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Does everybody get this result on Google?

241 replies

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 13/02/2018 11:40

Try entering this: women killed in 2017. See what the first page of results looks like. I'll post a screenshot of what I got in a bit.

OP posts:
ilovegin112 · 13/02/2018 12:58

I got this

Does everybody get this result on Google?
ilovegin112 · 13/02/2018 12:59

If I put in women murdered it comes up with the transgender items

PaperRockMissile · 13/02/2018 13:00


Thanks for your post

For info: (from Google). I've reported it.

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I got exactly the same and I too like PP have never googled anything about transgender.

I've reported that search too saying it looks like manipulation. More of us should report it.

Dancingfairy · 13/02/2018 13:00

Nothing to do with internet history. I got this aswell and I have NEVER in my life googled anything to do with transgender people (it's not somethig that interets me) I don't even read threads on here about it. I opened this thinking it would be something else.

Fintress · 13/02/2018 13:03

I got a pageful of trans stuff. This has NOTHING to do with my internet history as I've never googled or investigated trans issues ever, and avoid the trans threads on here.

Ditto to all of that. Nothing to do with internet history in the main, more like SEO techniques as a previous poster mentioned.

MrsLettuce · 13/02/2018 13:05

Similar results for me too, so I searched in Dutch and ALL the results are about actual, born women and girls.

AjasLipstick · 13/02/2018 13:06

What I want to know is WHERE have all the pages RELATING to women killed in 2017 gone?

The random things I found.....all four pages of them Hmm were ok why? Because they were mainly Turkish?

Can people remove other people's articles from Google?

What if I wrote something now on a high profile website....with some expert help in the SEO front....would it be pulled?

How can we find out?

Jux · 13/02/2018 13:06

I got this, but I left 'in' out, iyswim.

Does everybody get this result on Google?
AjasLipstick · 13/02/2018 13:07

Lettuce I should add that I am in Australia and my results are the same as the UK people.

Terftastic · 13/02/2018 13:09

Yes, I do. I get the same results no matter how I phrase the question - 2 pages of transwomen - but for 2 results. Considering I follow Karen Ingala Smith, google women's aid/feminist stuff frequently - this is somewhat surprising.

Welcome to the new world order. It's 1984.

crunchymint · 13/02/2018 13:10


soupforbrains · 13/02/2018 13:10

actually @bluecashmere it comes up with all the trans sites whether I use killed or murdered.

So I guess something HAS changed since the last time this debate was brought up....

MrsLettuce · 13/02/2018 13:11

Yy, I think it's bacause so few people speak Dutch compared to English. Makes manipulating the results less important/valuable, maybe. Would be interesting to see results in other languages too, I'd bet the 'big' languages have the most trans heavy results

AnnieAnoniMouse · 13/02/2018 13:14

10/11 were Trans.

It’s getting well out of hand.

soupforbrains · 13/02/2018 13:16

Yes I just checked. clearly the activists have been less active in French.

"Femmes Tuees en 2017" brings up nothing relating to trans women killed at all. or at least not for as far down the results as I could be bothered to look.

MissMoneyPlant · 13/02/2018 13:16

I just tried to google using Tor, but google won't let me...
Using DuckDuckGo search (that supposedly doesn't track you), and with a clear internet history, I got tons of trans results.

30 results on the first page, 15 were about trans (14 about murdered women, one about "women who killed it in 2017" Hmm).

7 out of the first 10 results were about trans people (not even just transwomen!)

I don't know how the algorithms work so not sure what this means, but I'm pissed off about it!

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 13/02/2018 13:20

If you add UK to your search
"women murdered in 2017 UK"

You don't get the same problem so perhaps it is a more US focussed approach,

Mrsknackered · 13/02/2018 13:21

Would just like to say I have never, ever googled trans stuff. Perhaps once, Lily Madigan. That is all. It's also my top result, I then checked on my DP's iPad who definitely has not googled it and it's his also.

So no, it's not personalised.

And, it's horrific.

floriad · 13/02/2018 13:23

Btw, if I search it in German: 0 trans news
If I search this or similar terms in Italian: 0 trans news
Similar results for Swedish, Spanish and French, btw.

This seems to be more of an anglosphere phenomenon.

(These results were obviously also influenced by my own search history. But I got 7 trans related results when I googled this in English on the first page of the G^google search results.)

kaitlinktm · 13/02/2018 13:24

I searched in French - no trans mentioned there.

MissMoneyPlant · 13/02/2018 13:24

Chaz also only one trans result on first page if you select UK results only...

DontCallMeCharlotte · 13/02/2018 13:24

I just asked a colleague who's never been on Mumsnet and who would know nothing about the trans debate to type it into Google and she got a whole load of trans results.

Incidentally, I have MN and FB on my work PC and don't usually log out, even when I close the pages. I find it quite disoncerting that an advert relating to something I have searched on at work will come up on my phone or kindle (which also have MN and FB logged in, if not open).

Google is becoming a bit of a monster. As is the trans world.

HughLauriesStubble · 13/02/2018 13:26

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Eddierussett · 13/02/2018 13:27

Searching in German seems to bring up mainly stories about women and domestic violence.

VladmirsPoutine · 13/02/2018 13:33

Mine was also majority trans related.

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