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how many transgender people do you know

504 replies

ambereeree · 14/02/2018 14:50

Just that really. I've only met one at work a man who had the change to a woman.
From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

OP posts:
pneumoniaorhypochondriac · 14/02/2018 15:15


FlyingElbows · 14/02/2018 15:16

Three. One adult MTF and two teenagers, one MTF and one FTM. Being a parent of a teenager in that social sphere I see many of them swallowing this "gender" crap hook line and sinker and it's that which worries me. I don't care about trans people who want to live their lives like everyone else, no issue at all. I do care about the regressive bullshit that tells our kids who they are is "wrong" and tells our teens that if they don't present as a pornified extreme of gender that their whole being is wrong. It's so damaging, to all of them. Both trans teens I know are living under extreme maternal gender driven pressure which has led them to believe that if they are the other then they'll be able to fill the gap they perceive themselves to be. I really struggle to see the difference between that and the emotional abuses you read about on the stately homes thread. Is it right to butcher teens because it's cheaper than psychiatry or simply saying "enough of this bullshit. They are perfect whoever they are. Leave them the fuck alone."?

giraffesatthezoo · 14/02/2018 15:16

No adults.

Recently had dinner with two teacher friends, both mentioned at least one female to male in each year of the (different) girls schools they teach in.

Two friends (not close friends) have four and five year old boys who now dress as girls and are at a very early stage of becoming trans kids- I don't know the specific details and I v much doubt there's talk of hormones or anything but both are in the 'system' to some degree.

So to me, it seems like a pyramid- tiny numbers of adults affected, growing and growing they younger people get. But that may just be my circles.

RoseWhiteTips · 14/02/2018 15:16


ShowOfHands · 14/02/2018 15:16

One MtF parent at our small village school, plus another MtF living in the village. Work with a FtM adult. I know a 14yo girl who is self identifying as male and a friend's 14yo DD is currently saying she's a GNC pansexual but "worried" (her words) she's trans.

Fosterdog123 · 14/02/2018 15:17

I've known of 2.

1 was a lecturer at uni. Male to female. The other was in previous company. Another male to female. Caused a right rumpus about loos. I happened to be in the loo at the same time as them once and despite the dress, I was very much aware of being stood in there next to a man.

loobyloo1234 · 14/02/2018 15:19

One. F to M. It came as no surprise

Justanothernameonthepage · 14/02/2018 15:19

3 male to female. One has fully transitioned, one is waiting for final op and one is at start of process.
The 2 furthest along are both in their 60s.

kimlo · 14/02/2018 15:19


But I am seeing a lot more trans people when out and about.

gillybeanz · 14/02/2018 15:19

I see two in our town, but I don't know them personally.
I say hello if I see them as we are friendly types round here who do greet strangers, especially if your paths cross a few times.
Oh sorry, both male to female.

Newscoliosismum · 14/02/2018 15:20

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PerfectlySymmetricalButtocks · 14/02/2018 15:20

3, and one of them is my adult son.

mycelialnetwork · 14/02/2018 15:20

I teach 3 teenage f to m, two are 15, one is 17. They all just look like teenage girls with short hair, who wear hoodies and dm boots, exactly like I did at that age. I do wonder whether it will last into adulthood. None of them are having any hormone treatment, that I know of.

I also used to know a m to f adult when I was a child. She is now deceased, but was married and just accepted as a woman at the club we all belonged to. That was in the 80s.

Frequency · 14/02/2018 15:20

I know a 14yo girl who is self identifying as male and a friend's 14yo DD is currently saying she's a GNC pansexual but "worried" (her words) she's trans

My GNC pansexual teenager is 'worried' she is a lesbian because she has yet to meet a MtF transperson she is attracted to. Apparently, this is transphobic Angry

There was a point where she gave some thought to becoming trans. I don't think teenagers are taking this as seriously as they need to. I lose track of who is who in DD's friendship group because they keep changing their gender/names/sexuality etc.

JaneEyre70 · 14/02/2018 15:20

None. I'm totally perplexed by the fascination with it on MN.

Aeroflotgirl · 14/02/2018 15:21

1 my friends teen who is transitioning from Male to Female.

YassQueen · 14/02/2018 15:21

I know one trans person well; he's one of my best friends.

A few other people I know by sight/name.

stitchglitched · 14/02/2018 15:21

One, MtF. A late transitioner who has fathered children and hasn't had any surgery. Dresses in very 'sexualised' clothing. Would fit the criteria of a fetishist IMO.

sagamartha · 14/02/2018 15:21

Apart from people I've met at clinics, I don't know any. I just know 'me'. I often wonder if I'm the only trans person people who know me know.


Aeroflotgirl · 14/02/2018 15:21

Meant from Female to Male

crunchymint · 14/02/2018 15:23

Depends what you mean by know. I have worked with one M2T.
Socialized with two M2T, and two F2T. Chatted to two other M2T and 1 F2T for quite some time.
And seen a fair number of M2T and F2T where I live.
So yes I have met a fair number of Trans people.

StandardRussian66 · 14/02/2018 15:24

3, they are all very lovely


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crunchymint · 14/02/2018 15:24

Just thought of two other M2T I met a few times at feminist events.

BearSoFair · 14/02/2018 15:26

Two. One is a friend, F to M, only 'came out' (is that the right term? Apologies if not) around 18 months ago in his late 20s but I was surprised how simple it was to adjust to using male pronouns and a new name!

One M to F, much older and living as a woman for many years before I met them.

crunchymint · 14/02/2018 15:27

And some have been fine and others have been obvious fetishists.
I am always actually surprised when people say they have never met any Trans people. I think you would have to have a small social circle to never meet any trans people where I live.
And just though of another M2T I met on a training course.

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