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how many transgender people do you know

504 replies

ambereeree · 14/02/2018 14:50

Just that really. I've only met one at work a man who had the change to a woman.
From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

OP posts:
Movablefeast · 14/02/2018 15:28

There is a M to F supervisor at our local supermarket. Clearly was male. Very nice and good at their job.

T2517 · 14/02/2018 15:28

I knew one from school, M to F. Unfortunately she was involved in drugs and prostitution and passed away recently. Really sad.

Snowzicle · 14/02/2018 15:28

Lots. I move in LGBT heavy circles.

2 of my exes are MtF (one did the full transition plus surgery 20 ish years ago and ID'd as female when we were dating, one is on hormones but no surgery yet. Didn't ID as female when we were dating).

1 of my close friends is FtM and is on testosterone atm. No surgery yet.

I know another 3 FtM on T, 2 of which are post surgery too. 1 more MtF who is on hormones, no surgery yet.

I think I vaguely know 10 or so people in my wider circles, looking at FB. And a bunch more who are "non binary" or "gender queer" which I class as slightly different in my head.

HollyBayTree · 14/02/2018 15:29

Two - both F to M

44PumpLane · 14/02/2018 15:29


DH's ex vicar was MtF but never met her and she has subsequently moved parish.
This was many years ago and she was fully accepted by the church and her parishioners I believe.

Eliza9917 · 14/02/2018 15:30


ShowMePotatoSalad · 14/02/2018 15:30

I know one person who has transitioned. My half cousin (transitioned from male to female).

FurryDogMother · 14/02/2018 15:30

5 well enough to go out for a drink with, probably another 5 or 6 to say hi to in the pub or passing in the street etc. Some F to M, some M to F. Their ages range from early 20s to late 50s. I'm not trans, btw :)

busyboysmum · 14/02/2018 15:30

I know 2 older MtF neither of whom pass but who are just trying to live their lives. They are as horrified as I am at the current aggressive type of TA.

I have a gender non conforming child who I am keeping a careful eye on.

And my friend is currently desperately trying to stop her beautiful lesbian daughter from turning herself into a man. Successfully so far and she seems to be coming to terms with being a lesbian woman.

ShowMePotatoSalad · 14/02/2018 15:31

Oops, I mean transitioned from female to male.

InsomniacAnonymous · 14/02/2018 15:32


UpstartCrow · 14/02/2018 15:32

3 mtf in real life, 3 mtf online.

CanadianJohn · 14/02/2018 15:33

None... though how would I know? It's not like they wear a sign, or something.

DollyPartonsBeard · 14/02/2018 15:34

Lots. But I'm queer and (despite living a long way from any city, let alone one with an LGBT+ 'scene') have many lgbt+ friends.

One of my closest friends is trans and I've worked with several trans people. I also have several non-binary friends. I'm not going to discuss their surgical status as I don't think it's right to discuss anyone's private medical stuff without their knowledge or consent, whether it's a tonsillectomy or an orchidectomy.

Incidentally, none of my trans friends remotely resembles the standard Mumsnet Women's Refuge/ Prison/ Swimming changing rooms perverts we're being warned about, but all of them have faced stigma and abuse at some point about being trans.

lowcarbcath · 14/02/2018 15:35


ThePinkPanter · 14/02/2018 15:35

At least a dozen. 11 MTF and one non-binary biological woman. Nearly all through socialising in LGBT spaces.

Fairylea · 14/02/2018 15:36

None that I’m aware of.

WiseOldHag · 14/02/2018 15:36

two (very) close relatives

UnsuspectedItem · 14/02/2018 15:36

One. F2M. We went to school together.
I was not surprised when I heard as they'd always seemed far more masculine and that gender suits them.

It seems to be "trendy" at the moment, I'm hoping that the fashion-followers move on before it causes damage to women and genuine transgender people.

morningconstitutional2017 · 14/02/2018 15:36

None at all.

ThePinkPanter · 14/02/2018 15:37

And only the non-binary woman and one MTF had any type of physical intervention as far as I know.

NordicNobody · 14/02/2018 15:37

1 former colleague, F to M. We aren't really in touch any more but I keep up to date with him on Facebook and he seems happy. TBH he seemed pretty happy before as well but I guess you never know how someone really feels. I also have an ex boyfriend who fb informs me is now going by a female name, but I have no idea if he (she?) has come out as trans. If they have I wouldn't trust it personally as he was a horribly deceitful manipulative pos when we were together who would frequently lie about having various hard to prove illness to get out of uni work and to cover up his drug and gambling addiction. My female (bisexual) friend also dated a trans woman for a while but I never met her and now they've broken up. She did later admit that part of it was a desire to further aggregate her strict jehovas witness parents, who (as a hard atheist and bisexual) she had a very shaky relationship with. Informing them that not only did she have a gf but that her gf had a penis pushed them over the edge and she is now officially disowned by her family, which I think was the point. That all I can think of.


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Boatsonthewater · 14/02/2018 15:37


BertrandRussell · 14/02/2018 15:38


SapphireChickenLover · 14/02/2018 15:38

I met one years ago, aunt by marriages’ sister in laws new husband, so no relation at all to any of us. ( the family have often been asked the relationship)
He was a pretty grizzly old man who dressed as a woman, ( nasty description, but true) or is that a transvestite ?

Oh and lots of girls at daughters school, have become boys, at least three if not four.

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