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To feel like I've been had?

179 replies

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 30/12/2019 23:09

Has anyone else fallen victim to the atrocities of "Scruff-a-loves" ????

My smallest begged for one for Christmas - being the incredible gullible mum I am, I obliged.
Not just any though, it had to be the one with babies.
"2,3 or 4??"

Obviously 2.

But - once dipped in water and swirled around a bit, it's meant to transform into a glossy haired toy of dreams.

See attached photo. Not really what the box or advert suggested.


I feel like a prize plonker.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
Loveisntblind · 31/12/2019 03:37

We used the cats slicker brush on them after drying and they came up beautifully in the end.

Did worry when they first dried though, looked like pocket lint from Joseph's technicolour dreamcoat.

CilantroChili · 31/12/2019 03:58

I’m crying laughing reading this thread... my dd would definitely have gone for this roadkill Ted 😆 my kids are older and yes we had some crazy bear thing where you had to buy lots of v expensive flippin outfits too...
I like the concept behind the toy though
Not everything is perfect, I like the (ok fake) rescue animal idea, but it’s still good.

Sunshinelollypops01 · 31/12/2019 04:37

My daughter has 4 of these loves them to bits. They all look like that. But i find if you wash it really well,give it a really really good brush and dry it with a hair dryer. The more my dd, gets the better the look with practiceSmile

Longdistance · 31/12/2019 04:46

Oh my days! My dd has one that looks exactly like pink roadkill. I was embarrassed about it, but I’m sure we only paid £10 for it last Christmas. Roadkill hasn’t been played with at all, I wonder why? 🤔

Igotthisjustabout · 31/12/2019 04:54

This was us, 5am on Christmas morning. Bathing and blow drying a piece of tat.
My DD is slightly frustrated at how scruffy it it. And the head is heavier than the body so it flops about every where. £29.99. What a waste!

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 31/12/2019 06:23

@Loveisntblind omg "pocket lint from Joseph's technicolour dream coat" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

OP posts:
snowball28 · 31/12/2019 06:41

Lol I got mugged off for one of these too, no amount of brushing or blow drying is making it look any better either

Mummyoflittledragon · 31/12/2019 06:50

Maybe it was made by the child from paper dolls?

RhymingRabbit3 · 31/12/2019 07:54

What does it do once its dried, is it literally just a cuddly toy? If so you were destined to be ripped off, whether the washing process worked or not. £25 for a soft toy is daylight robbery.

thebearwentoverthebumble · 31/12/2019 08:03

I thinks it quite cute. 😁 reminds me of little gremilin

SimonJT · 31/12/2019 08:09

We have a rabbit one, after a blow dry while brushing it looks fine. Although I have been informed that bunny is ready for another bath...

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 31/12/2019 08:17

well..... I have had quite a morning. Whilst in the shower, my daughter decided to dramatically whisk the curtain aside and thrust the runt into my hands. My choices were 2 fold.
1: wash the frightening creature again
2: use it as a sponge

After washing the sorry blighter, it was reunited with its babies. Because, according to my daughter, they were missing her love knows no boundaries it seams

So... now all that's left is to blow dry the crap out it and hope that, at some point, a fairy will turn up with some gin.

To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
Soconfusedandlost · 31/12/2019 08:24

I thought the idea of these toys were to teach children that with love even the ugliest creature is beautiful. The more time they spend, loving washing and brushing it, the better it looks?

My daughter wants one but is only 3 so have said next year we'll ask Santa as a precursor to a pet in a few years. The moral is akin to loving an older unwanted animal than getting a "designer" pet

PanicAndRun · 31/12/2019 08:24

Wow those babies are.... modern art.

tickyandtackyandjackiebackie · 31/12/2019 08:39

Well.... I have nit combed her senseless, and blow dried her whilst my own hair lays neglected

And I can safely say, my daughter is the proud owner of a toy that wouldn't be out of place cable tied to the front of a bin lorry.

To feel like I've been had?
OP posts:
alwaysmovingforwards · 31/12/2019 08:45


Oh lord, I remember build a bear... what a total rip off that was!

Roselilly36 · 31/12/2019 08:47

😂 did it not say on the box unless you are a qualified hairdresser steer well clear! Looks like you need to book the little darling into the hair salon/dog groomers for some serious grooming!

Lobsterquadrille2 · 31/12/2019 08:51

This is brilliant! How sad that DD is too old for this. Over the years I have spent a fortune on Build a Bear with its wretched outfits (including skateboard, elbow and knee pads), tamagotchi fad, Furreal ghastly animal, even baby Annabelle freaked me out with its eye movements and sucking. We still have a Sylvanian barge somewhere that I refuse to dispose of because it was an essential item.

MrOnionsBumperRoller · 31/12/2019 08:56

DGD got one for DD after much begging. Utter shite, looked like road kill. Second in the dissapoint ratings only to that Poopsie Slime Surprise tat.

Puzzledandpissedoff · 31/12/2019 09:21

... a toy that wouldn't be out of place cable tied to the front of a bin lorry

This is the one which really finished me off ... I'm howling Grin Grin

You've got to hand it to the geniuses who market this stuff; nothing wrong with a bit of 20p-to-make Chinese crap, but how did they persuade folk it's worth paying £20 plus for??

paranoidmum2 · 31/12/2019 09:33

Yeah you’re also being goady as fuck because if you followed the instructions, it wouldn’t look like the picture you posted.

So you’ve hardly been “had”.

@LazyDaisey clearly works for a Scruff-alove ornwhatever they're called.

I think it's very telling that the sales lady in the video does!'t her face filmed.

DavetheCat2001 · 31/12/2019 09:35

My DD's.

Admittedly I have no idea what she has done in terms of grooming it

To feel like I've been had?

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FluffyPinkSocks · 31/12/2019 09:41

My dd got one for her birthday back in October, she chose it herself.

It now lives in the attic.

Sassypants82 · 31/12/2019 09:49

My Dd's.. Could definitely do with more brushing!

To feel like I've been had?
Anniegetyourgun · 31/12/2019 09:57

You're paying extra for the labour involved in making the toy look all scruffy so you can tidy it up again. Makes about as much sense as buying jeans with the knees already torn out, I suppose.

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