - it was a game. changer.

I had a top sheet too, I’m not insane Wink

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