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'Friend' of 20 years has cut me off- jealousy?

231 replies

MinxyMoos · 22/09/2019 12:32

I've wondered about my friend for a long time- let me explain- certain comments she's made to me over the years made me question if she was a friend and was actually jelous of me. Probably because of my bubbly, trusting nature, I always looked at any positives she had and that took me to 20 years of knowing her. My situation is that hubby and I comfortable money wise, have a loving extended family, I have many work colleague friends and am happy to say, well liked by my work bosses. (Can I add all our money is earned, I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I work pretty damn hard and produce good work for my bosses). There was one thing lacking in life according to her and that was children.
My friend is quite in love with herself, she would often look in the mirror and say "look no make up". I used to laugh. She is attractive but not to the extent she thinks she is. My friend has 2 kids and was desperate for a boy. She knows we were trying for children and I had miscarried a few times. Every time I got to work she would ask me if there was any news of a baby and do a pouty sad face in front of everyone. It was almost like she enjoyed my sadness!!!This hurt everytime, but I put it down to my hormones and that I needed to be less sensitive. But the questions were continuous. She knew how to say something horrid and then make it up with me. Once during a successful pregnancy I was due a down syndrome test and was very anxious cause of my age (39). I said to her that i'd feel better after the results were in, she said "oh I know someone who had the test and the results came back normal, but the baby was still born floppy"!!! I was so upset by her. I did tell her how much she upset me and she cried and said she didnt want to talk about it. Of course she didnt. But she apologised and I ended up feeling bad.
After 7 years we finally had my beautiful daughter and this friend was oh so vocal in her happiness for me. She got me so many gifts and visited me at home....then she made a comment that my "daughter is beautiful and looks nothing like you". So you see how she could do something nice and then say something really horrible.
That was 3 years ago.
Of course she started again as to siblings for my daughter!!! Just unbelievable.
Anyway, to our utter happy shock, I was pregnant with twins this year!!!!! I am feeding one now. Two boys, 6lb 10 each. A very healthy happy pregnancy. As soon as i told my 'friend' i was 8 weeks with twins, she pretty much dumped me!!!! Its like the jelousy was just too much for her. When I went to talk to her, she said she was busy. When I asked her out for pizza and said I have an antenatal appointment before hand so I maybe late, she said she couldn't wait for me as she would be hungry!!!
Since then, she has taken me off her wots app as in 'blocked' me!!!
My twins are now 5 weeks old my daughter is 3. Hubby and I feel so lucky. I am happy like heaven is!! I go back to work in 2021!!!
But when I think of this 'friend' my heart sinks. Shes not congratulated me or made any contact. Is it really possible for a friend to be so jelous of her friend this much??!!!!

OP posts:
BogglesGoggles · 22/09/2019 17:51

If you are going to make up a smug post surely you would pick something to actually be smug about?

AllFourOfThem · 22/09/2019 17:53

In my experience it takes a massive and unlikeable ego to assume someone has cut you off out of jealousy rather than accept and admit it’s because you are unpleasant and dislikable.

Also here for the deletion message! Grin

marvellousnightforamooncup · 22/09/2019 17:58
Trenchcoated · 22/09/2019 18:04

Shouldn't you have won the Booker and Nobel prizes and the lottery or while delivering the Reith lectures and running an elephant sanctuary something? I mean, commit, for God's sake, woman. Three children, a job and a hubby isn't exactly going to make someone's Envy-ometer boil over.

Gruntvsgunt · 22/09/2019 18:04

You don’t sound smug, more like you are writing a really poor novel . I can’t imagine this is real, but with friends like that (you not her) who needs enemies hey!

bluegirlgreen · 22/09/2019 18:13


Let the haterz hate! They're well jel. They hate ya coz they ain't ya. Shine bright like a diamond and go and laugh and live and dance in the rain then check your watch and say 'it's gin o'clock' then kick off your dancing shoes and chill with the hubs and bubs for the nite.


PLEASE say this is a joke post! Grin

bluegirlgreen · 22/09/2019 18:16


when I got pregnant with puppy triplets that slept through the night.


Envy It's not fucking fair! I work so so hard for my boss to bring home wads and wads and wads of money, I'm practically perfect in every way but incredibly humble, and I only get one boring baby! What am I doing wrong? Fuck you PrincessHoneysuckle. Fuck you. I wouldn't want to be your friend either.

Ba ha ha ha ha!!! 😂😂😂

Alexel · 22/09/2019 18:17

Is this person really smug about having sex and falling pregnant? Girl, its not exactly a medical miracle, is it?

If I had a friend like you, because I don't waste my time with people who gloat, it wouldn't be for long. If I felt a friend was "jealous" I'd feel awful that somehow I made my friend feel that way.
I'd love to hear the "jealous" friends perspective.

It sounds like you're insecure about something that you have to literally tell the internet about your achievements and more strangely that you deserve it. Is it because your friend got fed up of listening to it and you have no one else to tell? Or is there something more sinister? Post natal? Body dysmorphia? Stretch marks after twins bothering you?

Maybe have a think about the reasons why you need to boast to a load of strangers. Focus on your children and not on the friend who called it quits and if there's genuinely no mental issue which made you think or behave this way, take a good look in the mirror and be the best version of you that you can be Flowers

MegaMonsterMunch · 22/09/2019 18:22

Sometimes the rubbish takes itself out. Congrats on your twins!

OwnerofanAngryCat · 22/09/2019 18:26

Too many sharks too soon.

WhizzingFizzbee · 22/09/2019 18:27

You probably won’t feel the same superiority when your twins are 21 with a 70 year old mother. Poor kids!

AnAC12UCOinanOCG · 22/09/2019 18:33

Gosh, I was so surprised when I got to the part where you had twins. What a lovely ending to your story! So many congratulations.

SimonsJones · 22/09/2019 18:34


Sagradafamiliar · 22/09/2019 18:39

Noooo bluegirl am serious! If the fake friend can't handle OP's shine then she should step off her rainbow. Real eyes realise! No need for tocksick people, it's OP's time 2 sparkle

CarolDanvers · 22/09/2019 18:43

What a load of utter tripe.

Dragonsmother · 22/09/2019 18:57

You say you had 20 years of friendship. Was it really friendship or just 2 people who knew each other and just tolerated each other?
20 years is a long time- in that time life throws its ups and downs, relationships, job changes, family changes etc.
From all you are saying it doesn’t sound like either of you actually loved each other as friends. Friends take each other for who they are, what they have and where they are in life.

I don’t feel you are loosing 20 years of friendship- more this chapter of you life is changing.

NoTheresa · 22/09/2019 18:59

There was a recent thread by a woman claiming to have been ignored by fellow mothers at a nursery. She was pondering whether it was because she was so posh and middle class. Hmmm

TellMeWhoTheVilliansAre · 22/09/2019 19:14

You said it in your title: 'Friend'.

You and she are not friends. You are two people who know each other for 20 years. I've never thought anyone was jealous of me. And I have FOUR children. 2 of each. Perfectly balanced. Wink

Usually when somebody starts avoiding somebody else it's because they don't like them. There's people I avoid. Not because I'm jealous, but because I can't muster up the energy to smile politely. I'm sure there are people who avoid me for similar reasons.

You're not friends, you're 'friends'.
No loss, to either person.

FaerieKiss · 22/09/2019 19:22

She isn't your friend. She never was. The Spanish have a saying 'It's always a friend who hates you the most' and it's very true.

A very similar thing happened to me with a friend over 20 years ago. I really thought we were close but slowly became aware that after spending time with her I always felt a little bit worse about myself.

She was a master of the bitch plop and double edged compliment e.g. 'You're a bit overweight but it suits you'. For reference I was 5ft 6 and weighed about 8.5 stone Hmm

Just like you OP I had lots of other good friends, nice family and was generally very happy. Looking back, she didn't have any of that. It took DH and another good friend to point out how poisonous and insidious she was, but I still defended her. It took me overhearing her drunkenly propositioning DH (he gave her short shrift) to realise she wasn't who I thought she was and that she obviously wanted to hurt me.

Fast forward 24 years and we're both members of a local spa. She studiously pretends not to recognise me, and I can't help but notice she is always, always on her own and I'm always there with friends. I wonder why?

TimeForDinnerDinnerDinner · 22/09/2019 19:57

Some 'friends' like to have a front row seat to witness how we cope with life's trials and tribulations. They find it entertaining and it makes them feel better about their own lives/challenges, etc.
Like OP I have experienced being dropped like a stone once my life was on track, by someone I thought was my best friend. I only realised retrospectively what she'd been doing once I saw her do it to other best friends she made after me. She's incredibly skilled at being indispensable and an eager confidant. I'd never experienced this kind of friendship before so didn't realise how fake she was until she lost interest.
Learn from it, and move on. One of life's many valuable lessons.

Cryalot2 · 22/09/2019 20:07

Congratulations Flowers
I was also dumped recently by a long standing friend and it still hurts.
Mine was because I was going through a bad patch with both health and family , we always supported each other, but was dumped by text for being miserable and not pulling myself together. The sad thing is she is an oap . .
You will grieve your friendship and hopefully find new friends . Its her loss

DeeDeeKayKay · 22/09/2019 20:13

You both sound like planks


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NoTheresa · 22/09/2019 23:17

Short thick ones?

glasgowlass · 22/09/2019 23:23

Why is it always twins? Hmm

dontgobaconmyheart · 22/09/2019 23:53

You sound just as bad OP, you're coming across a bit insufferable. It's wonderful that you're happy with your lot and twins is a lovely surprise but none of it would be very jealousy inducing to a lot of other women - myself included. Having a 'hubby', being a stay at home mum, not 'having to work' is the stuff of nightmares to some of us I can assure you.

Perhaps she is sick of you trying to rub it in all the time about your 'perfect' life and your fantastic personality. In life I think if you really believe you are that universally adored, that is unlikely to be the case.

Regardless, you obviously don't like her and the feeling appears to be mutual so what's the big deal. Sunk cost fallacy shouldn't apply here- just enjoy the company of your many other adoring friends and relatives and enjoy the time off work.

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