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To feel like I've been had?

179 replies

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:09

Has anyone else fallen victim to the atrocities of "Scruff-a-loves" ????

My smallest begged for one for Christmas - being the incredible gullible mum I am, I obliged.
Not just any though, it had to be the one with babies.
"2,3 or 4??"

Obviously 2.

But - once dipped in water and swirled around a bit, it's meant to transform into a glossy haired toy of dreams.

See attached photo. Not really what the box or advert suggested.


I feel like a prize plonker.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
LemonadePockets · 05/01/2020 10:36

We put a bit of conditioner on ours and used a proper hairbrush for drying and brushing and it came out alright.. they are an absolute joke for the price though.

FizzyIce · 05/01/2020 10:32

In reference to the comment from the company in that link - I got mine from Argos so do they sell counterfeit products now?
What a cop out!

User3billion · 05/01/2020 09:16

*this 🤦‍♀️

User3billion · 05/01/2020 09:15
Eldesperado7 · 03/01/2020 00:59

Can’t help but think what an hilarious storyline in the next Toy Story movie this bedraggled creature could have 🤣😂

KarmaStar · 02/01/2020 23:32

Blimey that's a pink version of my hair in the morning!😀

Roxy9176 · 02/01/2020 21:40

We had one recently (I got it free to product test so didn’t have to spend on it)
It was such a pain to dry and keep on brushing it out but she loved doing it and playing with it and I think it looks cute. Pricey for what it is though.

To feel like I've been had?
sadwithkiddies · 01/01/2020 21:39

Howling Xmas Grin

RockerMAMA · 01/01/2020 21:33

My daughter had 1 last Christmas and after alot of brushing and drying it went really fluffy and cute. Took some work though

MsAdorabelleDearheartVonLipwig · 01/01/2020 21:17

Thank god my kids are too old for this shit.

The constant demand for Ty’s was bad enough but at least they were only £5.99 on average. And most of them are practically untouched so I might even get some money back if I flog them.

They don’t look as scary either.

TheSeaWitch · 01/01/2020 21:07

Urgh, I feel your pain. We even used a bit of baby shampoo on ours; the head looks kind of okay but the body is an absolute mess. I've promised my 4yo that we'll give it another bath and try again (even though she got bored and left me blow drying the sodding thing for over half and hour and it still wasn't dry!)

Even worse, we also got her one of the baby versions, that come in a little carrier and you don't wash, just brush... My husband was brushing it for about 5 minutes and it started to go bald 😑

littlepaddypaws · 01/01/2020 21:03

well done op the sun, fb, daily fail AND metro are runnunig the story have they been camping outside your front door yet ? Smile

B0bbin · 01/01/2020 20:46

Wtf is that thing?

GlummyMcGlummerson · 01/01/2020 20:26

Spent a tenner on one for DD for Christmas. A lot of shite and it stays tatty too. YANBU

SchadenfreudePersonified · 01/01/2020 20:24

Jesus Christ Frosty!

That looks terrifying - like something our of the Australian bush fire horror!

SchadenfreudePersonified · 01/01/2020 20:20

Many years ago my DD wanted a "pound Kitty" (I think it was called) toy - could have anything between 1 and 5 babies.

We lucked out! Got 5! I couldn't believe it. Just meant it took longer for her to lose them all, though.

ConfusedAndStressed95 · 01/01/2020 20:18

Is it bad that I want one because they look so bedraggled and unwanted which means that I must love them all. I always did have a thing for the sad looking toys Grin

Rachel709 · 01/01/2020 20:09

I never buy over priced crap toys that are the latest thing. They are always over hyped. Take it back?

AlpacaGoodnight · 01/01/2020 20:03

I want one! I would have loved one as a child, unfortunately my eldest didn't seem interested in getting one. Maybe in a couple of years my youngest will want one and I will be able to get one from B&M or similar!!

BumbleBeee69 · 01/01/2020 19:53

this THREAD has made me laugh out loud.. I love it and your wee creatures Grin Flowers

Choccylips · 01/01/2020 19:47

Definitley an off spring of chucky

Lincolnfield · 01/01/2020 19:34

Sorry but I’m with your daughter. I think it looks adorable! - but then I have a soft spot for scruffy little dogs as well.


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Hagbeth · 01/01/2020 19:27

Haha now I want one just to prove I can do it! Grin

CaramelMama · 01/01/2020 19:11

Oh wow what a fantastic toy, lol sorry no. What I mean to say is what a great way to teach kids to drown puppies and kittens as long as they shake them out later n blow dry them its all fine. So pleased my DS has missed this one along the route of his soft toy animal loving stage.

Mrshue · 01/01/2020 19:08

You can put it in the washing machine.

My daughter loves hers

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