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how many transgender people do you know

504 replies

ambereeree · 14/02/2018 14:50

Just that really. I've only met one at work a man who had the change to a woman.
From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

OP posts:
Glumglowworm · 14/02/2018 15:38

I knew one MTF at uni over a decade ago but we were more in the same circle than actual friends and didn’t stay in touch (nothing to do with their gender, this was when fb was just starting out, it hadn’t reached my uni yet, I didn’t stay in touch with lots of people after uni).

I do have a tumblr so see lots of teens on there who identify as non-binary or trans or whatever. I’m on tumblr for fandom not gender politics though, so I stay out of it.

Crunched · 14/02/2018 15:38

Just about to say none, then remembered that one of DDs best friends is FtM. I just accept him as 'his name' and had almost forgotten he ever had a different gender.

BertrandRussell · 14/02/2018 15:39

3 that I know of.

PinkHeart5914 · 14/02/2018 15:42


museumum · 14/02/2018 15:43

One MtF at work. Late transition with grown up kids and a now ex wife.
Ironically I now have less in common with her than I did with the previous him as she doesn’t do the spirt he did (and I do) and she talks about fashion a lot (I don’t).

TimeIhadaNameChange · 14/02/2018 15:43

I know of two. One in the wider family, MtoF, and the son of a friend of DP's, FtoM. Haven't seen either for years and were both their birth gender last time I saw them.

NordicNobody · 14/02/2018 15:44

Though I did spend a day as a medical student working in a gender realignment clinic for people at various stages of transition. That was a serious eye opener! Watching one 20 year old transman sobbing with joy when the doctor confirmed he had an appointment lined up for a full hysterectomy really made 2 things very clear to me - gender dysphoria is real, and I will never truly understand it. I just have no experience of anything that gets me even close to being able to put myself in the shoes of a trans person. Huge sympathy and compassion yes, but true empathy and understanding, no,

Enko · 14/02/2018 15:45

1 M to F

WiseOldHag · 14/02/2018 15:45

From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

The great number of threads on Trans at the moment are due to the impending change in the law to allow anyone to self-declare their gender, thus opening up protected women's spaces to predatory males.

Already, many areas of employment require that the employee go along with a self-declared gender choice.

Turning this into an argument of "How many trans people do you know?" is another way dismissing legitimate concerns about women & child protection issues.

This concern is now across people (not just women) of all political persuasions.

sallyandherarmy · 14/02/2018 15:46

I used to be a Tom Boy(sic)

Does that count?

mikeyssister · 14/02/2018 15:46

1 MtoF, one of my best friends for 25 year, I've known for about 10 years now.
1 FtoM boy (15),
3 MtoF and 2 FtoM through working with an organisation, nice people and seriously worried about how "transgenderism" (my word not their's) is being dealt with by government and schools.

I was told by the boy that I was a bigot because I didn't agree that he should be allowed to go to an all girls school. He didn't appreciate it when I told him to cop on to himself and to come back to me when he had some experience of life. My reaction was probably coloured by the fact I can't stand him as he always was an obnoxious little fecker and still is. This is nothing to do with his gender.

DD2 announced she was pansexual 2 years ago at 12. I told her I didn't care what her sexuality was, or her gender, was as long as she was a nice person and treated others with respect. She's since told me she thinks she's confused. My advice was to stop worrying about giving herself a label and putting herself in a box and to just enjoy being "Mary", whoever "Mary" is. I also told her that I've no problem what sex any special friend she brings home is as long as they're not dressed in an animal costume. I'm fairly liberal minded but don't think I could handle furries. Apparently there are about 8 kids in their girls school who are really boys, and no-one is allowed to be gay anymore because if you're gay you must really be transgender. Hopefully she's now a little clearer about that too.

Notevilstepmother · 14/02/2018 15:47

I’ve met 2 irl and on online that I’ve been aware of. All M to F. 1 in a local pub, didn’t really interact with her, but thought it was brave of her to be in there just sitting at the bar.

One on a woman’s hobby trip (I found it a little odd initially as it was the first time I’d met anyone trans and I wondered about it being a woman’s event but once I got to know her I was ok with it and felt bad for thinking for a moment that she perhaps shouldn’t have been there) she was very careful to be friendly but not too “in your face” and as accommodation wasn’t shared it wasn’t an issue. No idea which loo she used as I didn’t stalk her! She was lovely, pleasant and helpful and it really wasn’t an issue after the initial surprise.

Online it’s made no difference to me, except for the name change, no change in interaction since.

Oh and I think one of the singers I saw once is M to F if that counts.

In the end I don’t really care what people have in their pants, or what they want to wear. But then I grew up watching Corporal Klinger wearing dresses all the time in MASH so maybe that’s scarred me for life clutches pearls*

TeasndToast · 14/02/2018 15:48

None. But I’m pretty sure once any old fucker can say ‘I’m a woman’ so they can get their dicks out in front of little girls in changing rooms there will be a whole heap more.
The trans threads are about self i.d and the men that will abuse it. Not the real trans who just want to go about their lives and who also do not want to see men in female spaces.

category12 · 14/02/2018 15:48

A few. An acquaintance when we ran bars. A music student who taught my dd an instrument for a while. One of dd's schoolmates.

Clem7 · 14/02/2018 15:48

Two, FtM in their 30s. Lovely guys the pair of them.

dinosaursandtea · 14/02/2018 15:49

I know 7 or 8. I live in London, an gay and am quite politically active.

Palavra · 14/02/2018 15:49

On a personal level, I am friendly with a member of the PTA who is MTF. As a volunteer (providing employment advice and support) at a charity supporting asylum seekers, refugees and people with various complicated immigration statuses, I have of course met with and supported several trans people face to face, and several more over the helpline. Of the people I worked closely, one of whom had received asylum (I believe) on the basis of persecution for their gender identity.

VioletCharlotte · 14/02/2018 15:49

One. Female to Male. He's 20 and a friend of my DS.

ScattyCharly · 14/02/2018 15:50

I Knew a teacher F-M, couple of decades ago

I now know another person (also a teacher) who is female but desperately wishes to be male but doesn’t feel they would “pass”.

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 15:50

None, as far as I am aware.

eachtigertires · 14/02/2018 15:51

Two. Both FTM. One I used to work with and one I went to school with years ago. Always know the first one as male but the second one, I have to admit it was difficult to remember him as a him because I’ve known him so long as a her if that makes sense.

Gilead · 14/02/2018 15:52

One FtoM, lovely chap! One gender non binary. My ds. They would not consider using a space in which women felt comfortable though. We have frequent discussions and they think that (for example) a women's space is a women's space. They would not use a 'women's loo' but would happily use a non specific one.


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kerryleigh · 14/02/2018 15:52


blackberryfairy · 14/02/2018 15:53

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sinceyouask · 14/02/2018 15:54

Around 8.
For all the upset on MN about trans issues, I know far more trans* people who were born female bodied than vice versa, and it interests me (not to the point that I actually want to have a discussion about it here, mind) that MN tends to overlook ftm trans issues in favour of of focusing on the perceived threat posed by mtf trans people.

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