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Does everybody get this result on Google?

241 replies

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 13/02/2018 11:40

Try entering this: women killed in 2017. See what the first page of results looks like. I'll post a screenshot of what I got in a bit.

OP posts:
picklemepopcorn · 17/02/2018 18:35

2016 is a bit less trans dominated now, but the other years are still mainly trans.

WeAreGerbil · 17/02/2018 18:18

I'm getting all the trans stuff and I actually been google a lot of info about violence against women for work over the past couple of months.

VaguelyAware · 17/02/2018 18:02

I've just searched this again - still mostly trans.

thatcoldfeeling · 17/02/2018 17:52

I have actually been quite dubious about people who think trans people are erasing women, but this has really made me reconsider.
But then again, could this have been done by anti-trans people to promote outrage against trans people?
IDK. Whoever has done this it is disturbing and whatever their agenda, it is hateful.

TheButterflyOfTheStorms · 17/02/2018 17:46

This has changed for me. Back to mostly biological women.

Has Google changed it?

Terftastic · 14/02/2018 23:39

Don't worry about it - just start talking to your friends and relatives about it. I was pleasantly surprised recently to find out my mum knew all about this stuff - from listening to R4. She's in total agreement against Self ID.

We're all out there - very few women will be in favour of the transactivist agenda shite. Spread the word - we're not happy.

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 22:27

You were rather terse splendide, which made it hard to answer your question.

Patodp · 14/02/2018 21:57

You're more likely to be murdered BY a TIM than be murdered IF your a TIM.

Does everybody get this result on Google?
splendide · 14/02/2018 21:39

Sorry I didn’t mean to sound aggressive. I honestly didn’t understand the stat - so it’s fewer white TIMs are murdered than any other race/ gender status combo. That is extraordinary.

I’m on your “side” by the way - for want of a better word. I’m totally gender critical feminist. So you don’t need to attack me.

Nickynackynoodle · 14/02/2018 21:31

From murder. So despite misgendeting literally killing thousands of TIMs, fewer white trans identified men are murdered than any other demographic (US Research). Amazing really.

splendide there’s plenty of research out there if you want to satisfy what seems your disproportionately passionate curiosity. from the American journal of public health if you want the full article, just ask. With loads of short, aggressive questions. Ok? And yes, safer than other men are. HTH.

bluescreen · 14/02/2018 21:24

I just asked DH to google this. He uses completely separate kit from me, has never googled trans anything, has no interest in the subject and rolls his eyes if ever I mention my latest peak trans moment. But he got the same results too. Google bomb. His first reaction was that it could be Russians trying to discredit Google (!). Then I got him to try using Duck Duck Go (which he'd never even heard of) and he had a WTF moment. Yes, he agreed, there must be a few very determined people making lots and lots of links with lots of bots to make this happen.

Fluffyunicorns · 14/02/2018 21:12

Yep 7 of my top 10 are trans and I have not done any searches on trans!

LemonysSnicket · 14/02/2018 21:12

Women murdered in 2017 brings up the exact same search results for me.

And I don’t google anything to do with trans stuff on google and tend to stay off of the trans threads on here ..

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 21:08

Safer than women are.

victoire1208 · 14/02/2018 21:08

That's outrageous. They really are a load of pathetic little boys.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 14/02/2018 21:01

From what you're saying you think anyone who has a trans children puts them through all the surgery/transition as children?? I for one have never come across this.

The government's go to charity for all matters concerning transgender children is Mermaids. The Chief Executive of Mermaids, Susie Green, had a transgender child herself, allegedly the youngest person in the world to have had sex reassignment surgery. It was done in Thailand when he was 16. It's now illegal even in Thailand to have SRS at that age. Prior to the surgery the child had put been put on oestrogen by a US physician when he was 13. That couldn't be done in the UK because it's against NHS guidelines.

Mermaids and similar organisations are very keen that cross hormones should be handed out in the UK much younger than the NHS is currently doing. This is already happening in the US and Canada. There are surgeons over there who are performing double mastectomies on teenage girls who identify as transgender.

OP posts:
splendide · 14/02/2018 20:46

From sexual violence? All violence? Safer than other men are?

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 19:29

Safer from men.

splendide · 14/02/2018 18:37

You’re safer as a TIM than any other demographic.

Safer than who? And from what?

Exiguous · 14/02/2018 18:35

I'm missing something ... why are people so furious over this?

Because the most commonly used search engine in the world should work properly and not be susceptible to its results being manipulated in this way.

Terftastic · 14/02/2018 18:34

Misgendering comes from a sense of annoyance that posters on here feel when they have reached peak trans - and are being asked to believe transwomen are women - just because they say so - even though they have had no surgery or hormones - so are male-bodied.

Or when they read Shon Faye on Twitter saying "hey women, welcome to your erasure". Or maybe a Labour councillor saying "You've lost, and you'll lose a bit more every day" to women on Twitter. You know, that stuff gets to you after a while.

Most posters say they would always use preferred pronouns in any real life situation out of courtesy.

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 18:31

Misgendering is interesting, Whine. If I was talking to a trans person, I would use their preferred pronouns though I would expect a little leeway for accidental mistakes. I would do that out of kindness, because I wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable.

However, a Trans Identifying Man is in fact biologically male, so it would make me very uncomfortable to to use her/she.

I am happy for the TIMs to wear what they like, call themselves what they like, etc. I am not happy for them to displace women from places specifically set aside for women. Not even google search results.

Nickynackynoodle · 14/02/2018 18:22

Trans identified man. You’re safer as a TIM than any other demographic. Two women a week killed in the U.K. and According to this search, TIMs are more relevant than women? Nah.

WhineandDine1 · 14/02/2018 18:15

Sorry to be slow that's TIMs?
Fair enough is the annoyance is coming from disproportionate reporting but still, I've seen some fairly abhorrent comments on here- misgendering etc.

picklemepopcorn · 14/02/2018 18:13

Women murdered in 2017 gets one hit out of the whole page of trans focused results.
In 2016 and 18 it's 5 of each.

Why is that? When the number or TIMs killed is vanishingly small in comparison to the number of women?

Obviously, it's shocking for each and every one of these individuals and their families. But statistically there is something off about those results, and it's very troubling for women.

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