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Someone bought an elf for DD

286 replies

Yabbers · 06/12/2018 16:19

Got a call from school today, a staff member was talking with DD yesterday and DD told her she was going to write to Santa to ask for an elf on the shelf.

Staff member bought one and left it at her desk this morning so DD thinks Santa has done as she asked.

I've a huge problem with the whole elf thing, happy for others to do it, it's just not for us.

We're under a lot of pressure for a number of reasons and now we've
got to spend each bloody night doing something with this damned elf. AiBU to be really pissed off that someone else has done this to us?

OP posts:
AllTakenSoRubbishUsername · 06/12/2018 17:34

Ah, I think it's lovely that your daughter has the elf. Keep the magic and just do something simple with it every night. You don't have to go mad. She'll love it!

RebelWitchFace · 06/12/2018 17:34

Check first it's not a class elf,rather than an elf she gets to keep.

If it's not a class elf, then this is wrong for several reasons.

1.It completely goes against your wishes. I find it odd so many people are supportive when normally they moan over anything that goes against their wishes even if they're ridiculous and against school policies. Must be because it's a "magic" elf.

2.Most schools will specifically prohibit this in their behaviour policy. She can't and shouldn't get a present just for your DD, just because she asked for it. It's inappropriate and a crossing of boundaries.

  1. What happens if word spreads and other kids ask for stuff that they won't get?

Good place or not, the staff member was severely misguided and sounds like she needs more training.
AllTakenSoRubbishUsername · 06/12/2018 17:35

It takes all of 2 minutes to pose an elf and creates a bit of magic.

KaitlynRep · 06/12/2018 17:36

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hopereigns · 06/12/2018 17:36

I don't like the elf thing either OP, but seeing as DD now has it, can you just do something simple each night, so it just hides in different places? That way you don't have to set up scenes etc. I read on another thread about it playing hide and seek.

PinkAvocado · 06/12/2018 17:36

I’d let her know what you’d like Father Christmas to bring you...

RebelWitchFace has everything covered.

Pinkyyy · 06/12/2018 17:40

Perfectly1mperfect what was the gift? Teachers can give rewards for good work/behaviour etc but not gifts like the one in the OP

strawberryalarmclock · 06/12/2018 17:42

@Perfectly1mperfect it's absolutely true, unless there are exceptional circumstances. For example I once gave a book to a child who was moving away (he was being adopted) it was a book I'd read to him many times and I put a short message in it. I cleared this with senior management first, maybe your dds teacher did the same? Kindness should be rewarded!

NotyourMummynotyourmilk · 06/12/2018 17:42

Sorry, what is an elf on a shelf???

jarhead123 · 06/12/2018 17:43

It doesn't need to do anything fancy, ours moves round the house but doesn't cause chaos etc. I keep it simple:)

Motherofajuggernaut · 06/12/2018 17:50

Put a tiny cast made of of roll round its leg: Elf has broken its leg and is under strict instructions not to move for 3 weeks

RebelWitchFace · 06/12/2018 17:51

It really doesn't matter how easy and simple you can keep it. OP didn't want one.

Cagliostro · 06/12/2018 17:56

Maybe she didn’t realise it’s A Thing and just thought it was a cute toy without realising the idea of parents moving it around? Still a bit odd for a staff member to buy though

Ilovealexa · 06/12/2018 17:57

Burn it

hazeyjane · 06/12/2018 17:58

Ah but it's Christmas magic! Think about the poor kiddies with no magic in their little lives because their parents can't be arsed and are too busy mumsnetting and taking crack......... waaaaaaaah!!

SpitefulMidLifeAnimal · 06/12/2018 17:59

I know it's overstepping the mark but it sounds to me like a dinnerlady had a spare elf, probably from the poundshop, and thought she'd make a little girl happy.

Spicylentil · 06/12/2018 18:02

It would prob annoy me too if a teacher got my dc a present that wasn’t given to every other child. It’s a bit like the teacher thinks she’s neglected or maybe she isn’t doing well in school and the teacher thought this would help? If your child loves the elf though it really doesn’t take any real effect to carry it to one room to the next before going to bed, stick in the tree, in her bed, in the sink, honestly some years I’ve made it so difficult for myself this year we have a lazy elf!

Strokethefurrywall · 06/12/2018 18:03

Ahh but hazeyjane, mumsnetting and taking crack should always take precedent over making sure your little ones have their slice of Christmas magic, obtained only through the conduit through which all magic can flow... the fucking creepy elf of the goddamn shelf.

Perfectly1mperfect · 06/12/2018 18:07


It was a dog soft toy. I think my daughter was in Year 3 at the time.

taybert · 06/12/2018 18:07

There are lots of things that take 2 minutes and a child would like you to do. It’s your choice whether you do them though. We don’t do the elf. Partly because it’s not a way I wish to spend my time. It’s all well and good saying just move it but if everyone else’s is unrolling toilet paper and skiing in icing sugar then the kids are going to be just as left out as if they didn’t have it. The other reason is that there is so much hype about Christmas in December, I honestly think it’s better to try to keep things low key. There is constant Christmas stuff going on at school and it’s lovely but it seems to start in late November and I don’t think the kids can keep up that level of excitement for that long. They’re tired, it’s a long term and all the added hype is just so much for them to handle, I feel like I’m spending all that’s left of my energy constantly trying to calm them down.

But yeah, mainly it’s because I hate happiness and magic.

Perfectly1mperfect · 06/12/2018 18:10


Yes, I'm sure that she would have cleared it with the headteacher if that was the policy. She is a well respected teacher and has been there for many years. My daughter still treasures the dog now.

fibonaccisequins · 06/12/2018 18:13

Can't we be crackheads as well as elf movers?? GrinXmas Grin
Yeah I'd be annoyed as well OP. Generally I'm pretty chilled out about teachers/school etc, but you'd decided not to have an elf, so that decision should be respected. And I say this as a person who currently has an elf couple, and a very very naughty elf (one that's been dyed black) in my front room. I suspect they get up to elf threesomes when we're in bed Blush they're always a bit flushed in the morning... [santa]Xmas Grin


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Pinkyyy · 06/12/2018 18:13

Perfectly1mperfect if it was a reward for her being extra kind I'd say there's not too much cause for concern, but really achievement points or your shcools equivalent should have been enough

fibonaccisequins · 06/12/2018 18:14

All from the pound shop in case anyone else wants elf menage a trois in their front rooms Grin

Perfectly1mperfect · 06/12/2018 18:14

For example I once gave a book to a child who was moving away (he was being adopted) it was a book I'd read to him many times and I put a short message in it.

That was very thoughtful of you strawberryalarmclock. I'm sure he would have appreciated it.

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