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To feel like I've been had?

179 replies

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:09

Has anyone else fallen victim to the atrocities of "Scruff-a-loves" ????

My smallest begged for one for Christmas - being the incredible gullible mum I am, I obliged.
Not just any though, it had to be the one with babies.
"2,3 or 4??"

Obviously 2.

But - once dipped in water and swirled around a bit, it's meant to transform into a glossy haired toy of dreams.

See attached photo. Not really what the box or advert suggested.


I feel like a prize plonker.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
PanicAndRun · 31/12/2019 00:25

We've had it last Christmas. You do need to spend ages drying and brushing and drying and brushing and while it gets fluffier and less road kill the shape is rather odd. Med DD loved it so that was half the battle.

StandardPoodles · 31/12/2019 00:26

I would have loved that so much as a kid i want one now
It's so pathetic looking, how can you not love it?

Actually, if it had black fur it would look like my newest dog!

Heismyopendoor · 31/12/2019 00:28

Ours is so cute!! DS got a blue puppy and it’s only been bathed once in Christmas Day and then blow dried, took about thirty minutes to dry. He’s been brushing it constantly so it looks rather sweet

nancy75 · 31/12/2019 00:29

My hair looks a bit like that first thing in the morning, I might sue for image rights

BillHadersNewWife · 31/12/2019 00:29

But you're meant to blow dry've just showed it wet.

Isawthathaggis · 31/12/2019 00:31

We have two that are greatly loved but look like very funny coloured road kill.
I’m going to try the hair drier / tumble drier on them tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.

StoppinBy · 31/12/2019 00:32

Hahaha, that is super funny - never believe the ads lol.

Our 6 year old asked for a furreal pet (I think that's how it's spelled), I promptly ignored the request. Those things are such a waste of money for the 10 minutes worth of playing that kids do with them.

Hope it's looking cuter by now.

LazyDaisey · 31/12/2019 00:34

Lol OP why are you posting pictures of a wet toy, not following instructions and failing at being hilarious? It’s like a wanna be blogger who thinks they’re the next funny thing. But they’re not.

NearlyGranny · 31/12/2019 00:36

Good grief, what parent needs to introduce s you that needs grooming with adult input?

Don't we have enough washing, drying and brushing to do already?!

NearlyGranny · 31/12/2019 00:36

Introduce a toy

Fr0g · 31/12/2019 00:38

it looks stand out unattractive - but sounds as if it was quite an interactive toy - even if you could think of other things you had to do on Christmas morning!
Reminded me of wanting a Tressy for christmas every year!

NoWeAreNotNearlyThereYet · 31/12/2019 00:38

LazyDaisey if you don't think this thread is funny or entertaining why do you keep reading it and adding your two penny worth? Haven't you got anything else better to do?

notjustamother · 31/12/2019 00:39

I've washed, blow ride, then washing machine and tumble dried ours and it is only fractionally better! However my daughter loves them (she has about 5 now she accumulated over the last couple of Xmas/birthdays!) 🙈

FromIbizaToTheNorfolkMaud · 31/12/2019 00:40

I’m crying with laughter at even the dog won’t play with it and giving thanks that dc is now a teen.

PanicAndRun · 31/12/2019 00:45

Dry road kill. It took a bit more brushing to get it to look slightly better .

To feel like I've been had?
NeckPainChairSearch · 31/12/2019 00:46

I pray my kids don't 'discover' these. We still have about 6 of those bloody soft toys that have baby soft toys stuffed inside them (I can't remember the name). 'Sooo cute' and ignored 2 weeks later.

My offer to substitute 'a carrier bag stuffed with smaller carrier bags' fell on deaf ears too.

PanicAndRun · 31/12/2019 00:47

This is before we started and quite similar to yours. Get to work OP, you can have your very own dry road kill if you put your heart,hands and hair dryer into it.Grin

To feel like I've been had?
whattheee · 31/12/2019 01:08

@LazyDaisey arnt you a breath of fresh air Hmm my DD's had one too op, just keep brushing! It does start to look abit better! I think the poor bugger is in the back of a cupboard somewhere now tho Bear

Emmelina · 31/12/2019 01:24

DD2 got one over the summer as a treat for passing a dance exam. It took a lot of work to get it looking half nice! I ended up tumble drying on low heat then took her nit comb to it to tease out the scraggy bits.

IfThingsComeInThreesWhyThisNow · 31/12/2019 01:39

Good God, thanks for the warning. They look like the tacky shite you win at funfairs in mystery prize bags. And for 25 quid, they saw you all coming - having fallen for the Hatchimal craze a couple of years back, I am grateful to be suckered into this - especially as we had to put two furry prizes we won in the school tombola into the washing machine recently.

IfThingsComeInThreesWhyThisNow · 31/12/2019 01:40


katewhinesalot · 31/12/2019 01:45

I'd have loved that as a kid. still would The uglier the better.


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Durgasarrow · 31/12/2019 01:49

This is hilarious. Esp. Ms. Daisy.

BlueBirdGreenFence · 31/12/2019 01:55

Omg Panic yours looks like it's wearing a big sanitary pad!

1forAll74 · 31/12/2019 02:11

Its horrible and tatty by the look of it.. Don't let a dog play with it, a dog might choke on the fluff and hairy stuff that will probably come off it.

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