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AIBU? wonder why these dresses are so sought after?

183 replies

Midsommar · 29/05/2020 08:34

The dress I'm talking about is the Mill Pool dress, by a brand called Seasalt.

Trying to find a couple of nice summer dresses on eBay. Stumbled across the above dress and liked the look of it (a stripey version; the floral one isn't quite my taste). Placed a bid and was outbid by a mile by about 30 other bidders! This has happened a few times now. They sell for so much money and I'm not sure why?

Probably not an AIBU but I'm curious if anyone knows why these dresses are so sought after? It seems crazy!

OP posts:
diddl · 29/05/2020 09:07

Seems very Emperor's new clothes to me!

NietzschePeachPearPlum · 29/05/2020 09:09

I bought a couple of 2nd hand seasalt things from eBay, just because I liked the pattern (boats!). They are lined, wash very well, flatter me and still look like new many washed and wears later.

hammeringinmyhead · 29/05/2020 09:09

I can't find any Mill Pool dresses or their site so I would suggest they are discontinued and that's why. It also says it's no longer available on John Lewis when you click through.

LizTaylorsFabulousTurban · 29/05/2020 09:11

Most of my wardrobe is Seasalt. I find their cuts really flattering on me (and I am fat with big boobs). The quality is really good (I have tshirts that are 5 years old and wash up as good as new). The linen stuff is particularly good.

Juiceey · 29/05/2020 09:14

I love the dresses- nice on their own or over leggings. Seasalt is a super sought after brand so not surprising in lockdown prices are rocketing.

AlexisCarringtonColbyDexter · 29/05/2020 09:15

Never heard of it so I googled. I mean, Really?- it looks like baggy sack type dress. I cant imagine it being flattering on anyone.

No offence to anyone who likes it - we are all different but I'm just a bit shocked that people are drooling over it when its so "meh"

Saucery · 29/05/2020 09:16

They come up very big and can look a bit sack-like so if anyone is buying one I’d go at least a size down, maybe even 2 if you are say a 12 top and 14 bottom.

kingkuta · 29/05/2020 09:16

God, those dresses are horrible

CovidicusRex · 29/05/2020 09:16

I love sea salt but would never wear that.

HappyMealWithLegs · 29/05/2020 09:18

It looks like a shapeless smocky effort to me Confused

I wouldn't pay a tenner for it in Asda!

coronabeer23 · 29/05/2020 09:19

Those dresses are truly horrible but Boden also resells for a fortune on eBay so I guess it’s that kid of brand which people look for

SouthWestmom · 29/05/2020 09:20

Wow looked it up as you all seem to love it. Long sleeves and a mini flare skirt? What weather is that for? Or do you wear leggings under?

Honestly op our Asda has nicer dresses

Igtg · 29/05/2020 09:20

They cover the stomach area so that might be why they are popular.

Zaphodsotherhead · 29/05/2020 09:22

I think some figures suit that style of dress.

I've got big boobs and there's nothing much to the rest of me, so whatever i wear it just hangs down from the tits and never touches the rest of me unless I wear something lycra and skin tight (and NOBODY needs to see that). So most dresses look shapeless on me, so I may as well have quality and comfort in my shapelessness.

ShirleyPhallus · 29/05/2020 09:22

I feel like these dresses are premium Mumsnet dresses. See also: baggy shapeless numbers from Toast and Cos

MrMeSeeks · 29/05/2020 09:22

No idea don’t they’re very flattering

TheWernethWife · 29/05/2020 09:22

I love Seasalt, have 5 items (mix of tops and tunics) - John Lewis Cheadle and their Trafford Centre branch no longer stock Seasalt so if I want more I have to go to Harrogate or Chester where they have Seasalt shops or buy online.

Russellbrandshair · 29/05/2020 09:24

Wow, I wouldn’t spend a fiver on that. Very baggy and shapeless, even the pattern is frumpy 😳

TrickyD · 29/05/2020 09:25

If you dislike that Seasalt dress, maybe you will also hate this.
These Duns dresses are raved over by all the mums who frequent the Babipur site (home of crazily overpriced wooden rainbows) . Usually they add a photo wearing it and it looks even more ghastly than in the picture.

YinMnBlue · 29/05/2020 09:26

OP: SeaSalt are not fast fashion, they use ethical cotton, all their stuff is manufactured in the UK, they use re-cycle-able paper sacks to send their stuff out in, no plastic, and their products are hard wearing and wash well.

I love their socks, (3 for 2 and they donate to charity).

But skewiff on sizes, sometimes.

AlexisCarringtonColbyDexter · 29/05/2020 09:26

Hmmm, not too keen on radishes- do they do a turnip version? Grin

2beautifulbabs · 29/05/2020 09:27

Gross dresses


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CrystalMaisie · 29/05/2020 09:31

Those of you who are saying you are fat with big boobs, where have you found any dresses this year? know it’s the holy grail, cotton or viscose, short sleeves, v or scoop neck? No pleats or gathers.

Megatron · 29/05/2020 09:31

No idea. Seasalt quality can be good but there are plenty of other good quality garments out there without having to buy a good quality shapeless sack. IMO.

BlusteryLake · 29/05/2020 09:32

Certain brands hold their value very well in the second hand market, eg Seasalt and Boden. It's because they are above average price points new and therefore not affordable to some. In addition to the clothes washing well and holding their shape, the demographic that buys these items new often also sells them on despite them not being worn very often. So people are after a good quality brand not much worn for less than the new price. I am, however, often surprised on eBay that people will go to only 10% less than the new price!

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