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how many transgender people do you know

504 replies

ambereeree · 14/02/2018 14:50

Just that really. I've only met one at work a man who had the change to a woman.
From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

OP posts:
Jaygee61 · 16/02/2018 09:14

1 family friend known since I was s child, M to F transitioned 30 years ago.
1 M to F I met through work colleague.

Not aware that I know any F to M, but I might and not know it.

Mominatrix · 16/02/2018 08:43


The80sweregreat · 16/02/2018 08:42

My son knows one F to M as a friend. Has a lot of issues and is only young.

someone i know was married for nearly 17 years to somebody who is now female,(been divorced for years now )
caused so much unhappiness and he told so many lies, lived a lie for so long.

Giggorata · 16/02/2018 08:40

About 5, including a dear friend who died a year or two ago... I really miss her, especially now all the trans issues are being discussed in the media. She was a journalist and would have had a lot to say. And she wasn't strident or militant, but at the same time, wouldn't stand for any nonsense.

Ebba84 · 16/02/2018 08:20

I know 2 female to male and 1 male to female.

Every one of them went through their operation at their own pace, without taking part any some of the mass hysteria we see in the media (pro or con trans). They actually felt that none of what was discussed even remotely reflected their story or what they went through.
One of the female to male is very militant in the LGBTQ community and he absolutely despises all the do good activists who talk on behalf of trans people.

lilly0 · 16/02/2018 08:17

One MTF they dress as as a woman but still has a beard it's really hard to think of them as a woman

treaclesoda · 16/02/2018 08:15

One. And whilst they are a perfectly pleasant individual to chat to, I dislike the way they promote themselves as a senior female in the workplace, being a spokesperson etc when in actual fact they obtained that seniority as a man. And only afterwards did they announce that they now wanted to 'be a woman'.

bridgetbishop · 16/02/2018 08:15

Four. One is the child of a friend but most of my friends have younger DC.

Parents with teens are much more likely to know transgender people.

Jaynesworld · 16/02/2018 08:13

None that I am friends with or related to (that im aware of). Ive met a couple though.

OccasionalNachos · 16/02/2018 08:12

About 12, mix of MtF and FtM, but I work in the equality & diversity sector so it’s to be expected.

Backenette · 16/02/2018 08:08

rejecting gender norms does not mean you are the wrong sex.


Lonelynessie · 16/02/2018 08:08

1- F to M. Transitioned late teens/early 20’s.

Backenette · 16/02/2018 08:07
  1. Mtf.,both horrified at the TRA movement
ragged · 16/02/2018 08:04

I struggle with TG people who then label themselves as gay.
Like a FtM person who then say they're gay, so they need to be with biological males. It seems more like being very enamoured with maleness than actually identifying as male.

I guess I'm just old & stuck in my ways.

Sugarcoma · 16/02/2018 04:35


Viviene · 16/02/2018 02:37


CatchingBabies · 16/02/2018 02:21

I can't help but wonder how many of these FtM young people would simply be "butch" lesbians if it wasn't so "cool" to label yourself as trans these days. Myself and my girlfriend both went through stages of wanting to be male, dressing in male clothing etc. As adults we are both happily female just not particularly feminine but that's ok, women are not a uniform species and rejecting gender norms does not mean you are the wrong sex.

I'm not for one second saying ALL trans teens btw, I do wonder though.

LeslieKnopefan · 16/02/2018 02:17

2 - both M to F

One I didn’t know for the first few years I knew her and the second I met recently and it’s a lot more erm obvious.

Both I like as people and have no issue with them dressing in women’s clothes etc. I just don’t reallt accept they are women. But I keep that opinion to myself.

MistressDeeCee · 16/02/2018 01:56
  1. MTF. 1 is OH's sister. I was going through family photos round his one day saw a man who looked like him said oh, is that your brother back home...? Then he explained. In 5 years I never guessed she was Trans. Not that it matters at all. The other is a friend of a friend. Appt from that, Transwoman checkout operator at our local supermarket that I pass pleasantries with and that's it
BringOnTheScience · 15/02/2018 23:19

I know one FTM living locally who transitioned in their teens.
I taught one MTF who is starting on their transition in primary.
I have a DC who is very much gender neutral in presentation. They use the pronouns of their birth gender but don't mind if someone unintentionally misidentifies them because of their style of dress.

AndNoneForGretchenWieners · 15/02/2018 23:10

One - DH's ex wife's (now ex) husband, A, who she left DH for. A announced she was a gay man then left exW for the bloke next door, then more recently has decided she is a woman. The exW is inconsolable and even I feel sorry for her, despite what a nightmare she has been in the past. I would be devastated if DH told me he was gay and then a woman. Poor cow.

parklives · 15/02/2018 23:06

1 in my immediate family.
Lots of people I know have 1 in their immediate family (but I don't directly know them)
Lots of M to F (but I'm going to say obviously born male dressed as female because I have no idea if they are trans) in my small city working in retail especially.
I don't think I notice the F to M as much because presumably there are some in my city too?


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littlemissrain · 15/02/2018 16:52

2, both male to female, one in their fifties who transitioned decades ago, the other a teenager, who only said they wanted to be a girl a few years ago

petbear · 15/02/2018 16:31

I am terribly sorry about the multiple posts there.... ^ I have no idea what the chuff happened! Blush

petbear · 15/02/2018 16:30

While I'm pretty sure your DS does not want to feel unhappy in his body, there does seem to be a set of men who are very happy to have found a label/pressure group to justify politically dressing up in women's clothing and getting their kicks that way. They get to have fun and come over as all oppressed too and hence get sympathy from women.

Not from me. I know there are some who are genuine, but as I said earlier, I am not convinced by some of them, and like you, I wonder if it's a way to garner sympathy and attention, and they are sick of being a man, so decide to put a skirt and a wig on and say 'my name is Debbie now, and I am identifying as a woman...'

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