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To feel like I've been had?

179 replies

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:09

Has anyone else fallen victim to the atrocities of "Scruff-a-loves" ????

My smallest begged for one for Christmas - being the incredible gullible mum I am, I obliged.
Not just any though, it had to be the one with babies.
"2,3 or 4??"

Obviously 2.

But - once dipped in water and swirled around a bit, it's meant to transform into a glossy haired toy of dreams.

See attached photo. Not really what the box or advert suggested.


I feel like a prize plonker.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
Acheypelvis · 31/12/2019 10:01

You need to blow dry and brush it.

Aprilsinparis · 31/12/2019 10:12

Bloody Norah!

CheddarGorgeous · 31/12/2019 10:17

This thread is bloody hilarious. I really really want to get one to see how shit they are!!!

katewhinesalot · 31/12/2019 11:44

They are cute.

Aprilsinparis · 31/12/2019 12:07

I've suddenly realised what this reminds me of:-
'Put the contents of this sachet in a bowl of water, and grow your very own man'............
Oh, the disappointment Sad

betternamechangeforthisone · 31/12/2019 12:12

Omg I’m dying at this thread.

Dry road kill.

We definitely have one of these lying around. Must see if I can find it.

Princessfaffalot · 31/12/2019 12:12

Yes! My dd (10) had it top of her list. We got her the scruff-a-luv family rescue for £25 and my mum got her the scruff-a-luv snow pals at £18. Oh my fucking it looked like the cat had eaten food colouring and hacked up a hairball. Fucking hideous! And not only that dd had to wait for the bloody thing to dry to brush it which took HOURS and even once brushed it still looked like road kill. What a con. I actually preferred the fucking twerking llama.

Princessfaffalot · 31/12/2019 12:14

Also meant to add dd was utterly delighted with it, despite it looking like some sort of crack addled rabbit. So that’s all that matters I suppose.

NeckPainChairSearch · 31/12/2019 12:23

my daughter is the proud owner of a toy that wouldn't be out of place cable tied to the front of a bin lorry

A heartwarming outcome. To think that you created that from something that looked like it had been run over by the bin lorry.

And only £25 Grin.

Pawsandnoses · 31/12/2019 15:22

This is hilarious! All the more so because DD seems to have skipped this one, which is quite a relief after thd hatchimal that took 2 freaking hours to hatch (I 'accidentally' dropped it on the hard floor in the end). I think I'd have chucked it in the washing machine and tumble dried it by now 😂

betternamechangeforthisone · 31/12/2019 15:22

Oh you’re in the Scottish sun online op

IHaveBrilloHair · 31/12/2019 15:30

Christ alive, that looks like some mangy old toy my cat puked up brought in.

bettybattenburg · 31/12/2019 15:33

Oh you’re in the Scottish sun online op

Your ten minutes of fame then OP! Grin

Juanmorebeer · 31/12/2019 15:45

Omg us! My dd 8 was obsessed. She got a snow pals on Christmas day and got a minty green penguin. It is hideous and I was not too happy to be scrubbing it in the sink before I'd even had my cuppa.

WeBuiltCisCityOnSexistRoles · 31/12/2019 15:50

I fucking love this thread Grin

Christ on a bike though, it's eyes in the first pic. You do know it's going to kill you in your sleep, don't you?

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 31/12/2019 15:56

whispers "I don't know what you mean....."

"Don't anger it........"^

To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
Likeindie · 31/12/2019 16:14

Your not alone!

To feel like I've been had?
GiveMeStrengthOrAHobby · 31/12/2019 16:36

Why do i have a sudden urge to buy one for myself.... hurry up my darling DC and return from your fathers as mummy has washing/grooming/trying to make something look presentable urges

PanicAndRun · 31/12/2019 17:16

Scores of angry parent?

Oh ffs that's pathetic.

Dry road kill was obviously used affectionately.Grin

honeylulu · 31/12/2019 17:25

Not just ours then.

To feel like I've been had?
Somanysocks · 31/12/2019 17:29

Sorry Op but this is so funny. £25 for that though?


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workffs · 31/12/2019 17:50

Ours isn't much better...

To feel like I've been had?
Emmelina · 31/12/2019 19:50

From the sun:
A statement said: “We’ve been made aware that there are some
counterfeit Scruff-a-Luvs that are being sold directly from China.

“Please be careful when buying your Scruff-a-Luv that you are buying a genuine Scruff!

Obviously Argos and Smyths are selling the Chinese counterfeits Hmm

DanielRicciardosSmile · 31/12/2019 20:16

Oh I'm howling at the picture of it after it's been combed! It looks like it's been caught in a hurricane!

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