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To be pissed of with "I don't mind"

155 replies

Bumble1830 · 07/08/2018 23:47

A little bit lighthearted, a little bit rant-y.

Does anyone else get pissed off with "I don't mind" answers to every single question you ask the family? What do you fancy for tea? .... I don't mind. What film shall we watch? ... I don't mind. How would you like to live your last day on earth? ... I don't mind. Seriously, a little clue as to what you fancy for dinners as I'm doing the weekly shop in Sainsburys (other supermarkets are available) would be nice, and then they moan because its the stuff stuff every time....!!! Ggrrrrr. Aannnnnd bbrrreeaaaath 😶

OP posts:
Bumble1830 · 09/08/2018 17:43

I've just asked them to actually make a decision about what they wanted for tea... And I got 3 different answers, so that back fired 😆. Best think of a different way of asking next time ha ha

OP posts:
GreatWesternValkyrie · 09/08/2018 19:26

You just need to fine tune the question Bumble - try “I want you to decide between you what we’re having for dinner tonight”.

Either WW3 will break out in your house or they’ll become excellent negotiators (which might also backfire on you in the longer term Grin)

Loopytiles · 10/08/2018 06:10

“I want you all to agree on one thing for us to have for dinner this evening, then let me know / shop for and cook it”

cricketmum84 · 10/08/2018 06:29

I get this whenever I do the weekly meal plan "I don't mind, you decide" which invariably ends with me having to change the fucking plan because it turns out they do all mind after all!!!!

wanderings · 10/08/2018 12:12

Sorry, I just had to add this. Remember the books about the child Jeremy James, and his impossibly logical approaches to the topsy-turvy world that grown-ups live in? He noticed that grown-ups never answered questions; mummy in particular would reply with "Ssssh!" or "Hmmmm", or ask questions about why he was asking questions. Here he tries to find out whether his parents prefer chocolate or liquorice allsorts, so he can decide what to give them for Christmas.

Mummy's answer:
Well, in the afternoons, I prefer chocolate, and in the evenings I prefer liquorice allsorts. And in the mornings, I don't really feel like sweets at all.

Daddy's answer:
Well, sometimes I like the liquorice allsorts that have black in the middle, sometimes I like the liquorice allsorts that don't have black in the middle, and sometimes I like chocolate, but all in all I would say it's about half and half, it's about fifty-fifty.

Jeremy James's face was then as long as Santa Claus's beard. His question had been well and truly non-answered!

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