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The Queen Victoria statue in Leeds

261 replies

Sugarplumfairy65 · 10/06/2020 00:35

Her statue has been vandalised with graffiti. The BLM logo and slave trader spray painted all over it. Why?

OP posts:
MockersGuidedByTheScience · 10/06/2020 18:00

I hope you show your students the picture of Nick Griffin sat in front of his Battle For Britain poster complete with 303 Squadron Spitfire with Polish markings clearly visible.

Sorry, reference went over my head. I looked it up and it looks like this nonentity appropriated Poland for his own dubious political ends 10+ years ago and was called out for it. Is this relevant today to Polish people, and if so how?

The BNP were running an anti-immigrant campaign centred on sending East Europeans 'back where they came from' and thought an image of a wartime Spitfire would do the trick.

But they picked one that was quite clearly flown by a Polish pilot but missed that fact until it was pointed out.

MrsGrindah · 10/06/2020 18:02

Nobody needs Billy Bragg

Clavinova · 10/06/2020 18:06

"Though they were not slaves, the pyramid builders led a life of hard labour, said Adel Okasha, supervisor of the excavation.Their skeletons have signs of arthritis, and their lower vertebrae point to a life passed in difficulty, he said."

"Wildung said the find reinforces the notion that the pyramid builders were free men, ordinary citizens."But let's not exaggerate here, they lived a short life and tomography skeletal studies show they suffered from bad health, very much likely because of how hard their work was."

BovaryX · 10/06/2020 18:06


Speculation on the working conditions for the majority of those involved in such a vast construction project from graffiti is just that. Speculation. Not all of the construction was specialised. There would have been huge amounts of brute work, transporting materials. My point, which you have missed, is that applying 21st century standards retrospectively is bizarre. If we were able to witness the working conditions of those who toiled to erect the pyramids in the heat of Giza? They would look brutal.

woodhill · 10/06/2020 18:07

No they don't. It was a bit tongue in cheekSmile

Nanalisa60 · 10/06/2020 18:24

There won’t be a statue left in any city In the U.K. without graffiti on in another week, because In the past it was different times and people did not have the same moral compass as we have now.

Everyone one are looking a historically figures as if they were around now, they don’t seem to realise the world was a different place.

YOU CAN’T CHANGE THE PAST BUT YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE, but every one is getting all hot under the collar about are past history which we can’t change

Let’s get on with looking forward and make a better future with equally opportunities for everyone!!

And stop looking backwards!!

Khadernawazkhan · 10/06/2020 18:27

Never Fit - Spot on. As an Asian, I also find this vandalism and self loathing atrocious. Let us learn from history - including the many difficult and inhumane periods from all our pasts.

montyliesandmontycries · 10/06/2020 18:30

Would it be because of the brutal British colonialism and 'empire' building that the English in particular seem to be so proud of?
British history being taught in schools seems to gloss over the atrocities committed in the name of the 'empire'.
Don't worry, as Queen of England the authorities aren't going to start tearing down her statues anytime soon and sticking them in museums.

montyliesandmontycries · 10/06/2020 18:31

There is a difference between Q Vic and the naked racism of slave traders IMHO.

HarlinRay · 10/06/2020 18:36

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MockersGuidedByTheScience · 10/06/2020 19:12

There is a difference between Q Vic and the naked racism of slave traders IMHO.

Particularly when Empire Slavery was abolished before she became queen and she sent her Navy to put a stop to it.

Flaxmeadow · 10/06/2020 22:10

Would it be because of the brutal British...

Why is this racist statement allowed to stand?

OldQueen1969 · 10/06/2020 22:11

Baden Powell is now being squirrelled away from Poole Harbour.

user1471565182 · 10/06/2020 22:12

I love it when right wingers learn about something like the Kmer rouge and think theyre the only ones who know about it, and must spout utter nonsense about it and the reason other people havnt mentioned shit like year zero couldnt possibly because its fucking ridiculous. And yes, Irish slavery is a myth, even wikipedia has a massive section on it. Its a white supremacists myth. Loads of irish were slavers since you're asking.

'How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online'

OldQueen1969 · 10/06/2020 22:13

And personally I think Mother Theresa should be stripped of her sainthood. She encouraged and venerated the suffering of the poor and sick because Jesus. Just as vile.

user1471565182 · 10/06/2020 22:21

Loads of protests about that, NeverFIt. wonder why you havnt noticed?

Melia100 · 10/06/2020 23:16

If the right wing slam is to me, I've never voted anything other than Greens or Labour, so how about fucking off with that nonsense, hey?

AlexandPea · 10/06/2020 23:27

Who remembers Septimius Serevus, Roman governor of Britannia and later emporer, Britain's only black ruler?


Great idea, because obviously the Romans never had slaves! Grin

MaMaLa321 · 10/06/2020 23:35

as an earlier poster said- you can't change the past but you can change the future.
I despair that people can't see historical figures as that - people who lived at a time that commonly held different mores than us. They would be surprised to see how we will be viewed 300 years into the future, and what our descendants would see as abhorrent.

LimitIsUp · 10/06/2020 23:41
notreallybotheredaboutausernam · 10/06/2020 23:42

@NeverFit you do realise you agreed with my point there? Black on black violence is a result of racism. Your son would be safer if that racism were eradicated.

Alsohuman · 10/06/2020 23:48

Black on black violence is a result of racism

Tell me more. I genuinely don’t understand this.

notreallybotheredaboutausernam · 11/06/2020 11:44

@alsohuman then you clearly have never bothered to try to learn about racism.

Sweetlikecoca · 11/06/2020 17:10

@Alsohuman your right black on black racism is a problem. People who don’t have knowledge of this doesn’t mean it’s not a valid point it absolutely is!

Alsohuman · 11/06/2020 18:30

@notreallybotheredaboutausernam, that was a genuine question, not an invitation for a snarky insult.

I’m sure it is a valid point @Sweetlikecoca, which is why I’d really appreciate someone explaining it for.

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