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Am I too old, is this a mid life crisis?

235 replies

Cassavaflower · 22/12/2019 09:29

Am I being unreasonable to have a crush on a guy 16 years my junior?
I feel like I'm going crazy. I work from home and never interact with anyone in the office but a couple of weeks ago I was asked to meet one of the managers. I was expecting an older guy judging by his emails. I wasn't expecting him to be mesmerising. I lost it, getting tongue tied, blushing. I mean, just awful. He's funny and clever and 16 years younger than me. He's single. We are meeting up tomorrow as he wants to see me before I turn 50. I've been literally dreaming about him.
I'm having a midlife crisis aren't I?
Should I just accept I'm being silly and enjoy the coffee and think no more of it? I've been single for years and years.
God, I have it bad. Oh and to avoid drip feeding he tells me I'm awesome all the time but that doesn't mean anything right?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

343 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
TestingTestingWonTooFree · 23/12/2019 21:18

Enjoy your Christmas fuckfest OP.

Craftycorvid · 23/12/2019 22:19

Christmas fuckfest Grin Lucky him and lucky you! Keep us updated.

CoolCarrie · 23/12/2019 22:48

Go for it OP

Flightsoffancy · 23/12/2019 23:17

Good for you, have fun!

ferntwist · 26/12/2019 07:57

Wow OP, so exciting! Remember to update us

LuluBellaBlue · 26/12/2019 08:09

I like this!! Go OP Grin

ivykaty44 · 26/12/2019 08:20

Hope it all works out, exciting times

I’m horrified that so many on this thread think 50 is over the hill 🤣

happycamper11 · 26/12/2019 08:33

Well DP is 17 years older than me and I DEFINITELY find him attractive but I think the difference here (apart from the fact he's your manager) is that I imagine you are at very different life stages? Where can this go. The before 50 comment is very odd.

happycamper11 · 26/12/2019 08:38

Sorry I'd missed the last couple of posts even though I read most of the threads. Have a great time but don't expect too much. 36 is prime age for love bombing then ghosting. Have fun but go in with your eyes open. Hopefully it's not the case here

Etinox · 26/12/2019 08:48

Anyone else doing that twixt Christmas and New Year’s, what day of the week is it again?!

Cassavaflower · 26/12/2019 09:08

Hello, we are both so excited for tomorrow!!!
He said 'Monday was a lifetime ago and Friday is an eternity away.'
How romantic is that?
He's called me 'so beautiful' 'amazingly beautiful' and 'unbelievably beautiful' and there are a few things we have in common that have surprised us so there's definitely an emotional connection. Same favourite novel, he lives in that exact location, my street name is connected oh dear I'm babbling.
The fact that we have this chemistry and haven't even touched yet is OFF THE SCALE.
Oh and it's my birthday today. I'm 50 and I feel fucking AWESOME!!!

OP posts:
thepeopleversuswork · 26/12/2019 09:08

I agree with others: the age thing isn’t a problem, it’s the fact he’s your manager. If you didn’t have a professional relationship I would say knock yourself out but too risky if you have to be professional with him in the future. Just not worth the grief.

thepeopleversuswork · 26/12/2019 09:11

Wow x posted! Amazing. Have fun! Still say proceed with caution though.

sippingcoffee · 26/12/2019 09:12

Happy birthday cassavaflower
Enjoy your date Smile

IdaBattersea · 26/12/2019 09:13

watch gold digger on BBC iPlayer

FuckyNel · 26/12/2019 09:14

Lovely thread!

Cassavaflower · 26/12/2019 09:17

Haha he's no gold digger he has more money than me.

OP posts:
malificent7 · 26/12/2019 09:18

Just for for it lucky bugger!

Cassavaflower · 26/12/2019 09:21

Also, sorry this is turning into teenage diary entry but would love some ideas of what to wear tomorrow. I was thinking of keeping it supercasual in skinny jeans, cute jumper and my Supergas? They make me feel all Kate Middleton.

OP posts:
BBBear · 26/12/2019 09:23

Sounds like a good outfit - where are you going?

JustDanceAddict · 26/12/2019 09:30

Good for you! Nice update :-)
I’m slightly younger than you and would no way be attractive to a 30-something but can definitely appreciate a younger male (from a distance as am married).

JustDanceAddict · 26/12/2019 09:31

Def be wary that he’s your line manager though.


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Alsohuman · 26/12/2019 09:34

My stepson is in a relationship with a wonderful woman 15 years older than him. They’re blissfully happy and we’re very happy for him, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Go for it, enjoy.

ConfCall · 26/12/2019 09:52

I think that the “before 50” comment was designed to show that he knows your age and doesn’t care. So I have a different take to PPs on that.

It’s great that you had a lovely date and happy birthday! 🎂

The line management thing could prove thorny. Be careful.

Also, be a bit wary in case you fall for him and then he decides that he wants to be with a partner who can have a baby. 16 years isn’t a huge gap but it’s often problematic when the younger party hasn’t yet had children. I know someone with a similar age gap but the thirtysomething guy already has two children with an ex.

Cassavaflower · 26/12/2019 10:34

Re kids- he has two already from a previous relationship.
Also he's not really a line manager.
But I will be cautious because at the moment it's all words no action- of any kind!- and I want to be sure he means what he's saying.

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