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how many transgender people do you know

504 replies

ambereeree · 14/02/2018 14:50

Just that really. I've only met one at work a man who had the change to a woman.
From the number of threads recently it would appear that people are bumping into trans people everywhere they turn.

OP posts:
TyrannosaurusBex · 14/02/2018 15:54


My nephew (trans woman, still young, contemplating surgery I believe - the family has always expected her decision).

A distant cousin (trans man, also young, lives abroad and I haven't seen him in years so don't know much more than what he posts on social media).

My husband's colleague (middle-aged, was married with children, has grown his hair and had lots of facial surgery, identifies as a man at work and a woman when it suits him).

A friend's ex (middle-aged, recently married to a woman, a MRA, an alcoholic, a habitual liar, lots of paraphilias, kicked out of my house when he insisted that paedophilia is 'a grey area'.

The first two are horrified by TRAs. The third I don't know about. The fourth is one.

Dani240 · 14/02/2018 15:54

Two. One lovely FTM who is a great person but very much a tortured soul. I believe they now identify as non-binary.

One MTF that I knew at university before they transitioned. At the time I found him very odd, very frightening and he had some really strange and upsetting interactions with women. Now I only know them through their Facebook posts and they refer to themselves as a 'dyke' and a 'former catholic schoolgirl' Hmm

demirose87 · 14/02/2018 15:54

I used to know of one, male to female I chatted to online. Was a nice person but took massive offence to everything when there was none intended. I eventually stopped speaking to her as it just felt like too much effort.

AlpacaLypse · 14/02/2018 15:55

One teenager, F to M, who I've known since she joined dds primary school. I've wondered if the fact that the child is a twin with a very pretty very clever sister has had anything to do with it?

Notevilstepmother · 14/02/2018 15:56

What worries me is that genuine pleasant trans people are getting the hate for concerns about predators who might self identify for other reasons.

As @teaandtoast said The trans threads are about self i.d and the men that will abuse it. Not the real trans who just want to go about their lives and who also do not want to see men in female spaces

Real trans people are vulnerable already. How can we support them while not supporting predators? That is the million dollar question. Too many of these threads don’t seem to think any trans people are “real” and that is sad.

userabcname · 14/02/2018 15:56

I have worked with 3. One was F to M, the other 2 were M to F. I also know a fourth (M to F) but he changed his mind about transitioning and now identifies as M again.

DontBuyANewMumCashmere · 14/02/2018 15:57

I have worked with two, separate organisations. One TIM, one TIF. Both nice people, have no problems with either. But on a bigger scale I'd have to say I'm gender critical and would probably be labelled a Terf by most TRAs.

I have met and dealt with many more (I used to work in the 'gay quarter' of a big city).
On an individual level I have zero problem with trans, as a concept. I feel sad for what they must have gone through to get to the stage where you need to chop bits of your body off...

FluffyPineapple · 14/02/2018 15:57
  1. One is male currently undergoing hormone treatment with a view to full sex change

One is a bloke who wears a dress and god awful make - up and has no plans to get rid of his cock

One is female to male currently in the process of conselling

One is 15 year old female who identified as male from age 11. She has recently had a change of heart and is now is a relationship with a male. Her parents don’t seem very pleased... !

One who is a pain in the arse and makes a complete nuisance of himself within the village. He has a cock - with no plans to get rid of it. He demands to be involved with all things female.... eg female only aerobic sessions. He does not wish to partake in activities that include both sexes... eg parent and toddler group.

Our local primary school asked for female volunteers to assist with the girls from year 6 at swimming lessons (Their teacher is male). Said transbloke caused such a rumpus that he couldn’t be considered despite him identifying as female the children nearly missed out on their swim lessons. Lucklily the Headteacher stood her ground and took on a female to help with the female role that was advertised.

This bloke puts on a dress and demands he is accepted as female, yet wears blokes clothes and enjoys activities with blokes when it suits him. Why the fuck are women all expected to bow down to these specimens???
Notevilstepmother · 14/02/2018 15:57

I have to wonder if I’ve met F to M and not noticed!

Sharkofdestruction · 14/02/2018 15:57

One, my old yoga teacher was FtM.

Peekabum · 14/02/2018 15:58

That I know of, 2.

1 MTF, 1 FTM. I went to university with one and worked with the other. We're all late thirties.

I am no longer in contact with one of them as they made Marvin the manic depressive robot look like a ray of ruddy sunshine.

Gemini69 · 14/02/2018 15:58

one.. don't actually know them.. Male to Female.. but they work in my local supermarket.. great hair and makeup... just amazing

TheDailyMailIsADisgustingRag · 14/02/2018 15:58

I don’t know any, except someone, (transitioning male to female), who used to work in the local M&S when I was a teenager.

SuburbanRhonda · 14/02/2018 15:58

MN tends to overlook ftm trans issues in favour of of focusing on the perceived threat posed by mtf trans people.

Please read the threads more carefully. The threat is not from trans people, but from a possible change in the law that would allow any male to access sex-segregated spaces simply by stating that they are a woman.

SuburbanRhonda · 14/02/2018 15:59

Two - one ftm who is my niece’s boyfriend and one ftm who went to my DC’s primary school. Both early 20s.

givemushypeasachance · 14/02/2018 15:59

One MtoF colleague at work I know personally, one FtoM I know socially and a whole bunch more FtoM I "know" via the internet follow on twitter and such.

crackerjacket · 14/02/2018 16:00

That I know of?


Fairenuff · 14/02/2018 16:00

2 trans both FtM

1 pansexual

1 cross dresser

What is the point of this thread?

Maddaddam · 14/02/2018 16:01

I know a few teenagers who identify as trans or non-binary, including my oldest dc, one of their friends from primary, and a couple of children of long term friends. My non-binary teen (who is 17, and also calls themself trans) knows about 30 gender-questioning or trans teens, through national networks.

Most of the teens I know are FtM, which is apparently quite normal, around 70% of teens seeking help are FtM these days. It's hard to reconcline all these kids I know with the image of TransPeople on mumsnet. I also get to go to occasional trans and nonbinary social events with my dc, so I meet quite a lot of trans people there, socially.

I'm a long term card-carrying feminist but my dc and their friends have given me a lot to consider on this issue.

PutDownThatLaptop · 14/02/2018 16:02

Two, but do not know them closely. One person is from my school year and one person I met through work.

RoboticSealpup · 14/02/2018 16:04

Just one, a non-binary person, through work.

RoboticSealpup · 14/02/2018 16:05

(They are biologically male.)


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sallyandherarmy · 14/02/2018 16:07

Hayley off the tele.

So one.

blackberryfairy · 14/02/2018 16:08

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

nobutreally · 14/02/2018 16:10

1 adult MtF who is active in the local church/community.
Vaguely aware of through teenage children/their connections: lots (4 at my kids school as I asked about it recently, couple at their best mate's 'girls' school etc)

I count non-binary/genderqueer/non-confirming is something different in my head: I think about 50% of the people I know might fall into that category if they tried. Including me!

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