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Things that are inexplicably expensive.

590 replies

malificent7 · 04/06/2020 13:25

Cauliflower...i paid nearly a pound for a tiny little thing in Aldi...daylight robbery.
Egg chairs...look lovely and fun but why are they hundreds of pounds ??
Halo top icecream...nearly a fiver for a thank you.
Please can i have some more nominations?

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isthismylifenow · 04/06/2020 13:56

Cheddar cheese

Yes! Why?

I can buy meat cheaper per kg than cheese. I don't get it.....

isthismylifenow · 04/06/2020 13:57


BertiesLanding · 04/06/2020 13:59

Razor blades are inflated to deal with "shrinkage": they're one of the most shop-lifted items around. Of course, this creates a vicious circle, but there you go!

formerbabe · 04/06/2020 13:59

Glasses frames...they must cost pennies to make.

PrincessHoneysuckle · 04/06/2020 13:59

Washing pods/powder/liquid and fabric conditioner

SapphireSeptember · 04/06/2020 14:00

High end make up, when brands expect you to shell out £60 on an eyeshadow palette with shitty shimmers I have many questions. I've bought £4 palettes from Revolution that have amazing shimmers, and they're so easy to do well! (I haven't bought any £60 palettes, I've just seen a lot of scathing reviews.) Ditto most make-up really. Grin

MorrisZapp · 04/06/2020 14:00

Fungal nail treatment. DS has a toenail that looks like a rice krispie, so I bought a tiny bottle of god knows what that had to be applied twice daily until he leaves home. Hope he's worth the investment.

Rice krispies.

Ohtherewearethen · 04/06/2020 14:00

Branded toilet paper and nappies. They are literally shat on.

JulesJules · 04/06/2020 14:01

Printer ink
Vegetarian food - should be much cheaper than food from killing animals
Drinks trolleys Grin - the whole family having admired Joe Lycett's as seen on Grayson's Art Club - I googled, omg hundreds on JL website. For a bit of chrome and glass on wheels

formerbabe · 04/06/2020 14:02

Duvet cover sets

It's literally two squares of material sewn together.

WhatWouldChristineCagneyDo · 04/06/2020 14:02


Monkey puzzle trees. I see them everywhere and I’d love one, but a tiny barely 2ft specimen is £60.


Monkey puzzle trees are incredibly slow growing though, it can easily take 15 years for it to get to 2 feet. That's 15 years of care it needs before it goes on sale, add in the retailers mark-up and it's surprising that they aren't more expensive IMO
SerenDippitty · 04/06/2020 14:02

High end make up, when brands expect you to shell out £60 on an eyeshadow palette with shitty shimmers I have many questions. I've bought £4 palettes from Revolution that have amazing shimmers, and they're so easy to do well! (I haven't bought any £60 palettes, I've just seen a lot of scathing reviews.) Ditto most make-up really.

It's the luxury packaging you're paying for, not the contents.

spiderlight · 04/06/2020 14:02

@Laserbird16 - watch this: My DS showed it to me the other day. The actual markup on ink cartridges is criminal!

sqirrelfriends · 04/06/2020 14:02

@MorrisZapp I'm surprised you still want to eat Rice Krispies after that toenail experience.

AvoidingTheWineAisle · 04/06/2020 14:03

I was coming on to say glasses, but other people beat me to it. My prescription with a crap basic frame costs £300. I can’t see without glasses, so I’m forced to fork out. Grrrrrr.

Ifailed · 04/06/2020 14:03

Gold. A useless metal unless you want flashy fillings in your teeth and a small % is used in electronics.

MikeUniformMike · 04/06/2020 14:04

Cauliflowers take a long time to grow, but things that grow easily and quickly like kale, swiss chard, rocket and spinach seem very expensive, but they do have a short shelf life.

A lot of toiletries seem very expensive, considering that they aren't essential.

What strikes me is how cheap a lot of things are compared to what they cost 40 years ago.

RiverRush · 04/06/2020 14:04

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Whatisthisfuckery · 04/06/2020 14:05

Brita water filters. You used to be able to get 6 for half the price you get them for now.

Apples and spuds.

Fizzy pop, the branded stuff.

Definitely printer ink.

Anything Apple.

Kazzyhoward · 04/06/2020 14:06

Singles of crisps, chocolate bars, cans of drink, etc.

When you can buy a six pack for the price of two singles, you can clearly see massive profiteering.

They're making a profit on the multipack, so they must be making a stupidly high profit on the singles.

(Yes, I know some multipacks have smaller items, but lots don't and the same applies even bearing in mind the different sizes).

Redorange42 · 04/06/2020 14:06

Bio oil and other stretch mark creams/oils.

Is it made from gold dust? Hmm

DuskandSummer · 04/06/2020 14:07

Wooden welly boot racks, thinking I'd make the porch look prettier. At £250 they can stay on the floor!


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BarbaraofSeville · 04/06/2020 14:07

Le creuset when you can buy exactly the same pot from Sainsburys for less than a sixth of the price

Le Crueset £220 Shock

Sainsburys £25

I think this about the vast majority of stuff, it’s all made in China (pretty much) at a very minimal price then sold at varying prices depending on who’s marketing it

Exactly this, plus who it's being marketed to, ie the people that will assume that the Sainsbury's pot is cheap rubbish because it's much cheaper than the branded item.

Many things like dishwasher tablets, you aren't meant to and don't need to pay 'full price' for them. I have a ceiling price of 10 pence per tablet for dishwasher tablets and stock up on offers so I never have to pay more than that. I see branded versions not on offer for 25-30+p per tablet and just think 'who the fuck pays that?'.

Iwalkinmyclothing · 04/06/2020 14:07

Habitat furniture. There's a Habitat in the Sainsbury's near my work and before the whole virus thing I used to go across there to get my dinner a few times a week and was forever texting DH with the latest thing that had made me go "wtf". "DH they're calling an upside down wicker basket a table and charging £200 for it" is the last one I sent him about that.

timetest · 04/06/2020 14:07

Low fat spread.

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