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To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?

306 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 24/06/2020 23:06

Dh is snoring away, on top of the sheet we are using on the bed on this roasting night.

It's discombobulating. Clearly the man is a psychopath.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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emmathedilemma · 25/06/2020 08:08

I hate sleeping without covers. I slept under my 13.5 tog duvet last night!! Admittedly it probably wasn't quite as warm here as it was down south the thermostat still said over 24 in the living room.

SorrySadDog · 25/06/2020 08:16

I really recommend putting a freezer pack at the bottom of the bed by your feet. Seems to convince the rest of my body that it’s cold

ChewtonRoad · 25/06/2020 08:17

I thought the rules of sleep were clear: there must be a cover, no matter how light, even in hottest weather. Hands and feet aren't to extend over the sides of the mattress. Otherwise the risk of being a hot meal for the thing under the bed is too much to bear (or bare).

Going to bed wearing nothing but moisturiser is fine, but no cover or sheet? Eek.

nowlook · 25/06/2020 08:18

You'll have to bear with me, but if you imagine that Santa here is lying down on his side rather than standing up, this is how I slept. The duvet is the sack element. I have it bunched up behind me to protect from DH's radiator warmth. I don't always wear the full suit, obviously.

To think even on a hot night it's absurd to sleep with no covering?
shinyredbus · 25/06/2020 08:19

I slept with no cover and I’ve been bitten by mosquitoes to pieces. I have about 20 bites all on my back.

CuriousaboutSamphire · 25/06/2020 08:22

It was 30 degrees at 11pm!!

We wet a flat sheet and, after screaming squeaky little screams for a couple of minutes as it drapes in places that you somehow forgot existed, the relief is enormous. By the time your body has cooled and needs a bit of protection the sheet has dried and you are still comfortable in the morning.

Before you ask - charity shops - they always have them and have recently re-opened!

D4rwin · 25/06/2020 08:26

I slept outside in my hammock. Mosquito net. No covering until around midnight. Nothing bad happened Grin

monkeyonthetable · 25/06/2020 08:27

You'll be the one laughing OP when the alligators eat his feet in the night.

nowlook · 25/06/2020 08:32


I slept outside in my hammock. Mosquito net. No covering until around midnight. Nothing bad happened Grin

You're now an extra in the Thriller video; you just don't know it yet.
mygrandchildrenrock · 25/06/2020 08:34

I didn't mean to fall asleep on top of the covers but when I woke up this morning, that's where I was. Sorry OP!

Mouldiwarp1 · 25/06/2020 08:36

@NothingIsWrong. No you’re fine. It wasn’t too bad here last night,, but if it’s really hot I have no hesitation in throwing all covers off and doing an impression of a naked starfish on the middle of the bed. I fear neither ghosties nor monsters as the sight of me spreadeagled naked and gently snoring would send them running screaming from the house!

Quarantimespringclean · 25/06/2020 08:37

I started off with Shirt cotton pyjamas, lightweight duvet, both windows open and a fan. When I woke up the duvet was on the floor. Obviously my sleeping self is more reckless than my waking self.

IndiaMay · 25/06/2020 08:37

Sorry, I love no covers on a hot night. In fact I like to sleep windows open, curtains open, no covers

chellochello · 25/06/2020 08:38

eerr what will protect you from the monsters if you don't have a cover on??

Happynow001 · 25/06/2020 08:47

There some many crazy people on this thread! But very funny - I'm in tears of laughter - especially after @nowlook's photo! 🤣🤣

Straysocks · 25/06/2020 08:48

@MistyGreenAndBlue It's The 'Yah!' On top of the complete abandon that does it. Not an insult but the kind of compliment you may throw with wonder, fear, admiration, horror, awe and total respect for their sartorial choices. Hope you all survived the night!

Littlemeadow123 · 25/06/2020 08:49

I'm like a furnace on a cool day so unless I sleep on top of the covers I can forget any chance of a kip on a hot night.

midnightstar66 · 25/06/2020 08:50

Even when I lived abroad and it was 40c I had to be covered at night - YANBU, I still have my winter duvet atm

Roselilly36 · 25/06/2020 08:54

🤣 I have our summer weight duvet up to my neck & tucked neatly under my chin, DH thinks I am bonkers! He is can’t bear the duvet unless it’s a harsh winter.

Megan2018 · 25/06/2020 08:58

I have been sleeping with no duvet or sheet for 9 months since DD born (co-sleeping)! The monsters have left me alone, probably because of my resting bitch face!

She has now decided to sleep in cot but I slept in just my knickers last night with no bed covering!

CarlottaValdez · 25/06/2020 09:02

Errr no. Always have at least one foot out. It allows hear to escape and regulates your temperature.

This is clearly a monster (or paid for monster shill). Don’t fall for it. I see you.

picklemewalnuts · 25/06/2020 09:10

Possible solution for the very hot- when I lived in Singapore I slept with a sarong over my neck and shoulder. It felt like being covered, but most of me was out.


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PhoneLock · 25/06/2020 09:11

Even when I lived abroad and it was 40c I had to be covered at night - YANBU, I still have my winter duvet atm

So do we, 13 tog, and sleep under it. Both us slept like logs last night.

DH won't have the windows open at night because if there is the slightest noise outside, he's wide awake.

Sostenueto · 25/06/2020 09:11

I have slept on top of bed since it's been really hot. Can't see the problem have pyjama shorts and top. When I was married we would sleep naked! ( Horror, shock, needing therapy!)Grin

TreestumpsAndTrampolines · 25/06/2020 09:12

Absolute wrongun.

You always need something over you, even if it's just a flat sheet, perhaps, if it's very, very hot you can poke out your arms or a leg, but as a rule, nothing but the your head should be poking out. cos of practical things like mosquitos, but also just because that's the way it's done.

Having said that, neither of my kids would accept blankets for a long time, and now they sleep rather like nowlook, more hugging/sharing the bed with a blanket bundle than covered by it.

I even have a special linen blanket on the settee for afternoon naps - I need something on me to sleep properly.

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