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To feel like I've been had?

179 replies

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:09

Has anyone else fallen victim to the atrocities of "Scruff-a-loves" ????

My smallest begged for one for Christmas - being the incredible gullible mum I am, I obliged.
Not just any though, it had to be the one with babies.
"2,3 or 4??"

Obviously 2.

But - once dipped in water and swirled around a bit, it's meant to transform into a glossy haired toy of dreams.

See attached photo. Not really what the box or advert suggested.


I feel like a prize plonker.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
LazyDaisey · 30/12/2019 23:32

“Swirled around” OP? That’s not what the instructions say, is it.

More like 20-30 minutes of hairdryer by an adult.


CheshireDing · 30/12/2019 23:34

DD wanted one for her birthday in October. It looks only marginally better than yours even now ! Grin

It has been hand washed (by DD) but in machine, dryer and hair dried.

Still a scruffy mess, mostly I keep putting it on the radiator in the hope of improvement 🤷‍♀️

She loves it though 🤷‍♀️ (Reminds me of the dog in Daddy’s Home)

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:35

I was being facetious about the swirling around in water bit. Im £25 poorer, not 25 brain cells.

OP posts:
LazyDaisey · 30/12/2019 23:38

Yeah you’re also being goady as fuck because if you followed the instructions, it wouldn’t look like the picture you posted.

So you’ve hardly been “had”.

windycuntryside · 30/12/2019 23:39

Wow lazy ... do you mean to sound so rude?

Yascumbagyamaggot · 30/12/2019 23:42

Wait till DC discovers Charlie Bears "but mummy, this one is ONLY £75"!

Lucindainthesky · 30/12/2019 23:43

This was DD8's no 1 wish for xmas.

£20, and as I spent half an hour on xmas morning blow drying it, and seeing how small and crap it was, I did think wtf.

She does love it but it's definitely not worth the money

ohwheniknow · 30/12/2019 23:46

So, watching the video the concept is to resurrect rescue mummified animals by drowning and then blow-drying them? Interesting.

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:48

Lol @LazyDaisey why are you having such a tantrum?

OP posts:
tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:49

@ohwheniknow mummified!!!! This is the perfect description!!!!!

OP posts:
GoldfishRampage · 30/12/2019 23:53

So that photo is taken after you have brushed it😱😱😱


Sagradafamiliar · 30/12/2019 23:57

Awww, coiffe it a bit OP, I feel sorry for it 😂 old scruff-a-rough

Star81 · 30/12/2019 23:58

I followed the instructions to the letter and we sat on Christmas morning blow drying and then she brushed it it for ages as it wasn’t looking any better. She loves it though so that’s all the matters.

FrostyGirl66 · 30/12/2019 23:58

this is my daughters. we put it in the tumble dryer and then gave it a good brush with a tangle teezer.

To feel like I've been had?
bettybattenburg · 30/12/2019 23:58

Only it's 'mother' could love that.

Sparklynails7 · 31/12/2019 00:01

I've seen a video on these toys. You put it in a bath if water and then look after it by brushing it etc. Then it starts to look more and more fluffy as more time and care is invested Smile

Merryweather80 · 31/12/2019 00:04

🤣🤣🤣 sorry op it looks like something my cat sicked up.
It's funny how kids seem to love scruffy teddies. If she loves it though, Christmas mission accomplished!
Would a teasel brush help fluff it up? A spritz of dilute fabric conditioner?

minielise · 31/12/2019 00:05

We’ve got one and it’s fluffy now! It had a bath for about 20 mins, was brushed thoroughly while in there, towel dried then brushed again. Then sat on a radiator and was brushed every half hour or so and then brushed again properly once dry.

TorysSuckRevokeArticle50 · 31/12/2019 00:07

Thank you OP, DD has seen a few of these adverts and done the wide eyed ooohhhh mummmmmyyy I really really want one of those. Now I know to maintain my stony heart and say NO!

UndertheCedartree · 31/12/2019 00:08

My daughter had one for Christmas - just a single one. Did you blow-dry and brush it. Hers looks much better than that. That was kind of what it looked like when it had just been 'bathed'.

FrivolousPancake · 31/12/2019 00:09

I think it’s adorable Blush

darndifino · 31/12/2019 00:10

The clue is the word 'Scruff' in the name really, isn't it?

I love it by the way, it's cute. But then it hasn't cost me any money Grin


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catanddogmake6 · 31/12/2019 00:15

Op, we had a rabbit one and did diligently follow instructions and it still ended up like yours. Utter utter rubbish - even the dog won’t play with it.

Scampersaur · 31/12/2019 00:23

My daughter got a walrus mini one and it’s still as chewed/ sucked looking as yours despite following instructions. We could persevere but it’s just such an uncute hideous design that we’ve given up. Yes, we feel ‘had’ too but it’s given us all a good laugh that we spent money on a toy that had purposely been covered in dried goo for us to have the pleasure of faffing about removing.

TanselleTooTall · 31/12/2019 00:24

Nothing to add but OP, your posts are making me laugh!

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